12.4 Verbs+prepositions

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4 Verbs + prepositions

smell of/like


struggle wtih.. against/for

combine something with

succeed in

compare something with/to

suffer from

contrast something with

talk to/with about

depend on

vote for/against/on

engage in

watch for/over

invest in

worry about

lean on


mistake it/them for

admire him for

part with

blame her for

reason with

congratulate him on

rely on

consult her on/about

separate something from

convince them of


deliver it to

agree with about

punish him for

apologise to for

rescue them from

approve of

respect her for

bargain with for

take it from/to

care for/about

thank her for

decide on/against

threaten them with

experiment on/with

use it for/as

hope for

warn him against/about

insist on
interfere with/in
intrude on
negotiate with about/for
object to
quarrel with over/about
resign from/over
retire from

1 through, 2 in, 3 through, 4 for, 5 with, 6 of, 7 through, 8 of, 9 from/at, 10

through, 11 by, 12 with, 13 on, 14 of/on, 15 in, 16 in/with, 17 By, 18 in/on, 19
with, 20 of, 21 With, 22 for, 23 at, 24 for

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