ATPL Inst 1.4 PDF

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Chapter 1.4
Vertical Speed Indicator
A Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI) is a sensitive differential pressure gauge, which records the
rate of change of atmospheric pressure in terms of rate of climb or descent, when an aeroplane
departs from level flight.
Principle of Operation
The principle employed is that of measuring the difference in pressure between two chambers,
one of which is enclosed within the other, as shown below.

The pressure of the atmosphere is communicated directly to the inner chamber (capsule) and
through a calibrated choke or capsule case to the outer chamber. If the pressure changes, as in
a climb or descent, the lag between the capsule and outer chamber will result in a pressure
differential across the metering unit, which is a direct measure of the aeroplane's rate of climb or
descent. Movement of the capsule is transmitted via a mechanical linkage to a pointer, which
moves against a calibrated dial on the face of the instrument, where the indications are
arranged in a logarithmic scale. This allows the scale in the range 0 to 1000 feet/minute to be
more easily interpreted while, at the same time, allowing smaller changes in the vertical speed
to be registered in that range. This allows the flight crew to achieve a given flight profile more
The metering unit of the VSI provides a pressure differential across the capsule case for any
given rate of climb or descent, whilst compensating for variations in temperature and pressure
of the atmosphere with changes in altitude. The compensation is achieved by incorporating in
the metering unit both an orifice and a capillary, whose sizes are chosen so that indicator
readings remain correct over a wide range of temperature and altitude conditions.
Operation of the VSI
In level flight the pressure inside the capsule and the case will be the same, so the pointer will
remain in its horizontal position, indicating a zero rate of climb. If the aeroplane climbs, the
static pressure in the capsule will decrease at a quicker rate than that in the casing and the
capsule will collapse slightly, and will cause the pointer to indicate a rate of climb. Conversely if
the aeroplane descends the static pressure in the capsule will increase at a higher rate than that



in the casing and the capsule will expand slightly, causing the pointer to indicate a rate of
Errors of the VSI
The VSI can suffer from the following errors:Lag. When an aeroplane is suddenly made to climb or descend, a delay of a few
seconds occurs before the pointer settles at the appropriate rate of climb or descent,
which is due to the time required for the pressure differential to develop. A similar delay
will occur in the pointer showing a zero rate of climb or descent when the aeroplane
resumes level flight.
Instrument Error. This error is due to the manufacturers' tolerances. However, in
service the instrument pointer can be re-adjusted to the zero position using a screw
Manoeuvre Induced Error. Errors induced by manoeuvres or flight in turbulence can
cause any pressure instrument to misread for up to 3 seconds at low altitudes and up to
10 seconds at high altitudes. The times for the VSI may be even longer. Thus, during
any manoeuvre involving a change of attitude, absolute reliance must not be placed on
the VSI, with pitching resulting in the greatest error.
Faults of the VSI
The following faults will have an adverse affect on the VSI reading:Blockages. A blockage in the static line will render the instrument completely
unserviceable, and the pointer will register zero regardless of the aeroplane's vertical
Breakage or Leakage in the Static line. A breakage or leakage in the static pressure
supply line will cause the static value to change as the breakage occurs, eg. if the
breakage occurs in a pressurised section of the aeroplane the VSI will initially show a
high rate of descent and will then stabilise to give a zero indication. This reading will be
maintained until the aeroplane descends below the cabin altitude pressure.
Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI)
The Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator (IVSI) is also sometimes referred to as the Inertial
Lead Vertical Speed Indicator (ILVSI). The basic construction of this instrument is shown on
the next page. It consists of the same basic elements as the conventional VSI, but it is
additionally fitted with an accelerometer unit that is designed to create a more rapid differential
pressure effect, specifically during the initiation of climb or descent. The accelerometer
comprises of two small cylinders or dashpots, which contain inertial masses in the form of
pistons that are held in balance by springs and their own mass. The cylinders are connected in
the capillary tube system leading to the capsule and are thus open to the static pressure source.
Operation of the IVSI / ILVSI
If a change in vertical motion is initiated, the resultant vertical acceleration, ie. due to the
change in vertical velocity along the aeroplanes vertical axis, will produce a force and the
pistons will be displaced from their neutral position. The pistons are arranged so that one
responds to nose up pitch changes (positive G) by reducing the capsule pressure, whilst the
other will respond to nose down pitch changes (negative G) by increasing the capsule pressure.
This will in turn create an immediate pressure change inside the capsule, and will produce an
instantaneous movement of the indicator pointer, and in the correct sense, to the initiation of a
climb or descent manoeuvre. The errors are generally the same as those affecting the
conventional VSI, although the lag and induced manoeuvre errors will be virtually eliminated,



with the instrument providing a rapid response to changes in the aeroplanes vertical flight path.
The accelerometer output will decay after only a few seconds, and the pistons will automatically
return to their neutral position, by which time a steady pressure differential will have been
established across the metering unit. The instrument will then continue to behave like a
conventional VSI.
The IVSI is however affected by the acceleration forces, ie. gforces, which act on the pistons
during steep turns when the angle of bank is in excess of 40, and may produce a false reading,
known as Turning Error.



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