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International Scientific Conference

on Sustainable Development & Ecological Footprint

March 26-27 2012

Sopron, Hungary

Precision Agriculture Technical Development for a

Sustainable Agriculture
Gbor MILICS Norbert SMUK Istvn VIRG Mikls NEMNYI
Institute of Biosystems Engineering, University of West Hungary, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
Mosonmagyarvr, Hungary,, 9200, Mosonmagyarvr Vr 2.

Abstract Precision agriculture technology is a farm management system, which relies on various
measurements, data collections and analysis, as well as decision making. Measurements include soil
chemical and physical characteristics determination, grain yield and quality measurements, and several
remotely sensed property determination as well. Data collection can be carried out by various means:
first possibility is to collect data by hand with the help of handheld GPS which is time and workforce
consuming, second possibility is automated but offline data collection and the third is on-the-go or online data collection. Data analysis depending on the collected raw data and its usage for applications
can be carried out immediately, or it can be uploaded into GIS software for further analysis.
Decision making is the responsibility of the farmers, however the applied technical units and
interpretation of the measured data can provide a great help for the objective choice.
The technological cycle requires various applications (herbicides, fungicides, nutrient replenishment,
etc) which can not be carried out without reliable positioning and the upgraded machines.
Institute of Biosystems Engineering focuses on research concerning most aspects of precision
agriculture. In this paper authors provide a summary on the results that Precision Plant Production
Research Group has achieved. In the article we are focusing on the most up-to-date technological
solutions as well as different approaches such as economical calculations, modelling, or energetic
approach concerning precision agriculture. According to the research achievements based on the data
collected for more than ten years, we can state that precision agricultural technology is a plant
production practice, which is environmentally friendly, economical and most importantly energetically
Keywords: precision agriculture / technical development / sustainability



Precision or site specific agriculture is one possibility for farmer to fulfil the high
requirements that market dictates nowadays.
BERZSENYI and GYORFFY (1995) during their research have proved that yield is highly
depending on two influencing factor: nutrient replenishment (by 30.7%) and genotype (30%).
The role of genotype has been also emphasized by SRVRI (1982).
Research concerning precision (site-specific) agriculture have been started in Hungary by
Hungarian Academy of Sciences and its Research Institutes in the late 90s (G YORFFY, 2000).
Economical questions of the technology were investigated among others by L OWENBERGDEBOER (1996). Available Hungarian literature primarily focuses on precision plant protection
issues, such as return of investment and efficiency of the technology (T AKCSN- GYRGY ET
AL., 2008; LENCSS - TAKCSN-GYRGY, 2008, TAKCSN-GYRGY, 2011).
Unfortunately in Hungary there are very few publications dealing with economy of
nutrient replenishment. Most of the published works are investigating the return of investment
(SMUK ET AL., 2009; SMUK ET AL., 2011). Research on this issue is in focus at the Institute of

Biosystems Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of West

Hungary (NEMNYI ET AL., 2006).
In this paper authors draw attention to the fact that up-to-date plant production requires
complex approach which requires economical knowledge in order to produce profit for the
agricultural enterprises.
Authors during this research project were examining technological development
possibilities of precision agriculture. In earlier research economic circumstances
(profitability) were mapped in a special profit-map (S MUK ET AL., 2010), among other
influencing factors on decision making. Parallel to these calculations optimal amount of
fertilizer (nitrogen) in the given economic circumstances were calculated, where profit and
energy balance would have been the maximum.



Calculations carried out for the 15.3 ha research field located at N 47 54 19.71 E 17 15
0.807 belonging to University of West Hungary, Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences,
cultivated by Institute of Biosystems Engineering.
The field is located in an alluvial plain. The area is humus alluvial soil; in the upper soil
layer humus content varies between 1.4-2.8%. The differences in humus content show the
same pattern as all other properties. In the areas where humus content is lower sand fraction
significantly increases, on the other hand where humus content is higher clay and silt fraction
increases. Nutrient replenishment was carried out by an AMAZONE ZAM 1500 Tronic type
fertilizer. In order to carry out the variable rate application dGPS signals were used during the
fertilizer replenishment work in the 63 experimental units. For the determination of the
fertilizer dose ProPlanta model was applied. In the same field a four and a three ha area was
used as a control, therefore in this two area conventional plant production methods were
applied. In order to calculate the profit maximum, our assumption was that the maximum of a
quadratic function can be found in its derivative; therefore profit functions were determined
first for the given year, and then the derivation of these functions gave the profit maximum.
Based on the regression equations mathematical models were used in order to define the
production value (Pv), the total cost (Tc) and the profit (P) functions.
Seeding was carried out by a KUHN MAXIMA 2 type 6 row equipment. Trimble TruClutch pneumatic system was applied additionally. Automatic stearing was applied with
Trimble EZ-Guide 500 and EZ-Boom 2010. Site specific plant protection was carried out by a
HARDI RANGER 18 m boom sprayer. This equipment was able to apply planned doses
differently (VRA) according to planned values. Actuation was carried out by AgLeader
Technology InSight monitor and DirectCommand actuation system.



The correlation between the data set of prescription map to the data set of as-applied map was
determined. In some areas of the management zones, the R value between the as-applied and
prescribed rates was 0.87. This result was attributed to scattering that was attributed to a

sluggish system response (when changing from low to high application rates). When the
tramlines of the tractor were close to the neighbouring management zones, the distribution
was done beyond the border of the actual management zone. This is another important fact
that affects the accuracy of the distribution work.

Figure 1. The map of recorded as-applied amounts of N fertilizer [kg/ha].

On the map of recorded as-applied amounts of N fertilizer (Fig. 1.), it can be seen, that in
some cases, the as-applied rate is more or less than the prescribed rate. This symptom that is
caused by the above mentioned technological deficiencies could be recognized by analysing
the recorded values inside the areas of all treatment units. However, the mean value that
represents about 0.25 ha of the whole area shows a strong correlation to the prescribed rates.
Following the nutrient replenishment, fertilizers were immediatelly rotated into the soil during
seed-bed preparation. During planting RTK GPS system was applied and due to the
application of site specific technology duble planting was avoided, therefore seeds could have
been saved during this process ( Fig 2.).

Figure 2. Results of site specific planting

During precision plant protection we were investigating the possibility of efficient
protection against weeds. Due to the monitoring possibility 5588 measurement points were
collected (Fig. 3.). According to the microrelief differences the measured data was not correct

in every sampling point therefore outliers had to be removed from the database. Comparing
the planned and monitored data after the outlier removal reliability of the system showed

90% precision. The fals data were occuring where changes between various doses appeared,
as well as where starting/stopping happened.

Figure 3. Measured monitoring points during plant protection



According to the results of this research, map-based fertilizer distribution is achievable in a

high technical level and in a responsible way; however, it could be greatly improved. After a
rapid rate change, the applicator needs time until it is able to distribute the target fertilizer
amount. It is recommended for the operator to slow down when the applicator reaches the
boundary of the treatment units, if different fertilizer rates are required/have to be distributed.
By calculating the size of the treatment units (grid-cells of equal size), multiples of the
required working width have to be taken into account. In this case, it will be possible to
minimize the distribution of the fertilizer beyond the border of the actual treatment unit.
Precision planting requires GPS settings to be correct, because this actuates the clutches
of the system. Due to the very precise connection row positioning mechanical weed protection
can be carried out easily which is an addition to the efficiency of the technology.
According to the data collected during VRA of plant protection agents 7% reduction was
achievable, however it is more important to emphasize on the algorithm developed during the
research project which provides objective dicision making possibilities for the farmers.
Acknowledgements: We wish to thank for TMOP 4.2.1.B-09/1/KONV-2010-0006 for the
financial support as well as for the Jnos Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian
Academy of Sciences.

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