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International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391

Placing Robots in Inhuman Places of Dangerous

K. Shalini1, P. Venkateshwarlu2

M. Tech Student, ECE, SVS Group of Institutions, Telangana, India

Assistant Professor, ECE, SVS Group of Institutions, Telangana, India

Abstract: A mobile automatic platform is really a rational analog to some physical human - it may undertake an atmosphere either
autonomously or through tele-operation while sensing its surroundings together with sensors. However, further constraints are applied
when presenting physical software in an gas and oil atmosphere. All products deployed must satisfy the specified standards set through
the industry. Gas and oil refineries could be a harmful atmosphere for various reasons, including heat, toxic gasses, and unpredicted
catastrophic failures. To be able to augment how human operators communicate with this atmosphere, a mobile automatic platform is
developed. This paper concentrates on using Wireless for interacting with and localizing the robot. More particularly, calculations are
developed and examined to reduce the entire quantity of Wireless access points (APs) as well as their locations in almost any given
atmosphere while with the throughput needs and the necessity to ensure every place in the area can achieve a minimum of k APs. When
multiple Wireless APs are close together, there's a possible for interference. A graph-coloring heuristic can be used to find out AP
funnel allocation. Additionally, Wireless fingerprinting based localization is developed. All of the calculations implemented are
examined in real life situations using the robot developed and answers are promising.
Keywords: Wireless Access Point, localizing robot

1. Introduction
One method to remove human exposure from these kinds of
situations would be to instrument an oil refinery having a
wireless sensor network, which attaches a radio sensor on
every gauge and valve. Regrettably, this method is costly
and labor-intensive, not to mention wireless sensors are
failure prone. Hence, upkeep of the network and reliably
collecting data in the network are very challenging. Getting
rid of humans from inhospitable conditions is frequently
desirable. For example, within the gas and oil industry,
during inspection, maintenance, or repair of facilities inside
a refinery, people might be uncovered to seriously high
temps ( 50_C) to have an long time, to toxic gasses
including methane and H2S, and also to unpredicted
catastrophic failures. We, therefore, resort to a new approach
that aims to enhance the way the human operators interface
using the physical world. Within our interdisciplinary
project that aims to automate gas and oil processes utilizing
a mobile robot, we've built Blaster, a mobile robot able to
both tele-operation and autonomous control [1]. Blaster is
capable of doing path planning, path monitoring, obstacle
avoidance, and auto inspection autonomously. A network
camera, a thermal imaging camera, an acoustic sensor for
leak recognition, along with a methane gas sniffer are
installed on the finish of Blasters 5 deg ree-of freedom arm.
It is capable of doing reaching a height of 2m when fully
extended. Communication between Blaster and also the
control station happens over Wireless. For additional
particulars on the style of the machine, interested visitors
may make reference to our paper. Utilizing an autonomous
automatic system to have an offshore gas and oil refinery
continues to be suggested before. However, no detailed
studies on Wireless communication and localization issues
happen to be reported. Within this paper, we concentrate on
the Wireless aspects when utilizing a mobile automatic
platform within an oil refinery. More particularly, we think
about the two problems: Wireless communication and

localization. First, as the robot is mobile, an operator must

have the ability to talk to it to get sensor data collected in the
refinery in addition to send it various instructions that either
manipulate the robot or even the arm, request certain
specific information, or ask it to maneuver in in a certain
style however, most refineries lack a radio network
infrastructure. Therefore, Wireless access points (APs)
should be strategically placed throughout an atmosphere to
reduce the amount of models needed to attain full dental
coverage plans required for communication. Second, for an
automatic system to become autonomous, it has to come
with an accurate knowledge of its location. Since an oil
refinery frequently is composed of tall structures made from
steel, Gps navigation might not continually be available,
Wireless based localization becomes essential. It
complements localization techniques using other sensors
built-in an automatic system. The job presented within this
paper helps make the following contributions. We've carried
out thorough studies of Wireless signal propagation qualities
both in indoor and outside conditions, which form the
foundation for Wireless AP deployment and communication.
We've implemented an AP positioning formula to attain
single coverage (i.e., every location inside a site can talk to a
minimum of one Wireless AP). For much better reliability
and localization, we've implemented a k-coverage AP
positioning formula (i.e., every location inside a site can talk
to a minimum of k Wireless APs), where k > 1. We've
implemented a funnel allocation formula to reduce
interference from neighboring APs. We've implemented a
Wireless localization technique and examined it around the
mobile automatic platform both in indoor and outside

2. Related Work
Within this section, we simply discuss related operate in
supplying wireless communication within an oil refinery.
We defer the discussion from the work associated with

Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: ART20161283


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
specific facets of Wireless communication and localization
to later sections. Previous work provides use wireless sensor
systems (WSNs) for remote monitoring to identify leaks of
dangerous by-items of oil refineries. While WSNs can
handle being outfitted together with sensors, the main lack
of WSNs is battery existence in addition to their failure
prone nature. A automatic mobile platform is designed to
communication cheaper and fewer maintenance than the
usual WSN [2]. Communication is made through Wireless
for an operator control station or through Bluetooth to some
nearby handheld device. While both systems use Wireless
for communication and localization, not one of them provide
any particulars. In comparison, our work introduces an
autonomous system able to localizing to some sub-meter
level in indoor or outside conditions. We offer detailed
discussion from the technical particulars and extensive
performance studies.

Figure 1: Data flow of proposed system

3. Methodology
Tele-operation and emergency stop is a couple of procedures
that need real-time communication and should be performed
through the robot whatever the condition of sensor
information. For instance, when the operator gets to be a
report describing low pressure inside a tank, the robot
should have the ability to drive upstream from the tank, start
to transmit acoustic information, after which drive across the
pipe to find out if there's an obvious leak. When the
communication between your robot and control station
occasions out, the robot halts - this really is for the utmost
safety from the surrounding atmosphere as well as the robot
itself. Two kinds of data are conveyed between your robot
and also the control station. Control information has got the
greater priority because it notifies the robot how you can act
and react, i.e.: whether it's direct movement instructions
through teleportation or even more general instructions for
example telling the robot of the new place to go for
inspection. Therefore, communication between your systems
should be reliable. Since an oil refinery typically doesn't
have Wireless infrastructure available, we have to determine
the minimum quantity of Wireless APs needed where to
deploy them so the entire region is included. When multiple
APs are situated near to one another, we have to figure out
how different channels should be utilized by each AP to
prevent interference. The next subsections describe the
calculations employed for these reasons. When figuring out

positioning of APs inside a given atmosphere, the needed

minimum throughput that supports both control information
and sensor information should be maintained to guarantee
communication at each location within the atmosphere. This
involves that anytime, the mobile robot maintain
communication range with a minimum of one AP. While a
dense network spread with an atmosphere is capable of this,
it's pricey. Therefore, the only-coverage Wireless AP
positioning issue is to look for the minimum quantity of APs
as well as their locations to ensure that each location within
the atmosphere can achieve a minimum of one AP, given an
area and throughput needs per the applying. The onlycoverage Wireless positioning issue is NPhard and goes to
some large type of problems referred to as Coverage
Problems. Several heuristics happen to be suggested before
[3]. The formula views every candidate location during each
iteration by mapping the policy from the Aps already
selected along with the propagation from the new AP. The
signal from the new AP is propagated until it reaches the
cut-off distance or perhaps an object-node is experienced.
This tough encounter cut-off can be used because within an
gas and oil refinery, the objects which are experienced are
usually large making of steel. The very best AP for your
iteration will be selected as the one which offers the
minimum average distance between all uncovered nodes.
That AP will be put into their email list of best APs. Once
all nodes happen to be covered, their email list of best AP
locations is came back. Within this formula, a vital step
would be to predict the signal propagation of the potential
AP [4]. To have an obvious picture about how Wireless
signal propagates inside a specific atmosphere, we've carried
out thorough studies both in indoor and outside conditions.
Observe that, similar studies have to be carried out inside a
target atmosphere. Within the following, we discuss the
methodologies taken and results acquired within our studies.
An gas and oil refinery could be regarded as a mix of both
an inside as well as an outside atmosphere because of the
nature from the layout, so a number of studies were carried
out to know how Wireless signals propagate both in indoor
and outside conditions. Particularly, we read the impact of
distance, transmission power, or speed from the mobile
robot around the lower and upper bounds of received signal
strength indicator (RSSI), bandwidth, and packet delivery
ratio. Similar trends are noticed in an outside atmosphere: a
soccer field at CSM. Figures are overlooked because of page
restrictions. These results reveal that to be able to give a
network that is capable of doing supporting a ten Mbps
throughput, a RSSI of 70 dB (80 m) can be used. We'll make
use of this because the cut-off distance. To be able to better
support Wireless localization, coverage more than the first is
needed. Quite simply, we have to figure out how to pay for a
place with minimal quantity of APs to ensure that each point
in the region is included by a minimum of k APs, where k >
1. This can be a completely different problem from existing
focus on positioning of multiple Wireless APs whose focus
is usually to handle a lot of mobile clients or no uniform
client load. Techniques for example cell dimensioning and
dynamic load balancing are developed. However, the kcoverage AP positioning problem bears certain similarity
with k-coverage sensor deployment in WSNs that has been
analyzed extensively locally. The main difference backward
and forward problems are the fact that in WSNs, multichip
communication is frequently needed as well as sensors

Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: ART20161283


International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)

ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

Index Copernicus Value (2013): 6.14 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
might have different sleep schedule. We defined a heuristic
to look for the positioning of APs for single coverage in
addition to k- coverage. Due to the character of wireless
signal propagation, The funnel allocation issue will be
formulated in to the classic NP-hard graph coloring
problem: each AP signifies a node within an interference
graph and when the policy of two APs overlap, a bidirectional edge is added backward and forward nodes. We
borrow a heuristic from that tries to color probably the most
nodes in a single iteration before thinking about the
following color. During each iteration, the uncolored node
using the tiniest index is selected and colored using the
current iteration color. Interference will be calculated for
those 2 hop nodes of the present node, where if your 2 hop
node is really a child of some other 2 hop node, the
interference count of individuals nodes are elevated by one.
When the interference for each 2 hop node continues to be
calculated, the node using the tiniest interference count is
colored the present iteration color and kids from the recently
colored node are taken off the two hop list [5]. Therefore,
we've selected to make use of the Wireless fingerprinting
method. Wireless fingerprinting has additionally been
analyzed for outside localization, particularly in urban
canyons. Because of the impact of pedestrian and vehicle
traffic, the precision drops considerably in outside
conditions. The entire process of Wireless fingerprinting can
be quite tiresome. Visual localization through SLAM has
additionally been analyzed extensively - presents market
research of SLAM for urban ground automobiles. Wireless
fingerprinting based localization includes two phases:
offline an internet-based. Within the offline phase, an
accumulation of fingerprints is taken at unique locations and
kept in a database. A fingerprint is composed of each
surrounding APs BSSID and RSSI. Within our work, the
fingerprint database was built within the following way.
We've selected to utilize a spacing of just one.5m among
fingerprint locations to guarantee that every unique location
from the automatic platform includes a corresponding
fingerprint within the database, thinking about that how big
the automatic platform is all about 1.2m by .8m. However,
within an gas and oil facility, we are able to think that the
robot won't ever drive vertical with respect to some path,
therefore we only have taken fingerprints in 2 orientations
along defined pathways after which four orientations at
corners. Wireless signal propagation becomes very unstable
at bigger distances with regards to the longevity of the RSSI
as determined from your experiments.

findings to find out Wireless AP positioning. We assign

channels to interfering APs. Wireless fingerprinting based
localization was developed that accomplishes an acceptable
precision when used by itself and accomplishes preferred
precision (under 1m) when coupled with INS and fiducially
marker based approach.

[1] Z. Zhou, S. Das, and H. Gupta, Connected K-Coverage
Problem in Sensor Networks, in Computer
Communications and Networks, 2004.
[2] M. Bengal, Mobile Robots for Offshore Inspection and
Manipulation, in Intelligent Robots and Systems, 2009.
[3] Y. Chen, Y. Chawathe, A. LaMarca, and J. Krumm,
Accuracy characterization for metropolitan-scale wi-fi
localization, ACM Mobisys, 2005.
[4] E. Malaguti and P. Toth, A survey on vertex coloring
problems, International Transactions in Operational
Research, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 134, Jan. 2010.
[5] A. R. T.-c. Chiueh, Deployment issues in enterprise
wireless lans,2003.

4. Conclusion
To deal with this, we've selected to simply include APs
whose RSSI is more than -70 db. In the web based phase,
the fingerprint database can be used to find out location
from the robot by finding the right matching of current
visible APs with their RSSI. More particularly, the robot
polls the nearby Wireless APs to create its current
fingerprint, only thinking about APs by having an RSSI
much better than -70 db. For any automatic system to
autonomously navigate within an gas and oil refinery, it has
to have the ability to talk to the control room as well as
localize itself. Within this work we define the sorts of
communication needed to deploy an autonomous robot. We
study Wireless signal propagation qualities and use the

Volume 5 Issue 9, September 2016

Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY

Paper ID: ART20161283


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