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MAT 157 TEST #1 Attempt all questions. All questions are of equal value, No alds allowed, (2) Let f be a function defined on the real numbers (a) (marks) State precisely the mesning ofthe expressions lim f(x Land in (b) (14 marks) Evaluate the flowing limits being enreful to state what properties you are using (2) Consider the polynomial p(z) (a) (10 marks) Find a natural number n for which the op (nyn+1) contains at least one solution of the equation p(x Justify your answer (®) (0 marks) Is the fonction f(x) = 1/(p(z)) Bounded above on the closed interval [4,2011)? Justify your answer. (8) (0) ( marks) Lot f bo\a function defined on the real numbers. ‘State precisely the meaning of the expression ‘fis eontinaous ata’ (b) (15 marks) Suppose that the functions f and g are both com ‘imuous st a and that {(e) = 9(a). Show that for any € > 0 ‘thece is some 6 > 0 such that, for all x, If jz ~ al < 6, then Ife) - 9) (0, Consider two numbers @ and b such that a < (0) (10 marks) Show that 1/f is continuous on the closed interval {0,0}, (b) (10 marks) Show that there is some natural number n for whch the equation f(x) = 1 has no solutions within the interval [a,b] (6) (20 marks) Suppose that fis a finction defined on the real nurnbers satisfying f(2-+y) = f(2) + f(y) for all waz and y. Suppose that fis continuous at 0. Prove that itis contiauous ata forall real 0. MAT 157 TERM TEST 2 DECEMHER 7, 2011 No aids allowed. ‘The value of each question is indicated in brackets. ‘You have 110 minutes (2:10-4:00pm) to complete your work. (1) (2) (points) State precisely what it means for a function f(2) to be differentiable at a point 2 =a, (0) (4 points) Prove that if f(e) is differentiable at 2 = a then itis continuous at (©) ( points) Give an example to show that the converse is not true. Prove that ‘your example has the property that you are claiming fori (2) (@) (5 points) State precisely the mean value theorem. (6) (6 points) Prove that the function (+) = x — 3x +1 newer has two roots in [0,1] regardless of the value of m. (8) (40 points} Suppose that f:R —+ Ris differentiable at every point and that J'(a) = = forall =, Prove that Sta) = G2 +e for some constant c. (4) (20 points) Find the maximum snd minimum values ofthe following functions on the stated intervals: (a) f(c) = 3z*— 82" + 62" on the interval [-4, }}. () f(@)= By on (1,4). points) Let f:RR —> Re a function. Define the inverse f- and give a a remota foe trio, Beaartl toaiue demain a eee tiara f(z) = 24 [2}, Determine the range of f and prove that pute f-!. Be careful to justify all your steps. Kumar Muy MAT 157 TEST’ 4 (MARCH 26, 2012) No aids allowed. ‘The value of each questi (1) (00 points) Find the tit cated in brackets, Simcoe 2) fd justify your answer (2) (@) (4 points) Evaluate the integral Gy *z-1* GH (@) (6) (@ points) Compute the Tavlorpolyaomisl Fyo of degree of f(2) = eat ZnO. (b) (3 points) Bstimate the remainder term f(z) ~ Pxo(#) and prove that for any 2, the remainder tends to 0 a8 n> oe, t (6) @ pointe) Deduee the Taylor seis of g(x) =e" at = (2) (2 poims) Prove that (0) 0 atm inodd rifof2). im ineen (Here, n= n{a-1)(2-2)---3-2-1), (4) (10 pots) Prove that Lyi) Bee OP aH (Hint: Compare with an appropriate integral) (0) (10 pats) Decide wheter the ees = 1 S 1 Lier Lee converge o verge. Justify your answer, 5 rl Kemec sun ty ‘MAC 167 TERM TEST 4 PRIMARY 14 2012 No side allowed, The valve of sach question is Indkated in brackets, You have 110 minute (2.10.00) to complete sour tank (2) (0) (4 pins) tae pect oa an nar (0) @ pany Cie (© (3 points) Give an example of» function that by integrable. Justify your ly what it means for « function f(«) to be integrable Defic all terrae that yu fn xample ofa fuetion that isnot integrable, Juntify your (2) (0) (6 points) Stato carfaly the Fundamental Theorem of Calculis () 6 points) Find function ¢ sch that ff einn ese (2) () (6 pis) Conse te action Maye SeVi=als f VimRa defi for € [-1,1. Compute the derive ofA). (You should explain ho you know tha Ain dierent) (6) (Sats) Prowe thot AC) onto oe an no sa ine (4) (6) (6 pins) Prov that sin mot ation inetion. That i ii nto he form (2)/ate) where pa ¢ we polrwmal (iat At how acy pines ca ational facto ta hele br!) (©) ( pa Ute Stato pov ta ns oo not matty» Yani (sin)? fala) + (sina) f(z) + fox) = 0

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