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The Significant Effects Technology Has On Language Learning

By Tala Kh. Al Fararjeh

University of Jordan

December, 2016


Technology has a dramatic impact on all of us; children, teenagers, students, workers,
thinkersetc, and even on old people. Technology is in everywhere, and could make
our lives easier and faster, but not just this; technology could change how we see the
world and how we deal with the world. As teachers, it is our responsibility to surround
our students with the best of the best of technological tools, and to expand the
horizons for them by applying technology in our classrooms. We, teachers of the
future, should be well-trained, and well-prepared to create the suitable atmosphere for
our beloved students. In this research, I will try to define CALL, and to shed some light
on the importance of Quizlet and YouTube. Moreover, this research will mark out the
advantages of using technology in learning a language. At last, I gave some
.information about the situation in Jordan, that I really hope that it gets improved

The world has been exposed to a very huge change over the last years. Technology is
nowadays playing an important role in changing the world. A study shows that around
90% of students can easily learn by using different technologies. (Dexway,2016). The
question we need to ask now is: Is this why we do not employ technology in teaching
?languages inside the classroom
In this essay, we are going to discuss several issues related to CALL, such as its
advantages, examples of tech tools used nowadays, and its implications by the
?What is CALL
CALL is referred to as Computer- Assisted Language Learning. Egbert (2005, 4) says
that "CALL means students learn language in any context with, through, and around
computer technologies." This means getting and learning information you need about
any language at any time in any place. In addition, Beatty (2003, p. 7) defines CALL
more briefly and more accurately as: "Any process in which a learner uses a computer
and, as a result, improves his or her language."Thus, from both definitions, they focus
on learning a language by using technology. After all, I would prefer to define CALL as
a channel or system that provides learners to learn language through the technology
.used in the classroom individually or as groups, and squads
In addition to that, the main purpose of CALL as a technology technique is to make our
life more malleable, accessible, and useful.CALL eases the learning process on both

students and teachers especially in language courses and increases the

understanding of the language components in general, regardless to the methods
used.(Dexway, 2016). To explain that, I would like to give a short glimpse about the
:advantages of CALL as an essential part of learning
Getting the information they need about any topic, at anytime, and in any place .1
individually. For example, most applications give the learners a chance to provoke
ideas and possess knowledge by the amazing services they provide. Students, no
matter how many variations are there between them and their different levels, they
can absolutely benefit from such programs. This, can also help teachers by easing iton
.them when dealing with weak students regardless to their physical presence
Making the class environment a more joyful and interesting place by watching .3
videos, playing games, and knowing about new things. Considering a study made by
IT Trade Association CompTIA students: "They prefer technology because they believe
that it makes learning more interesting and more fun."(Alex, 2007)." 'Students prefer
to use iPads, and Laptop.''(Cox, 2009)
Online learning: they can get a degree of any major they want to study. For .4
example, Marburg University provides an online learning so that they would have a
chance to take courses that are taught by native speakers. This led them to improving
their visual skills. There are also many applications that provide online learning (e.g.
Technology is not for only getting and sharing information, but, also receiving .5
feedback. Equally, teachers can create an assignment by using specific tools (e.g.
Quizlet, Edmodo, Google Forms, etc...), browse the internet to do research on the topic
.they want, and students can master their life skills through the technology
Recently, computers have been used in learning languages in class. Most teachers
prefer using the tech tools inside the class because of its benefits. In other words,

technology is used to facilitate the students' needs in learning a language, to enhance

.students achievements, and to save their time and efforts
There are many tech tools that achieve the target of technology and here are two of
:the most important and popular tech tools
Quizlet Application .1
Unfortunately, depending on the survey I made by using Google Form showed how
.many people heard or used Quizlet app. I was disappointed with the result
I had eighty students and parents who filled out the survey. Here is the result
:illustrated in the following pie chart

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ti tuoba draeh I


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tuoba raeh ton did I
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The result showed that approximately 56% did not hear or use the Quizlet tool, while
there was around 44% who heard and used this amazing tech tool. Accordingly, this
study appeared the fact that some students used Quizlet tool in the class, while the
!clear majority did not. Maybe because it is published recently
I want now to illustrate what is Quizlet, and how we can deal with this amazing tool in
.learning a language specifically inside the classroom
?What is Quizlet
Quizlet is an online learning tool which can give students a chance to learn, and
practice specific language material. It has many features that make it an amazing

tool. A) Easy to work with B) you can master any language you want by playing games
for example. You can open it either from their website or by installing it to your smart
Quizlet has many techniques; one of those techniques is flashcards. Flashcards
provide the students a word, and definition with a correct spelling and pronunciation.
Also, teachers can print out the flashcards and stick them around the class, they can
also make their own flashcards or use the cards made by other users, or let their
students make their own cards. That might help them in getting the ideas very
quickly, because they chose their own way to learn. Not only that, but also students
can study individually without teachers. Teachers should bear in mind that there are
different types of learners. One of those is visual learners who prefer using images,
pictures, colours, and maps to organize the information and communicate with others.
Thus, flashcards would be an amazing technique to learn the language easily which
.stick the words in students' mind freely
Furthermore, Quizlet offers online classes, which provides students to upload their
own images, and by this feature, a teacher can see the students who are playing a
game or answering rightly or wrongly on a practice test. In addition, Quizlet reads the
words or definitions to the student aloud and this will enhance students to catch the
correct pronunciation. Still, sometimes Quizlet do not focus on the function of a word
when it is pronounced. For instance, the word "record" has both noun and verb forms,
which is pronounced with different syllable and stress pattern. Quizlet provides
spelling feedback too. For example, it plays a sound treat and depending on it,
students write the correct spelling, and if the students make a mistake, Quizlet
visually correct the error. In addition to this, Quizlet can be useful to create not only
flashcards but also paper handouts or game materials. For example, once you have
your words list, just upload it to the Quizlet by making it as a glossary (term and
definition side by side), table (term and definition in a table), etc. Also, students can

play match games by matching a picture with a correct word depending on the time.
.This game will teach students to answer very quickly and correctly at the same time

YouTube .2
YouTube is an online application which people use for watching videos and listening to
music. What makes this app special is that it can facilitate other students by listening
to native speakers talk and debate. It also encourages student to interact and
communicate with language learners from all around the world by communicating and
using the live video feature. In addition to this, it is not boring; it always has different
.and random kinds of videos to watch depending on the topic a person likes or prefers
Many teachers around the world started to use YouTube inside the classroom because of its
benefits. YouTube allows students to get the information easily and quickly and it keeps

students more engaged to the subject. Also, teachers can focus on students rather
than explaining complicated subjects. In addition to this, you can use YouTube in a
flipped classroom.("The flipped classroom describes a reversal of traditional
teaching where students gain first exposure to new material outside of class, usually
via reading or lecture videos, and then class time is used to do the harder work of
assimilating that knowledge through strategies such as problem-solving, discussion or
debates." (Vanderbilt, 2016)). YouTube focuses on listening and speaking skills in specific and other
skills in general. Not to mention its allowance for students to listen to native speakers in the language they
learn so they can improve their pronunciation.
YouTube has many channels that students can benefit from them such as, British council, TED talks,
Engvid, Turkish channel, Jeny Lee, Butterfly Spanish, and many other channels that students suggested in
my survey. Those channels are not teaching only grammar and vocabulary but, also, they focus on the main
four skills in any language (speaking, writing, reading, and listening).

In short, using YouTube inside the class will help teachers in making the lesson less boring and helps the
students to enhance and master the language very well. Students prefer to learn the second language freely
and independently. By YouTube, they can achieve what they prefer. I do recommend it in general.
Many schools in Jordan started to use the technology in teaching especially the
private schools. They start to understand the benefit of using the technology inside
the class. The result of using this tech tool, because it improves students' skills, helps
students learn individually which makes them more independent, change the routine
in the class, and let the students to be more creative. Consequently, this will improve
their social skills; students can communicate and collaborate with other people in
.other location in the world and they can master life skills through the technology
Unfortunately, some schools think that using these tools inside the class will affect on
the students negatively and think that it is very expensive. However, the only two
things we need are internet and smart board. In addition, public schools do not use
technology in teaching. The result of that, we are quite poor country and that our
schools are not fully prepared to adapt such things, also, some teachers are not
familiar with the technology and some of them avoid it because they think that the
only way to learn is using books.
To solve such problems, I think that the government should care more about the
importance of technology, to prepare teachers who can deal with such these tools and
to know how to use technology "I mean CALL". In addition, to start slowly with kids of
preschools and building up to all kids.

To wrap things up, technology is out there, and is everywhere, why not to use it inside the classrooms? I
think students are bored of the old version of teaching, lets just change the way we teach, to change their
lives, and the way they see learning. Quizlet, YouTube, and others should be our backup, as they provide us
with creative ways to teach, cooling the class atmosphere and encourage students to depend on themselves

and learn by their own. I believe that such a method, starts with a small change in our ways of teaching is
capable of taking our countries a step further to widen the horizons in front of us to a deep understanding,
.learning, and thinking

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