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Freemasons and Illuminati

Origins of Freemasons
There are many different theories as origin of the freemasons. They were skilled
stone masons who were hired to build temples. (ex)Temple of Jerusalem. Others say
they were a group of knights known as The Knights Templar. Some historians say
that their origins can be traced back to the builders of the pyramids

Who are the Freemasons?

The Freemasons are a secret fraternity of men with a philosophy of good conduct,
sympathy for each other, and a brotherhood in which they all consider themselves
as equal.
They believe in a supreme being
There are roughly five million members worldwide

What is a fraternity?
A group of people who join together either because

There are things they want to do in the world

They share the same if not similar ideas

They enjoy being together with men they like and respect

What is Freemasonry?
Instinctive sympathy or fellowship between people with something in common. All
Freemasons Practice Freemasonry

Goals of the Freemasons

The goal of the Freemasons is to spread the beliefs of masonry and eventually unite
the world causing the universal belief in their doctrines.

-People believe that the Freemasons are planning to take control of the world unified
under one government
- They plan on doing this by controlling culture, religion, and politics
- They are high ranking politicians; they use their positions to help other
Freemasons in any way they can

-Our taxes fund their organization.

-Some people believe that they are a satanic cult
A number of founding fathers were masons
-Jack the Ripper was a Freemason performing Masonic rituals
- The Mystery of William Morgan: The former Mason publicly vowed to write a book
exposing Masonic secrets. He was arrested and put in jail. Four known Masons were
waiting for him when he was bailed out; witnesses saw them force Morgan into a
carriage. He was never seen again. The four masons went to court, but received
only minor sentences.
- They have p- The Mystery of William Morgan: The former Mason publicly vowed to
write a book exposing Masonic secrets. He was arrested and put in jail. Four known
Masons were waiting for him when he was bailed out; witnesses saw them force
Morgan into a carriage. He was never seen again. The four masons went to court,
but received only minor sentence slanted clues all around us
-The Denver Airport was built by Freemasons as a safe haven for their New World

Reasons Against
-Freemasons are not allowed to talk about politics in the lodge
-Freemasonry is not a religion
- They are one of the most charitable organizations in the U.S. it would not make
sense if they collected our taxes and then gave them away
- The masons believe in spreading good and doing good onto others. They would not
promote ritual murders
- Why would a society that relies so heavily on secrecy display hints of their plans to
the public
Freemasons have supposedly had a part in everything from Global Warming to The
War and Iraq.
They are scapegoats for conspiracy theorists
- If the Freemasons control everything then why is it that there are still wars and
disagreements going on between countries.
-It is there tradition of secrecy that brings them under so much suspicion
-No conspiracy against the Masons has ever been proven


Goals of the Illuminati
- end all forms of ordered government
- to put an end to forms of private property
- end all forms of inheritance
- destroy all forms of national pride
- end all forms of religion
- bring an end to all forms of family and marriage
- the creation of a one world government (New World Order)
- the creation of a united Utopian Society
-These utopian societies are similar to the ones that are depicted in books like 1984
and Brave New World

origins of illuminati
-Adam Weishaupt founded the Illuminati in 1776 in Ingolstatd, Bavaria.
-it is referred to as an offshoot of enlightenment-era
-They were allowed to have their meetings until in 1786 the Duke of Bavaria put a
ban of secret societies
-after this the group moved completely under ground

-Models the Freemason

Who are illuminati
- The Illuminati consists of what they believe are the most influential people
They are made up of bankers, politicians,
leaders of industry, and some people believe that
some popular music artists are now becoming members
- They are responsible for everything that goes on
- They believe that their wealth and power are enough to everyone in society
- They will be the leaders of the New World Order

Members of the Illuminati


New world order

They control everything that goes on today in society

The Rothschilds will be the leaders of the NOW
The Jews control the banks and the world economy
They want to shrink the size of the population to a more controllable level
-They control the media

Reasons Against

Every book about the Illuminati is fiction

Almost anyone that you can name that has some form of influence has been
said to be a part of the Illuminati
There are so many theories about different groups and world domination.
Many of those groups members are said to be part of other groups
The Jewish people have been a part of many different conspiracies
people fear the Illuminati because of their natural instinct to fear the
The Illuminati theory overlaps with many of the other outlandish theories of
groups who dominate the world. For example, many acclaimed Illuminates
have also been acclaimed reptilians.

Difference between the Illuminati and the Freemasons

- Born in order to create a new world order that would change the world
- Forced underground

- The Freemasons came together with the goal of creating a society built on the
ideals of freemasonry.
- - They are a very public and real group

Common things between both


Both had secrecy as a reason for their creation

Both include free-thinkers and people of powerful positions

Both have a goal of creating an ideal society

Both critical of the government and chuch

Use many of the same symbols


When you type in Illuminati backwards into you web address (,

a national security website (

Illuminati and Masonic imagery in the street layout of Washington DC

How many Illuminati or Freemason symbolism within the US $1-dollar bill?

Dollar Bill Secrets Revealed (video)

The devil horns?

All seeing eye?

Basically these pictures are endless. Google "Illuminati hand gestures" and
hundreds will come up. Whether or not they are indicating allegiance to the
cause is up to you.

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