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Nantai Burks

Sara Islas
Humanities- Fresh Avocados
Pay For Immigrants

Immigrants make less than non immigrants, even when they work more. For example the
2007 median household income of unauthorized immigrants was $36,000, which is well below
the $50,000 median household income for US born residents. Also, since immigrants dont have
the right papers to go to college and get jobs, they have to get more labor intensive jobs to make
a living. The top occupations for immigrant workers without high school diplomas, are: Maids,
Housekeepers (465,056), Cooks (400,073) Agricultural Worker (393,357), Construction
Laborers (376,154) Janitors, Building Cleaners, Ground Maintenance Workers (369,345). More
than 45 million immigrants live in the U.S, according to the UN figures, more than 4 times as
many living in any other nation in the world Immigrants do not make enough money for how
hard they work. It is not fair that immigrants make less, so we need to change that. My solution
is to take out the wage gap in general. If a woman makes 77 cents for a mans dollar that is
obviously not fair. All men are created equal, we all deserve equal pay and equal hours.

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