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Gipe, Section 3, Page 5

1st KUD:

GLCE (coding and wording); Verb(s)

underlined; type of learning:
Knowledge, Skill, Reasoning, Product

Knowledge (K)

Location is where something is in the

world. Relative location is a description
of where something is in relation to other
places. To help describe a spots location
in relation to another place, students can
use blocks, or areas bound by four streets
in a town. For example, to tell an
individual how far something is from
another place, a person might describe it
as being 4 blocks away. Using blocks as a
measure of distance, or space between
two places, can give the person an idea of
how far away something is in relation to
another place. A compass rose is a circle
on a map, typically in the corner, that
shows the four main directions (north,
east, south, west). It can be used to help
people know what direction a place is on
the map in relation to another place. A
legend is a box on the map that contains
all the symbols on the map as well as a
label next to each symbol saying what it

2 G1.02 Use maps to describe the spatial organization of the

local community by applying the concepts including relative
location and using distance, direction, symbols, and the key or

Skill Learning (use), Knowledge Learning (describe),
Reasoning Learning (apply)
Vocabular I Can
Demonstration of
Learning (DOL)
Students will
that maps can
show the
distance and

Students will
receive a map of the
community and a
starting location.
They will then get a
list of directions of
where to go on the
map. These
directions will
involve using the
scale to measure
distance, the
compass rose to
know direction, and
the legend to know
what symbols stand
for. Students will
have to describe
where they are in
the town after each
direction, hopefully
getting to the
proper end point.


I can
use a
map to
e how
away a
place is
n it is in.

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 6

Lesson: What Does a Map Show?

Resources needed:

Resources needed:
Anticipatory Set: The teacher will project an
Alavosus, Laura M., Frey, Wendy.
overhead picture on the board of a girl looking at a
(2003). Social Studies Alive: My
park map for the whole class to see (Refer to
Community. Palo Alto, CA: Teachers
Attachment A). The teacher will use the 10x10
Curriculum Institute.
strategy to ask the class what they notice and what Ch 3: What Does a Map Show? (p.17-21)
they question. The teacher will use a piece of paper
Transparency from Social Studies
to highlight the aspects of the picture students
Alive! My Community binder, Chapter
point out. Students might question what the
Opener Transparency 1
symbols on the map mean or what the key is.
Maps 101. (2016). Map of my town.
These will be great questions that will lead into our
In K-3 Maps. Retrieved from
next activity, the reading of a chapter called What
Does a Map Show?

National Geographic. (2016,
Modeling: Students will listen to the teacher read
September). Location. In
the student friendly chapter in Social Studies Alive!
Encyclopedic Entry. Retrieved from
My Community entitled What Does a Map Show?
This chapter goes over basic information about
what a map shows and the main elements of a map
Technology: computer and projector
such as the key, grid, and compass rose. After
(teacher only)
reading through the text and showing the pictures

for reference, the teacher will then project a

community map from the website Maps 101 on the
board for all the students to see (Hyperlink in
sentence, or Refer to Attachment B). The teacher
will model how to read a map and describe the
locations of buildings on the map. To start this
modeling process, the teacher will ask students
where some of the important map features are,
such as the compass rose and key. The teacher will
then ask students what the compass rose and key
tell them about the map. Teachers will specifically
point out the directions on the map and what the
different symbols in the key stand for. Then
teachers will model how to describe the location of
places in relation to others on the map. For
example, if the teacher wanted to describe where
the movie theater was to a friend, they could say
that it is to the east of the mall and the north of the
auditorium. The friend would also need to know
how far east or north they should go to reach the
movie theater, thus the teacher needs to address
distance. In order to do so students can count the
number of streets or blocks that separate the two
locations. Thus in order to address distance and
direction, the teacher could say that the auditorium
is one street to the east of the mall and one street to
the north of the auditorium.

Guided Practice: After modeling how to describe

relative location on a map, the teacher will pass out
community maps to all the students and then, as a
class, the teacher will ask students questions about
how to get to buildings locations (Refer to
Attachment C for questions). Students will need to
pair up with a partner and describe the location of
one of the buildings in the question in relation to
the other using both direction and distance. The
teacher will then call on a couple pairs to share
their directions with the class.

Independent practice: After students feel
comfortable using directions and distance to
describe a buildings relative location in pairs, the
teacher will then have students practice

independently. In order to do so, the teacher will
read off a series of descriptive directions regarding
places on the map (Refer to Attachment D for
directions). Students will then have to follow the
statements based on the description of the
community using distance and direction. If they
understand how to interpret the distance and
direction on a community map when it involves
describing a place, theyll end up at the proper

Checking for Understanding: While students are
going through the directions, the teacher will pause
for a couple moments after each direction and have
the students place their finger on what building
they ended up on. The teacher can then walk
around the room to see if students understand how
to use maps when given descriptions of the
communitys organization or if they need more

Instructional strategies/Social constructs:
Technology use of the projector during the
anticipatory set to project the transparency,
use of projector to allow whole class to
reference the community map from Maps
101 the website
Cooperative activity; Collaborative work
students will initially be collaborating when
trying to answer the teachers questions
about the map and its organization
Independent students will independently
be able to demonstrate their map reading

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 7

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 8

abilities during the formative assessment at

the end of the lesson
9. Assessment ideas: a. How will you know theyve learned it?
In order to show that theyve learned this GLCE, students need to demonstrate their ability to
understand descriptive statements referring to a buildings location in the context of a
community. If they understand how to navigate the map based on these descriptive
statements, they will be able to properly calculate the location of final destination and the
other destinations along the way. The teacher will be checking for the students ability to
either be on the right destination after the directions were given or look confused and not be
sure what to do.

b. How will you grade it?
This activity will be a simple assessment in terms of grading, as it will be pass or fail either
the student figured out the right destination and passed or they got confused and need more

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 9

Resource Attachments:

Attachment A:

Transparency of a person looking at a map while seeing the layout of the land the map is
addressing in the background. Used for anticipatory set.

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 10

Attachment B: Community Map from Maps 101 website. Each student will receive a copy of
this to complete the formative assessment.

Attachment C:

Below are the questions that the teacher will ask the class when the students are grouped
into pairs. These questions are to help students learn how to describe the location of one
building in relation to the other.

Describe how you would get to the school from the auditorium using directions and distance.
Describe how you would get to the church from the apartments using directions and
Describe how you would get to the movies from the parking lot using directions and distance.

Katie Gipe, Section 3, Page 11

Attachment D:

Descriptive statements for teachers to give students during the independent practice

1. You are standing on South Street in front of the Police Station, with your face towards
the police station.
2. Turn west and go straight until you come to a new street.
3. Then face northeast at the intersection and go two blocks north east. (so you should
pass through one new road and stop at the second new road).
4. Turn west and go two more blocks (again you should pass through the first road you
come to but then stop at the second road.
5. Finally, face the south where are you at??

Teacher Answers:
1. Destination: Corner of Bayside and South
2. Destination: Corner of Ridgecrest and Sunshine
3. Destination: Corner of Ridgecrest and West
4. Final Destination: The Parking Lot

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