Model Compositi

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Model Composition(1)(

Introduction : Bangladesh is often called a land of natural
calamities. Flood, cyclone, sidr,Aila tidal bores, heavy downpour
and drought often visit our county. People have to do live fighting
against recurring natural calamities. We are experiencing
different types of natural calamities. () is one of them.
Thousand of people in our county are suffering from (). It is
causing much harm to our county.
Causes : The causes of () are many. People of our county
generally think is a curse of Allah. Green house effect is one
of the causes of . Cutting too many trees is also liable for

Recen : visit s our county almost every year. During

last two decades we are experiencing the most devastating .
Because of . Thousand of people became homeless and

helpless and many people lost their valuable lives.

Bad effect : causes great havoc.It bring s untold loss and
suffering to men, animals, crops are damaged. Trees are
uprooted. Houses are damaged. Many people liss their lives.
Food production is lessened.
After effects: After epidemics and famine break out in the
affected areas. The victims suffer from various disease. The
victims do not get pure drinking water and good foid. The price of
essential daily commodities goes up. Many people die of
Suggestion :In Bangladesh causes a huge loss. So it is
urgently necessary to take proper steps for the prevention of .
Both long and short term plan's can be taken for this. A well
planned irritation system will go a long way to reduce the fury of

Relief operation :The government, different kind s of NGO's and

the local organization s come forward to help the victims. They
provide food, pure water, clothes and other necessary thing's for
the people. Relief camps are set up to distribute relief goods
among the affect people.
Conclusion :Our s is a very poor county. If we cannot check the
loss our development is impossible. So we must find out effective
and permanent measures for the prevention of it.(
Foood in Bangladesh, sidr, cyclones in Bangladesh, tidal bores,
natural calamities in Bangladesh, tsunami

Model composition (2)-( )

introduction : Bangladesh is a small and developing county. But
she is be set with various acute problems. Now a days is
one of them most common and frightful problem e in our county.
It has become a great panic here. In the recent years. This

problem has become very severe which cannot be described in

Present situation :The present situation of is acute then ever
before. If we read newspaper.We will be able to understand how
acute this problem is. It us obvious that now this problem is a
burning question in Bangladesh. It is become a great threat to a
dcent life.
Causes if the problem : There a lot of reasons of this problem in
Bangladesh. Unconsciousness is the main root cause of this
problem. Our govt. Connive at this problem. It has not taken
effective steps yet.
How to remove it: We should learn will about this great problem.
Wr should realise the serious consequence of rapid growth of this
problem and train ourselves to buld a planned society. Our
student can play an important role to remove this problem. They
should make the people aware. There should be wide publicty
about the serious consequence of the problem thought radio,
Televisions and other masses media. Government must take
necessary steps in this regard. A small county like ours cannot
afford to indulge this problem. So this problem should be stopped
at any cost.
Conclusion :It is obvious that has become a major problem
in our developing county. It has become a great threat to a decent
life. If we fail to stamp out this problem our development plans
and activities will standstill. ( )
Arsenic problem, unemployment problem, food problem,
population problem, corruption, illiteracy, child labour, housing
problem, the beggar problem in Bangladesh. Terrorism, traffic
jam, dowry system, price hike, load shedding, water problem air
pollution, sound pollution, environment pollution, the danger of
Polybags, the curse of deforestation, the curse of poverty.
H.M. KAMRUZZAMAN 01918524284

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