Fok Newsletter Summer 2016 2017 1 2

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The Little Aussie Phillip Island Would Hate To Lose

Friends of the Koalas Inc.

Summer 2016/17
Edition 105 - Issued Quarterly
Coming Events
Annual General Meeting: Saturday January 21st 2pm at the Chisholm Room
Koala Conservation Centre All Welcome
Habitat Days: 1st Saturday of the month 10am ph 59 522 407 for details
January 7th Ragwort Pull Oswin Roberts Reserve, February 4th, and March 4 th
Clean Up Australia Day ph 59522407 for details. New volunteers very welcome.
Koala Counts: 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Koala Conservation Centre at
10.00 am meet in the car park. Jan 10 th, Feb 14th, March 14th
A bird survey is also undertaken
Phillip Island Nature Parks Community Open Day: Sun Mar 5th FOK will have a
display and assist with Koala and Bush Birds experience walks 11am & 2.30
Barb Martin Bushbank: Community indigenous plant nursery-open Wednesdays
9.30am to 3.30pm, first Saturday of the month 10am-1pm and by appointment.
Drought tolerant, bird and wildlife attracting, habitat creating plants available.New
volunteers always welcome ph. 0407 348 807
Phillip Island Conservation Society: Annual General Meeting January 7th 2017
7.30pm at St Phillips Parish Hall
Nature Parks Quarterly Hooded Plover and Gull Count: Thursday 9th February
9am at Penguin Parade environment pod.

Presidents Report
As another year draws to a close the future for free ranging koalas on Phillip Island
and other parts of Australia remains grim. Ashley Reeds report on page 3 certainly
confirms this. The ongoing problem of the loss of habitat caused by urbanisation
continues unabated. Where once people on Phillip Island cohabited happily with
koalas travelling through their gardens this is no longer the case. Todays gardens
with high fences and few trees or native vegetation make life increasingly impossible
not just for koalas but all our wildlife.
That is why the Islands reserves are so precious and must be protected.
The Phillip Island Nature Parks recently released Woodlands and Wetlands Key Area
Plan is so important. We must remember that the Koala Conservation Centre was
established specifically for the preservation of koalas, and that areas like Oswin
Roberts Reserve and the Ventnor Koala Reserve were also set aside for the benefit of
I believe that there is a growing conflict between recreation and conservation. While
obviously areas for peoples recreation must be provided, some areas must be
preserved with limited regulated access for the sake of the long term survival of our
flora and fauna. After all, such places only take up a very small part of Phillip Island.
I would like to thank our small dedicated group of volunteers and of course our
committee members.
The AGM will be held on January 21st at 2pm at the KCC so come and join us.
Seasons Greetings
Patsy Hunt, President

Membership Reminder that memberships are due for renewal on 1/1/17. Please
renew as your membership is highly valued. Membership enquiries Pauline Taylor
Membership Secretary 59 52 54 85

Koala search with PINP 7/12/16

PINP staff and volunteers ready

to set off during the koala
search in the Oswin Roberts

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