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Many of my fellow group-mates requesting to share my experience regarding PLAB

1 preparation.
So this is for them and all of my brothers and sisters all over the world.
1 month of study is enough for passing plab 1 if u have done ur housejob , if u r a
fresh graduate and if u have basic knowledge regarding medical education ( which
all of u have I know)
But, I think for perfect preparation and to have a good hold over the entire topic u
will need at least 3 months. No less.
I passed my IElTs in August. Started preparing from 15 th august. So I got 2 and half
months in total for preparation. Still when I reached last week before my exam, I felt
10 more days wud have been better for preparation. But I got 175, and I am very
satisfied with my mark. Here is what I did
1. Total 45 days: First I solved 1700 MCQ with two of my friends. We used to
solve 60 questions per day with 20 questions for each individual. I went
through the pros and cons of each questions. We went through each and
everything for a single topic. We took help from Dr. khalid Saifullahs solved
material , he did a great job, thanx to him. At that time he solved around 400
question. So after that we ran through NICE and Oxford books.
Also, me specifically used the searched button many many times which came
out very handy. So solve 1700 this way:
a) Open a skype group
b) Gather 4 members
c) Distribute questions
d) Find help in Dr, Khalids solved MCQ, Oxford, NICE,, Samson
e) Take help form group members, if u find any MCQ confusing.
f) Use search button frequently, Because almost 95% questions have been
discussed by previous plabbers.
g) Cover Oxford for each question.
h) Take time to solve the 1700. We needed 1 month.
i) After 1 month, Start revising, take 15 days to revise. Including all the
topics U went through during discussion.
Tip: One thing I found very irritating was there were so many confusions and
many many wrong keys in 1700 as well as in the mocks. But at the end of the
day, if u are capable of finding the wrong keys that means u have that ability
to pass the exam easily. After solving 1700 I found that I covered almost 60%
of oxford handbook. So I was very much confident.

2. Total 30 days: After 1700, I started passmedicine and mocks. I used to do 1

mock at morning and passmedicine at night. Trust me U can pass Plab
without passmedicine. But passmedicine has long scenarios and difficult

topics. U donot have to memorise all of them. There were 3000 questions. I
solved around 800 questions. Each day I used to do solve 5 questions from
each subject. I found difficulties in GYN , OBS , contraceptions, Psychiatry,
Skin, CVS, Neuro, Epidemiology. I solved many many questions in these
sections of passmedicine. So find ur weakness and go to that section of
Regarding the mock: after 1700, I didnt pass a single day without mocks.
Initilally, It took me whole day to do 200 MCQ. Its difficult to hold
concentration for 3 hours. So what I did, one day I solved 1 MOCk , next day I
went for the mistakes I made, why I made the mistakes, made sure I dont do
it further.
a) At morning ,do mocks like u r gving the real exam ( first solve the Samson
7 mocks, 2015 mocks, then after u r done with Samson go for swammy
Next morning , solve the mistakes
b) At night, solve passmedicine ( not more than total 15 days, dont waste ur
time doing too much passmed)
c) Next 15 days after passmed, solve Oxford handbook and assess and
progress. Both medicines and the specialty. U can go to exam without
doing passmed bt dont go to exam without doing these two books. I wont
be able to explain how structured these books are. Questions will not
come from these books. But, it will clear ur concepts and give u enough
confident. I made thousands of short note while solving these books. Still,
I cudnt solve the whole book. I wished I had 10 more days to solve these
books. Warning is: solve these books only after doing 1700, few mocks
and passmed.
d) In the meantime, keep solving mocks at morning as I told u before.
Total=30 days done.

3) next 7 days: continue solving mocks. Do mocks as much as u can. I found many
many repetitions from
Samson mocks. Not swammy mocks. Do swammy if u
have time after solving Samson. U can go through swammy topic wise as well.. I
cudnt solve topic wise bcz I didnt have the time.
I solved total 15 mocks in total ( Samson + swammy).

4) last 7 days: revise 1700, Samson mocks( only the mistakes), and oxford
5) last day: relax, revise the difficult topics like the emergency sections at the end of
oxford, few pages here and there,

Regarding Samson notes: They are very very good with many clinchers and shortcuts, but I didnt went through these notes because the notes I had they were not
updated. I only read the psychiatry note and few topic while solving 1700 as I
mentioned before.
Another thing: participate in group discussions after u have done 1700. My cleared
my many many confusions through these discussions. Be flexible, not stubborn. But
if u r confident enough then share ur opinion. If one of the group member come up
with a better concept and reference, dont hesitate to follow it. It will be unwise to
fighting around with somebody over a single topic. But constructive criticism is
definitely appreciated. Many members of these group sometimes post USMLE
questions, and hard questions which are irrelevant to PLAB. Our main purpose here
to pass PLAB, not to hone our knowledge. Because USMLE protocols and royal
college protocols differ from PLAB, GMC strictly follow NICE. So if u find any question
USMLE, just ignore those posts. It will mess with ur brain.
Finally, Good luck for everyone, And keep me in ur paryer for PLAB 2.

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