Recent Titles From: Using The Bible in Spiritual Direction

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Recent titles from

 Robin Gill ...........................................................................................................................


Using the Bible in Spiritual Direction

Michael DeJonge ..........................................................................................................................

  !  "      Gordon Leah ..............................
$ %  & '!( Joshua D. A. Bloor .................................................................
* !(  ! +  , -- Paul Avis ................................................................
The Collected Works of Edward Schillebeeckx /  Robin Gill .................................................
% 0 1
 A. E. Harvey ....................................................................................... 3

1( / 4 (  5  + 67 Gavin D'Costa ........................................ 38
+ "/  including
' 9+ 427 The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible and the Arts .................................. 
; <! God's Presence ................................................................................................ 

Liz Hoare
This is the authentic voice of a spiritual guide who is widely read, deeply
thoughtful and richly experienced. All this comes together in a book which
roots the increasingly important practice of spiritual direction in the core
Christian text of the Bible. This is the book we have needed for a long time.
The Rt Revd John Pritchard

78 0 281 07220 0 | 14

* 2  Lying and Christian Ethics .................................................................. :

Reading Backwards

6 "2 1%   2 $ A Trinitarian Theology of Religions ...................... :8

Richard B. Hays

 & Writing Methods in Theological Reflection ......................................................... :.

' $ ................................................................................................................................. 83

With his characteristic blend of biblical and literary scholarship, Hays opens
new and striking vistas on texts we thought we knew and, particularly, on the
early churchs remarkable belief in Jesus as the embodiment of Israels God.
N. T. Wright, Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity
University of St Andrews

Theology 4-''$ 3383=>#

?  388= ) 7   0   (  @( 1 1( @( ' 
$/ ( '9*A    '6 4 !  $ % '! &! %*72
Editor: * 9 " 6 6< '9*A : * '  '&
9 8' 2

Editorial Board: 9  * 4 *!7 9 6 %/ 4 0 B/(7 9  6
4* B/(7 9 %/  4 0 B/(7 "/ 9 @( 1 4 ! B/(7 " "/
' 9 4  &+7 % & ;2 ' 4*  ! -C( 97 ,( "/ ; & 4%
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!!    !  6+     2 $     + 
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Books for review     @ *+ 6< '9*A : * '  '&
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Liz Hoare is Tutor for Spiritual Formation at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and has
been giving and receiving spiritual direction for over 25 years.

78 0 281 074
7 08 2 | 16

Richard B. Hays is Dean and George Washington Ivey Professor of New

Testament, Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina.

The SPCK Dictionary of Theology and Hermeneutics

Anthony C. Thiselton
Displaying remarkable breadth and scholarly erudition, this substantial
reference book offers an invaluable guide to theology. Its range, clarity and
points of entry for further study are all highly commendable. Teachers and
students of theology are indebted to Thiselton for his herculean labour.
David Fergusson, Professor of Theology, University of Edinburgh

978 0 281 07374 0 | 40.00

Anthony C. Thiselton is Emeritus Professor of Christian Theology at the

University of Nottingham.

The Minister as Entrepreneur

Michael Volland
What does it mean to be an entrepreneur and how do entrepreneurs function?
This book demystifies the term, sets it in a larger theological and sociological
context and helps the reader to see why entrepreneurial approaches are healthy
and necessary for our mission in the world.
Cathy Ross, Tutor in Contextual Theology, Ripon College Cuddesdon

9 9!   " ( $@ B'2 9    !  Theology F 1( !
-  : >  " / $@ 3#33
9  =  ( 9! 2 BA2

978 0 281 07182 1 | 14.99

Michael Volland is Director of Mission at Cranmer Hall, Durham University,

and Missioner to nine parishes in east Durham.

Available from all good bookshops and online

TJX-118-3 cover.indd 2

24-03-2015 19:11:29

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