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Aras Salsi

Sara Islas
Humanities- Luchadores
Undocumented Immigrants Rights
Despite popular myths that undocumented immigrants are a strain on our economy and
a danger to our society, paramount factual evidence shows that this is not the case and that we
should give undocumented immigrants the same rights we do documented citizens. Economists
in this country notice that trends actually demonstrate that undocumented immigrants have a
positive effect on our economy; Harvard's George Borjas says on average, an American's
wealth is increased by less than 1 percent due to undocumented immigrants impact (NPR).
April 2015s symposium on the effects of illegal immigrants in the Southern Economic

show that the problem lies in anti-immigration laws, like rules preventing illegal immigrants from
getting drivers licenses which raise our car insurance premiums and E-Verify requirements
which raise the cost of doing business and reduce employment (Forbes). A centurys worth of
data across hundreds of studies show immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native
born citizens; for example, in the last twenty years the number of immigrants has tripled, but FBI
data reveals that violent crimes declines 48%. (American Immigration Council.) In addition,
analysis of the 2010 American Community Survey (ACS) shows that 1.6 percent of immigrant
males age 18-39 are incarcerated, compared to 3.3 percent of the native-born. It is inhumane
not to provide undocumented immigrants with the ability to get access to healthcare, voting,
drivers licenses and employment. If immigrants actually help the economy and commit less
crime that citizens, it would make sense to at least treat them equally.

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