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Santosh B

Mobile: 732-374-4352
Java/J2EE Developer

Having 7+ years of IT industry experience with expertise on Java/J2EE technology

in Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Documentation and Implementation of
software applications.
Good Understanding of J2EE Architecture, Design Patterns, Object Oriented
Programming concepts, Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture and Agile
Expertise in development of multi-tiered web based enterprise applications using
J2EE technologies like Servlets, JSP, Java, JDBC, EJB and Java Beans.
Experience in using Hibernate, Spring Framework in designing & developing web
applications and primary concentration in the integration of these technologies
(JSP -spring-Hibernate) to achieve a working application.
Experience in using Spring JPA for advance level of querying the database using
Spring JPA built-in and custom methods.
Experienced in Tools like Red Rose which is used to get the requirements from
UML Diagram.
Experience and Expertise in design and development of Web services
Technologies on Rest, SOAP, WSDL, Soap UI, XML.
Experience in Web UI development using HTML, Json, Java Script, JQuery, CSS, and
Involved in Requirement gathering, High level and Low level design, Testing
support, Production implementation in many projects and Post Production support.
Have strong experience in Technical Leadership, Design, Development,
Performance Tuning and meeting project deadlines.
Always believed in Test Driven Development (TDD) approach.
Experience in Development, Code review, Refactoring and Test & deployments.
Having experience in Application Servers like JBoss, TomCat , Web logic.
Having good experience in using Log4j, Maven and SVN.
Extensively worked on Eclipse, NetBeans, STS.
Strong use of Shell scripting languages including BASH for Linux and Mac
platforms and PowerShell for Windows systems.
Experienced in Agile Methodology and WaterFall model.
Excellent communication and inter-personal skill, self-motivated, and detail

Languages: Java, C/C++, Sql, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, JQuery
Operating Systems: Windows, Unix
Software Design Methodologies: SDLC, UML, Design Patterns, Agile
J2EE Web Technologies: HTML, Servlets, JSP
J2EE Enterprise Technologies: JDBC, JNDI
J2EE Web Services: SOAP, WSDL, JAX-RPC, RESTful, Apache
J2EE Frameworks: Spring MVC, Hibernate, Spring AOP, Spring JPA
XML Technologies: XML, DTD, XML Schema
Database: Oracle 10g/11g, MySql
Servers & IDE: Tomcat, JBoss, BEA Weblogic , Eclipse, NetBeans , STS

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Tools: Ant, Maven, Log4j, Junit, SQL Developer, Jenkin

Version Control: SVN, Git hub

Curam Developer
Project: Department of Health and Human Services, Lincoln, NE

Aug-2016 to

System Analysis & Design and prepare design document.
Develop design diagrams and ERD in MS Visio.
Estimation of the resources and person days for each module.
Knowledge transfer to team member and assign work regarding their modules.
Actively involve the telephone calls with requirement team.
Give suggestion for more improvement in the application.
Developed the online application module with latest Curam technology IEG2
(Intelligence Evidence Gatheting2).
Develop mapping of online application data to Evidence Entities. Written the
mapping algorithm from Curam Data Store (CDS) to Evidence entities.
Develop ruleset on latest Curam technology CERT.
Check with requirement team about the design and pages.
Code the pages in UIM XML files.
Model the process class and strut classes in Rational Rose.
Design the evidence tables.
Coding of the business layers in Curam (V6.2) framework.
Co- ordinate developer level testing with team members.
Code review of the team members according to the coding standards.
Write code for Junit test cases.

Sr. Java/J2EE Developer

Apr 2014
July 2016
Client: Bank of America, NY
Project: Intergraded Desktop Program
Synopsis: "Intergraded Desktop Program" in an initiative from Consumer Banking to
support the Call Center LOB with an assessment of the current Call Center Servicing
Desktop environment as well as activities related to the Desktop Framework Program.
This assessment will cover three business units: Deposits, Card and CD/CCIRA for the
consumer and small business segments. The Integrated Desktop Framework is a set of
applications and processes that run as background services to allow communication
between user applications running on a Windows PC. The Consumer Banking side of Bank
of America decided to use the IDF on Channel side to synch up several customer service
applications and being extracting common components that can be reused in many

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JAD (Joint Analysis Discussion) with Architects and Business for requirement
analysis & gathering.
Design and Develop a Proof of Concept to ensure/validate the proposed
Break the requirements into the Story Points and provide estimate on Version One.
Involved in applying Agile (SCRUM) for different phases of the module.
Designed and developed the front end application using HTML, JSP, and Struts 2
Implemented jQuery, JavaScript and Ajax for front implementation.
Implemented the modules using the Struts 2 MVC.
Designed and Implemented the DAO layer using Spring, Hibernate.
Developed and used REST Web Services using CXF and Spring 3.
Implemented test cases using JUnit.
Monitoring the error logs using Log4J.
Engage in User Acceptance Testing (UAT).
Work and coordinate with various support systems in global deliver model.
Integration, performance testing and defect resolutions.
Engage in Production deployment and support.
Involved in Unit Testing of Various Modules based on the Test Cases.
Involved in Bug fixing of various modules that were raised by the Testing teams in
the application during
the Integration testing phase.
Involved and participated in Code reviews.
Used Log4J logging framework for logging messages.
Used Rational ClearCase for version control.
Used Rational Clear Quest for bug tracking.
Involved in deployment of application on IBM Websphere Application Server.
Coordinated with other teams to ensure availability of components and
Resolved data quality issues raised by end users in each of the applications.
Participated in the deployment of applications across multiple sites and platforms.
Environment: Cicero, Desktop Framework (BoA Proprietary), Contact Center Framework
(BoA Proprietary), IBM's Borneo Framework, Java/J2EE, Spring, Struts, Websphere, REST
Webservices, Javascript, Jquery, Oracle.
Software Engineer
Jan 2013 Mar
Client: Barclays, Wilmington, DE
Project: Credit Surveillance Report
Credit Surveillance Report is a web application providing UI for user to review the client's
exposure and
generate the PDF report. This application is mainly used for Investment Bank clients
having more than 1mn
in exposure. CSR application pulls the data from the Credit Risk
Supporting UAT and QA testing. Responsible for analyzing and identifying the issues,
recreating the issues
and finally fixing the issue. Also responsible for issues which are not possible to create at

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Supported many critical issues reported in Prod and UAT environment.

Migrated the application from Web logic 8.1 to 9.2 servers. I was responsible for whole
migration project
wherein I did migration for various API's like Apache_xbeans, Documentum client
upgrade, upgrading
connector module to Web logic work manager.
like Maintain Case, Case Closure, Meetings, Special Needs, Desktop etc using Custom
tag libraries Struts,
Spring Framework (IOC, AOP, Spring-Security).
Developed User Interface using Struts JSTL and Tiles framework
Developed set of Action classes using Struts for handling business logic and (iBATIS) for
data logic
Developed modules that integrate with ASP.NET Web Services using SOAP/ HTTP1.0
that provide global
information support such as Social Service Payment System (SSPS).
Developed various document forms using Office automation.
Developed and created stored procedures, advanced SQL queries, views, indexes,
tables, sequences, and
functions for databases.
Determine the time and level of effort estimates for assigned tasks.
Environment: Spring Framework 2.5, Struts 1.3, iBATIS 2.3, Java, JSP, Servlets, JSTL,
Tiles, Java Beans,
JDBC, JavaScript, ANT, XML, HTML/DHTML, JUnit, SOA, Web Services, PL/SQL, SVN, Eclipse
3.3, JBoss
1.4 and Windows XP
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
August 2011 - Dec 2012
Client: State Street Bank- Boston, MA
Project: CanITrade
CanITrade is a new initiative to enhance the current application Catie. This will be more
strategic solutions
over the current application. Web-based solutions for financial services application.
Establish fair value of
derivatives, equities and fixed income using comparable quotes, prices and discounted
cash flows. Categorize
assets and liabilities as Level 1, 2 and 3 for financial reporting. Accounting for options,
loan loss reserves,
goodwill impairment and earnings per share, both basic and fully diluted. Heavy trading
volume from internal
and external sources.
Architect the overall functional and technical design for the web-based product
Implemented a single sign-on (SSO) using Central Authentication Service (CAS).
by integrating with Spring Security.
Designed and developed various Java based financial components like Import engine,
fair value valuation,
generic Workflow engine, dashboard for multiple products using Spring MVC Framework
Spring -Security).

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Used Ext JS framework as UI components to implement various functionalities like

windows, panels, sortable
and editable grid components, form and tree layout.
Developed set of persistent classes using Hibernate API in the data layer for data
manipulation. Cocoordinating with the offshore team to prepare the LLD (Low Level Design Document).
Working with consumer application to onboard them to integrate with the application.
Participating in developing POC component to prove the technical challenges related to
Developed set of web services using axis API to interact with Oracle NetSuite for
getting transaction and
used REST implementation for sending various financial reports to a client.
Wrote PL/SQL packages for various financial reports.
Manage the change requests and client customizations by being in continuous contact
with the clients and
business teams.
Developed unit tests using JUnit.
Environment: Spring 2.5, Hibernate 3.2, Java/J2EE(JSP, Servlets, JDBC, Beans), Ant, Web
Services (REST,
SOAP 1.1 /WSDL 1.1), Apache Axis 1.1, Oracle 10g, XML, XSLT, JavaScript, AJAX/DHTML,
Firebug , Ext
JS 2.2, JSON 2.2, XML, JUnit 4.4, UML, PL/SQL, SVN, Eclipse 3.3, Tomcat 6x , WinSCP 4.1,
Fusion Charts
and Windows XP.
Java/J2EE Developer
Jan 2011 - July
Client: eCredit Financial Services, MA.
Project: Global Financing Network
Synopsis: eCredit is a leading provider of credit, financing and receivables management
solutions for business-to-business and business-to-consumer commerce. eCredits
software solutions and services, run on eCredit's Global Financing Network, an Internetbased platform that intelligently connects businesses to financing partners and global
information sources at the point-of-sale, providing businesses the opportunity to offer
instant, electronic, credit and financing services. Involved in the technical design
discussions with different clients and responsible for design, development,
implementation, testing and support for GFN.


Analyzing and designing requirements provided by business users.

Working with Enterprise level applications that communicate through Web

Services, also improving my troubleshooting/Debugging skills when dealing
with these Web Services with SOAPUI.

Integration and Unit testing implementation for code refactor.

Responsible for coding, testing, enhancement, bug fixes for the project.

Generated pdf document using Itext.

Written Junit test cases for unit testing.

Analysis of Business Requirements.

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Development of the web tier components using HTML, CSS, JSP,JQuery and
Development and enhancement of the stored procedures and DAO classes.

Analysis and fixing the beta defects in User acceptance testing.

Extensive participation in application integration testing.

Developed business logic layer using Struts Framework and integrated

Developed Data Access Objects (DAO) for interacting with the database using
Implemented ORM Hibernate framework, for interacting with Oracle 10g.
Developed build Scripts using Maven to build and deploy the application.

Involved in the download functionality of PDF using iText.

Worked on Web service Provider and Consumer using JAX-WS and REST
Used firebug for debugging the UI piece of application.
Used the Restful Web services for most of the business components (Services)
to communicate with each other.
Developed components of REST web services end to end, using different
Annotations with clear understanding on PUT, GET, POST and DELETE
Used Rest Client Tool extensively to test the Web Services with different
possibilities of input parameters in the XML Request and analyzed the XML

Environment: JAVA/J2EE, STRUTS, RESTFUL, SOAP Web Service, CXF, Eclipse, JUNIT, SVN,
Tomcat, Oracle and Windows.

Java Developer
IAP Ltd - Gurgaon , Delhi
2009 - Oct 2010
Client: NIC, TamilNadu, India
Project: TWAD Nest (Phase II)
Synopsis: This Project is related to the Intranet system for TWAD Board facilitates
centralized data storage and retrieval besides information analysis pertaining to Project
Monitoring, Financial Accounting, HR Management and Water Quality. This system is
accessible by the offices of TWAD Board through a network connecting the Head Office
with all the Regions, Circles and Divisions.

Worked on full flow of project right from JSPs to Action classes, Server setup, and
database setup.

Struts is used to implement MVC architecture

Spring (IOC) is used for dependency injection.

Hibernate is used for Data Access

Developed different reports using Jasper Report

Involved in unit & integration testing.

Involved in requirement gathering meetings.

Responsible for coding, testing, enhancement, bug fixes for the project.

The presentation logic was coded as JSP's using Industry standard Struts MVC

The business logic was implemented predominantly using JAVA objects.

Wrote JavaScript functions to perform form validation and user event handling.

Understanding and analyzing business requirement.

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Designed and developed the User Interface using JSP, JSTL, Struts Tag Libraries
and Java for both Business Logic and GUI development.
Implemented client side data validations using JavaScript, jQuery and Server side
data validations using Struts Validation Framework.
Developed & deployed the application in on Application Server and Supported the
Production Releases.
Involved in the design and development of application using Struts Action classes.
Developed SQL, PL/SQL and Stored Procedures on Oracle 10g
Installed and configured required software's for application development (Eclipse
IDE, oracle database, Web Sphere, Tomcat, plug-in for eclipse, required framework
Developed different Java Beans and helper classes to support Server Side
Written test cases for unit testing using JUnit testing Framework.
Developed JavaBeans to handle the presentation logic and are used in JSP'S.
Developed Ajax call from JSP pages.
Used hibernate to map the persistence layer with the database.
Used Crystal Reports for generating business oriented reports.

Environment: JAVA/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, HTML, XML, CSS, AJAX, SQL Developer,
Javascript, Eclipse, JUnit, SVN, Tomcat, Oracle and Windows
Associate System Engineer
March 2008 - Sep 2009
Client: Magna Infotech Pvt Ltd, Hyderabad, India
Project: Data Optimization
Synopsis: This Project is related to data optimization with handling the organized flow of data
using data centres.

Wrote SQL queries for JDBC connection to Oracle database.

Used embedded classes and maps to model ternary relationship in JPA.

Clear Case is used for version control.

Implemented various Custom Tags and JSTL tags.

Setting Data sources, JNDI Names and also worked with cells, nodes and servers
with deployment team.

Adopted J2EE best Practice, using J2EE Design patterns. Business Object and Data
Transfer object for portability and performance.

Utilized Design patterns MVC, VO, DAO, Factory, Singleton.

Used SVN for source control repository.

Environment: JAVA/J2EE, JSP, Servlet, HTML, Javascript, Eclipse, JUnit, SVN, Tomcat,
MySql and Windows.

Education Background
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science, JNTU-Hyd, 2008.

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