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ISTS Tutorial
Describing ISTS, and introducing the tutorial

ISTS Tutorial Introduction

The following tutorial describes the process of a typical scheduling exercise using ISTS.
ISTS provides a range of tools for scheduling production using evaluated strings representing mining units
(blocks). These strings can also be generated by advancing a selected face (adjacent string segments) a set
distance, or advancing it to meet a target tonnage.
ISTS optimizes the production required from available blocks, mining faces or blasts over a number of shifts
or days, to meet current processing targets and tonnages. The output from ISTS can be used as input to
dispatch systems, ensuring that material is transported to the most appropriate location. Because ISTS
supports one-step, multi-period optimization, solutions over the required planning horizon are not
compromised by finding the best blend for the most immediate shift or days production.
Tools are provided for defining haul route networks, as well as haulage fleet and extractive machinery
inventories. Data can also be exchanged between ISTS, and machinery scheduling and truck dispatch

ISTS allows engineers to schedule and blend from mining blocks over one or more time periods, while
honoring operating constraints and production targets. A period may be as short as a shift, and the
mining block may represent a portion of a blast, an individual blast outline or a group of blasts or
extraction units.

Select and view results, and schedule them into the current time period, with access to standard
reports and graphs. Alternatively, export the results to EPS - CAE Mining's graphical scheduler - or a
reporting tool such as Mining Power Pack CAE Mining's reporting plugin for Excel.

ISTS is the solution for mines with short-term blending requirements from multiple production sources.
Simply define multiple processing methods and targets, and let ISTS determine the required material to
be taken from each available source to meet the day's production requirements. Rapid reporting and
feedback means that different options can be quickly assessed to obtain the best available result.

ISTS is the Studio 3 replacement for the functions covered in the Interactive Production Sequencing,
Face Advance and Achieve (blending) tools within Studio 2.

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Last Updated 12th August 2013

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Load Data

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Preparation > Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Loading Files and Configuring Legends


In this exercise, you will load the example data required for the tutorial, and configure legends. All files are part of the
DMTutorials data set - contact your local CAE Mining support office to supply this data set if necessary.
Files required for the exercise:



Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Exercise: Loading Files and Configuring Legends

The following exercises are used to load and configure the display/evaluation legends that will be used later on to provide a
meaningful display of the short-term schedule.
Loading Files
1. Using the Studio Project Wizard, create an Extended Precision Studio project at the following location:
2. When prompted, add all the files from this location: C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine\ISTS.
3. Add the file from this location: C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine.
4. In the Studio Project Wizard dialog, click Next, and then click Finish.
Configuring Legends
1. In the main menu, browse to Format | Legends...
2. In the Legends Manager dialog, expand the tree menu item that corresponds to the location of your project (in this case,
C:\Database\DMTutorials\Projects\ISTSTut\Projfiles\[Projectname]) , and click Load Legend... at the bottom of the
3. In the Open dialog, browse to C:\Database\DMTutorials\Data\VBOP\Datamine\ISTS, select the legend files ISTS1.elg
and PERCENT-Color.elg, and click Open.
4. In the Legends Manager dialog, click Close.
Adding Files

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Load Data

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1. IntheProject Files control bar, expand the top-level item, followed by the All Files folder, and left-click and drag and
drop the following files from the control bar into the Design Window:

2. Once loaded (select the Design window tab if it is not already selected) you'll see a lot of data on screen. This data is
used to set up the initial parameters for short-term scheduling.
3. Right-click in the Design Window, and select Format Display.
4. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, select _vb_mod1 _(block model).
5. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, Overlay Format group, select the Color tab.
6. In the Legend: drop-down list, select [ISTS1].
7. In the Column: drop-down list, select [AU], and click OK. Note the update to the block model overlay colors. Each cell is
now colored according to the gold grade.
Strings can be annotated using the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, Overlay Format group. Alternatively, in the
ISTS Task Pane, select Setup | Formatting| Annotate Strings....
8. In the Sheets control bar, expand the Design and Design View, Design Projection and Overlays objects (the last 3
should be expanded automatically), and deselect the following objects:

_vb_topopittr/_vb_topopitpt (wireframe).

9. Update the screen by left-clicking inside the design window and typing 'rd' (redraw). You should see something similar to
the following (although more or less data may be shown depending on the resolution of your screen):

Filtering and Formatting Strings

1. In the Loaded Data control bar, right-click _vb_2benches (strings) and select Data Object Manager....
2. In the _vb_2benches (strings) - Data Object Manager dialog, click Expression Builder....
3. In the Expression Builder dialog, Expression box, add the expression "COLOUR=9" (without quotes), and click OK.
4. In the _vb_2benches (strings) - Data Object Manager dialog, click Apply.

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This expression filters strings so that only the upper bench strings are displayed.
5. In the _vb_2benches (strings) - Data Object Manager dialog, main menu, select Data | Close.
6. In the main menu, select Format | Display.
7. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, select _vb_2benches (strings).
8. In the Format Display dialog, Overlay Format group, select the Color tab.
9. In the Color group, select the Fixed option, and select [White] from the accompanying drop-down list.
10. In the Format Display dialog, click OK.
11. In the Design window, type "stpl" (snap to plane), and right-click near one of the white outlines - this will move the 'active
section' to -10 in Z (translation: this will ensure subsequent points will be digitized at a specific elevation - not easy to see
from a top-down plan view - but can be seen in the XYZ coordinates bar at the bottom of the screen when the mouse is
in the main display window).
Formatting the Display
1. In the Design Window, right-click and select Format Display.
2. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, select _vb_2benches (strings).
3. In the Format Display dialog, Overlays tab, Overlay Format group, select the Color tab.
4. In the Color group, Legend: drop-down list, select [PERCENT-Colr].
5. In the Color group, Column: drop-down list, select [PERCENT]. You'll need to scroll down to see it.
6. In the Line Style group, Legend: drop-down list, select [PERCENT-Colr].
7. In the Line Style group, Column: drop-down list, select [PERCENT].
8. In the Format Display dialog, select the Drawing Order tab at the top of the screen.
9. Select _vb_mod1 and click Last.
10. In the Format Display dialog, click OK.
11. In the Design window, confirm that the following view is displayed:

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Select Objects

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Configuring Project Settings

Configuring Project Settings

Selecting data objects and viewing field treatment settings

Select the required data objects, and view field treatment settings in the Project Settings dialog.
Complete the exercise Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Links to exercises
The following exercises are available on this page:

Specify the Required Data Objects

Viewing Field Treatment Settings

Exercise: Specify the Required Data Objects

This exercise is used to 'instruct' the ISTS system which data objects are to be used to perform the scheduling operation.
1. In the main menu, select View | Customization | Toolbars | ISTS Control.
2. In the main menu, select Applications | ISTS | Setup | Project Settings...
(Alternatively, click Project Settings...

in the ISTS Control toolbar, if it is displayed.)

3. In the Project Settings dialog, Select Data tab, Data group, select [_vb_panel_eval (table)] from the Block
Reserves: drop-down list - you'll see that it's the only option (ISTS automatically filters out data tables in memory
that don't match minimum requirements for a given option).
4. In the Block Outlines: drop-down list, select [_vb_2benches (strings)].
5. By the Mining Schedule: drop-down list, click New....
6. In the New Schedule Table dialog, type "Tutorial_sched" in the Name: box, and click OK. This automatically
creates an empty table in memory, with the expected data columns.
7. By the Dependencies: drop-down list, click New....
8. In the New Dependency Table dialog, type "Tutorial_dep" in the Name: box. Again, a new data object is created.
9. Leave the Project Settings dialog open.
Exercise: Viewing Field Treatment Settings
The Field Treatments tab in the Project Settings dialog allows you to choose whether any given field is Accumulated,
Copied or Weighted in any scheduling calculation - the default options for each field are usually correct.
1. In the Project Settings dialog, select theField Treatments tab.

To aid visualization, fields can be added from the Reserves file into the Outlines file by selecting the Annotate
check-box for the relevant field.

If the DPLUS and DMINUS fields exist in the reserves, they must be set to "Annotate" to allow them to be

2. In the left-hand pane, click TONNES and confirm that Accumulated is selected in the Treatment group (note that
you cannot change this value)
3. In the left-hand pane, click VOLUME and confirm that Accumulated is selected in the Treatment group.
4. In the Project Settings dialog, click OK.
5. At this stage, ISTS creates more data objects in memory that are used later in the process so you will see the
Loaded Data bar update to show new items. Don't worry about them for now as their usage will be explained later
in the tutorial.
Mining units such as TONNES and VOLUME must be set to "Accumulated", in order to be used as activity rate

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Select Objects

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Calendars

Setting up scheduling calendars

A number of related calendars should be set up as described below. Calendars are an important aspect of ISTS
operations in that they permit a wide range of possible scenarios for working/non-working time and predicted
downtime/maintenance phases.

Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Setting up Calendars

Exercise: Setting up Calendars

Generating Time Periods
1. In the main menu, select View | Customization| Control Bars | ISTS Task Pane.
2. In the ISTS Task Pane, select Setup | Mine Configuration | Calendars....

3. IntheCalendars dialog, Time Periods tab(thedefault), Start Date box, define a start date - for this
tutorial, set it to the first day of the current month.
4. In the Period Length box, ensure '1' is set.
5. In the drop-down list by the Period Length box, ensure [Day(s)] is selected.
6. In the Number of Periods box, type '7', and click Generate. The table below is then populated with 7
entries representing a 7 day period from the start of the current month, e.g.:

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7. In the drop-down list by thePeriodLengthbox, select [Week(s)].

8. In the Number of Periods box, type '4', and click Generate. This will add more calendar intervals to the
table below (note that the original ones remain)
9. In the Time Periods tab, confirm that seven periods of one day's duration, and four periods of one week's
duration have been created, e.g.:

Adding Non-Working Days

1. In the Calendars dialog, select the Maintenance Calendars tab, and click Add.
2. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Calendar Name: box, type "Loading" and click Add.
3. In the Define Time Period dialog, enter the third day of the current month in both the FromandTo boxes,
and click OK.
4. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Non-Working Days table, confirm that a single non-working day is
displayed for the specified date, e.g.:

Adding Non-standard Days (Downtime)

1. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Non-Standard Days (Downtime) group, click Add.
2. In the Define Time Period dialog, define a downtime period for the second day of the current month,
between 4 (04:00:00) and 6am (06:00:00), and click OK.
3. Add the following downtime periods by repeating steps 1-2 above (these are all entered into the NonStandard Days table so use the bottom Add button in each case):

The fourth day of the current month, between 4 and 6am.

The sixth day of the current month, between 4 and 6am.

The eighth day of the current month, between 4 and 6am.

The tenth day of the current month, between 4 and 6am.

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4. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, click OK. You should see a table similar to the following (but your
dates will vary):

5. In the Calendars dialog, click OK.


1. Add the following data in Microsoft Excel - substituting the current month for the month shown in the

2. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Non-Standard Days (Downtime) group, click Add.
3. In the Define Time Period dialog, click OK.
4. In Excel, copy the rows you have added to clipboard.
5. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Non-Standard Days (Downtime) table, click in the first row and
type< Control V> on the keyboard to paste the contents of the clipboard.
6. In the Maintenance Calendar dialog, Non-Standard Days (Downtime) table, confirm that the data
which you created in Excel has been added to the table.

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Destination Plant

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Destination Plant

Destination Plant
Creating and configuring a Plant destination

Creating and configuring a Plant destination.

Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Creating a Plant Destination

Exercise: Creating a Plant Destination

1. In the main menu, select Applications | ISTS | Setup | Destinations.
Alternatively, click the Destinations
icon in the ISTS Control toolbar, or in the ISTS Task Pane, select
Setup - Mine Configuration - Destinations.
2. In the Destinations dialog, click Add.
3. In the New Destination dialog, General tab, Destination group, type "PLANT" in the Name: box.
4. In the Processing Capacity (per period) group, select the Meet Exactly option.
5. In the Meet Exactly box, define the value '5000', and select Tonnes and [Day(s)] in the drop-down list.
6. In the Constrain by Category group, select Use in the LOW_GRADE and HIGH_GRADE rows.
7. In the select the Grade/Quality Targets tab, click Add.
8. In the Grade/Quality Target dialog, type "PLANT FEED" in the Name box.
9. In the Target variables: table, type '1' in the Numerator column in the AU row.
10. In the Target Bounds by Period: table, select [Period 11 - [Date]] from the drop-down list in the first row. This will
be the last entry in the list.
11. In the Period 11 - [Date] row, type '2' in the Minimum column.
12. In the Period 11 - [Date] row, type '5' in the Maximum column.
13. In the Grade/Quality Target dialog, click OK.
14. In the New Destinations dialog, click OK.
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Destination Stockpile2

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Destination Stockpile

Destination Stockpile
Creating and configuring a Stockpile destination

Creating and configuring a Stockpile destination.


Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Links to exercises
The following exercises are available on this page:

Creating a Stockpile Destination

Configuring the Stockpile Destination

Exercise: Creating a Stockpile Destination

1. In the Destinations dialog (open from the previous exercise), click Add
2. In the New Destination dialog, General tab, Destination group, type "STOCKPILE 1" in the Name: box.
3. Select the Stockpile option, and click Stockpile Settings....
4. In the Destinations: STOCKPILE1: Stockpile Settings dialog, General tab, Max Reclaim (tonnage) box,
type '10000'.
5. In the Destinations: STOCKPILE1: Stockpile Settings dialog, select the Reclaim Destinations tab.
6. In the PLANT row, select [YES] in the Enabled column, and click OK.
7. In the New Destination dialog, General tab, Processing Capacity (per period) group, select the Limited to
8. In the Limited to box, type '10000' and select Tonnes.
9. Select [Day(s)] in the drop-down list and leave '1' in the per field.
10. In the Constrain by Category group, select Use in the LOW_GRADE and HIGH_GRADE rows, and click
Exercise: Configuring the Stockpile Destination
1. In the Destinations dialog, select STOCKPILE 1 and click Edit.
2. In the Destinations: STOCKPILE 1 dialog, click Stockpile Settings...
3. Select the Supply tab.
4. In the Initial row, Tonnes column, type '11000'.
5. In the Initial row, Density column, type '3.1'.
6. In the Initial row, AU column, type '2.9'.
7. In the second row, select [period 8 - [date]] from the drop-down list.
8. In the second row, Tonnes column, type '11000'.
9. In the second row, Density column, type '3.1'.
10. In the second row, AU column, type '2.9'.
11. Click OK.
12. In the Destinations: STOCKPILE 1 dialog, click OK.

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Destination Stockpile2

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Specifying 11000 tonnes in the Initial row means that the stockpile will contain this amount at the start of
the schedule. Adding the same amount in the second row results in this amount being added to the
stockpile in period 8, as well in all subsequent periods.

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Destination Leachpad

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Destination Leachpad

Destination Leachpad
Creating and configuring a Leachpad destination

Creating and configuring a Leachpad destination.

Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Creating a Leachpad Destination

Exercise: Creating a Leachpad Destination

1. In the Destinations dialog (open from the previous exercise), click Add.
2. In the New Destination dialog, General tab, Destination group, type "LEACHPAD" in the Name: box.
3. In the Processing Capacity (per period) group, select the Limited To option.
4. In the Limited To box, type '10000', and select Tonnes.
5. Select [Day(s)] in the accompanying drop-down list and leave '1' in the per field.
This value is used by the solver to limit the quantity of material allocated to this destination in a particular period.
6. In the Constrain by Category group, select Use in the MARGINAL row and click OK.

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Destination Dump

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Destination Dump

Destination Dump
Creating and configuring a dump destination

Creating and configuring a dump destination.

Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Creating a Dump Destination

Exercise: Creating a Dump Destination

Creating a Dump Destination
1. In the Destinations dialog, click Add
2. In the New Destination dialog, General tab, Destination group, type "DUMP" in the Name: box.
3. In the Destination group, select the Dump option.
4. In the Maximum Capacity group, select the Limited To option.
5. In the Limited To box, type '100000' and select Tonnes.
This value is used by the solver to limit the quantity of material allocated to this destination.
6. In the Constrain by Category group, select Use in the WASTE row, and click OK.
7. In the Destinations dialog, click OK.
8. In the main menu, select File | Save to save the project.
9. In the Save Data/Set Auto Reload dialog, Auto Reload column, confirm that all files are selected, and click OK.
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Dump Design

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Dump Modeling > Dump

Dump Design
Designing a dump in defined lifts, using a base string

This topic demonstrates the stages in creating a dump design from a base string. The design rises in lifts of a
defined height, and with the required slopes and berms. The dump modeling process consists of the following
1. Dump Design: creates a wireframe for each lift, based on the design parameters you specify.
2. Dump Evaluation: subdivides each Dump Lift wireframe into Dump Blocks, and calculates the volume
of each Dump Block.
3. Sequence the Dump Blocks: creates the sequence for the dump blocks.


Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends

Configuring Project Settings

Files required for this exercise:


Exercise: Dump Design

1. In the Sheets window, browse to Design | Design View | Design Projection | Overlays, and deselect
all selected objects.
2. In the Project Files control bar, drag-and-drop the _vb_tipbasest file into the Design window.
3. Left-click In the Design window and type 'rd' to redraw the display.
4. In the View Control toolbar, click Zoom Extents (or left-click in the Design window and type 'za'). You
will see a single enclosed string as shown below:

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Dump Design

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5. In the Dump Modeling section of the ISTS Task Pane | Setup menu, click Dump Design.
6. In the Customization control Bar, expand the Dump Design dialog by dragging its lower edge using
the mouse.
7. In the Dump Design dialog, enter the values shown in the following image for
Next Lift (1)

Lift Height (10)

Face Angle (32)

Berm Width (10)

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Dump Design

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8. Click Calculate next to the Inter Ramp Angle: box - the value '21.04' is added automatically.
9. Select Use Topography and select the wireframe file _vb_topopittr using the browse button.
10. In the Design window, select the displayed string (representing the base of the dump, and click Project at the top of the Dump Design dialog.
11. A Message from Webpage dialog is shown indicating the volume contained within the first lift (Lift1):

12. In the Message from webpage dialog, click OK. A wireframe of the next lift for this dump is created in
the Design window, as shown below:

13. In the Dump Design menu, confirm that the value for Next Lift has changed to '2' (it will increment
14. Click Project to create the next lift of the dump.
15. The next message you see shows that Lift 2 contains 468720 m3. In the Message from webpage
dialog, click OK.
16. In the Dump Design menu, confirm that the value for Next Lift has changed to '3'.
17. In the Dump Design dialog, repeat steps 13-14 until you have completed Lift 8 (confirm all of the

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Dump Design

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messages that are displayed - the final message, for Lift 8, will show that 571795 m3 is contained)
18. In the Design window, confirm that the following view is displayed:

19. Left-click in the Design Window and type "vro" to update the VR Window.
20. IntheSheets control bar, expand the VR and Wireframes folders, and select
_vb_topopittr/_vb_topopitpt (wireframe).
21. In the VR Window, rotate the view, using the left mouse button/SHIFT combination and dragging so
that it is similar to that shown below (doesn't have to be exact):

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22. In the main menu, select File | Save.

23. In the Save Data/Set Auto Reload dialog, accept the default settings and click OK.
24. In the Loaded Data control bar, unload the following objects by right-clicking them and selecting Data |
Unload (In the Studio 3 dialog, click Yes).
Dump1st (Strings)

Dump1tr/Dump1pt (wireframe)

_vb_tipbasest (Strings)

25. In the Sheets control bar, expand the VR and Wireframes folders, and deselect
_vb_topopittr/_vb_topopitpt (wireframe). The VR window should no longer show any structural data.
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Dump Evaluation

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Home > ISTS Tutorial > Setup > Mine Configuration > Destinations and Stockpiles > Dump Modeling > Dump

Dump Evaluation
Splitting a dump lift wireframe into segments

This exercise splits the dump lift wireframe into segments.

Complete the following exercises:

Loading Files and Configuring Legends,

Configuring Project Settings

Dump design

Files required for the exercise:

Links to exercises
The following exercise is available on this page:

Exercise: Dump Evaluation

Exercise: Dump Evaluation

1. Load the following files by dragging them into the Design window from the Project Files control bar
(from this point onwards, this loading method will be simply referred to as "Dragging files into the
Design window").


2. In the View Control toolbar, click Zoom Extents (or type 'za' after left clicking in the Design window)
3. Select all of the strings by left-click-dragging a rectangle around all visible data.
4. In the ISTS Task Pane, select Setup | Dump Modeling | Dump Evaluation.
5. In the Dump Evaluation dialog, Input Wireframe group, Object: drop-down list, confirm that
_vb_lift8_splittr/_vb_lift8_splitpt (wireframe) is selected.
6. Confirm that [LIFT] is selected in the Lift Field: drop-down list.
7. Select the Use one value option, and define the value '8'.
8. In the Dump Evaluation dialog, click OK.
9. In the Loaded Data control bar, unload _vb_lift8_splittr/_vb_lift8_splitpt (wireframe).
10. In the Sheets control bar, expand the Design, Design View, Design Projection and Overlays objects,
and deselect Dump_tr.
11. In the Design window, type "rd", and confirm that the wireframe has been split into segments as shown

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12. In the Sheets control bar, deselect _vb_dumplift8_split_st (strings).

13. In the Design window, type "rd" to refresh the view.
14. In the main menu, select File | Save.
15. In the Save Data/Set Auto Reload dialog, click OK.
16. In the Save New 3D Object dialog, click Extended Precision Datamine (.dm) file.
17. In the Save Dump_Def dialog, type "dumplift8_def", and click Save.
18. In the Save New 3D Object dialog, click Extended Precision Datamine (.dm) file.
19. In the Save Dump_st dialog, type "dumplift8_st", and click Save.
20. In the Save New 3D Object dialog, click Extended Precision Datamine (.dm) file.
21. In the Save Dump_tr dialog, type " dumplift8_tr", and click Save.
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