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10 Ways Which Destruction To The Environment and Depletion of

Resources Can Affect Our Overall As Population






The deforestation of mangroves forests

Mangroves are considered to be an evergreen forest type that tolerates salt and can be found
in tropical climates mostly around the equator. Mangroves thrive in less than hospitable
conditions that foster marine animals that also tolerate salt as well as hostile weather
conditions. Although they live in such a hostile environment mangroves have adapted ways
of making both their own lives and the lives around them more comfortable. These lives
include both animal and human lives. Society has not always been kind to nature and that
includes to the Mangrove forests as well. Mangroves serve several different purposes,
however and should be treasured.
Mangrove forests give benefit to animals and also human. For animals, Mangrove forest
grow close together and making a thick canopy for birds to rest and make nest without danger
from above and below. The shade provided by canopy of mangroves cools the water and air
around them to make hot tropical air cooler and more habitable.
While for human have small benefit to large benefit. The small benefit is people will enjoy
floating on salt water for recreational and seeing the wildlife makes homes of the mangroves.
For large benefit to population is mangroves provide a buffer zone for hurricane and harsh
winds, surf and also tsunami. Mangroves forests will absorb the strong winds or storms that
would damage the mainland. This absorption can saved many lives animals and also human.
But today, mangrove forests are experiencing new threats which are deforestation, pollution,
and over harvesting resources. The mangrove trees are cut down in order to provide fuel
wood for housing that have no electricity and heat their homes and cook their meals by fuel
wood. Mangrove wood can be used for making charcoal that can be use as fuel.
Over harvesting of marine life populations will put species in danger, for example the fishers
will harm the trees with their nets or over harvest to a region where the predators that eat
smaller organisms will no longer have sufficient food supply thus making them to move to a
different area that eventually make the plants suffer due to the broken ecosystem.
Climate change is main reason of we are losing mangrove forests. For example, the global
warming will cause the increasing of water sea level. The mangrove tree cannot keep the
rising tides and will make the forest is flooded then the trees is problem because it is sensitive
to rise of tides. Higher temperature will cause more violent storms that bring more rain and

stronger winds. The mangroves trees cant hold the storms and will tear up coast lines and
destroy homes.

The extraction of petroleum

Petroleum is made from animals and plants that died millions of years ago. The extraction of
petroleum is the process by which usable petroleum is extracted and removed from the earth.
The oil well is created by drilling a long hole into the earth with an oil rig. A steel pipe is
placed in the hole, to provide structural integrity to the newly drilled well bore. Holes are
then made in the base of the well to enable oil to pass into the bore. Collection of valve is
fitted to the top, the valves regulate pressures and control flow. The extraction can be on land
and at sea.
The importance of petroleum is a main sources of energy to human. Petroleum is useful for
various purposes. Today, the main use of petroleum in the world is transportation. The
transport system depends upon petroleum. It has be used on road, rail, water or air transport.
Petrol and diesel are the main sources of energy for all types of modern transport vehicles. In
industrial world, oil is the major source of power. Diesel and gasoline are used in gas turbines
to produce electricity. Heavier oils are used for heating and lighting. Oil is used to produce
electricity for industrial and domestic use. The lighter grades of oil kerosene are still used
for domestic purposes. The petroleum can be used as lubricants for all types of machines
especially the machines used in transport and industries.
The extraction of petroleum is useful to human but the extraction effect the environment.
Usually petroleum is extract from earth surface, in the process of extraction the accidents can
occur and cause the oil spills. The spills is coming from pipelines and leaching thousand of
gallons of crude oil. The spills may kill wildlife and polluting fresh water. The fish and
aquatic animals will increase levels of mercury which affect top predators and human.
While the processing of extraction of petroleum happen, they release toxin that pollute air
and risk the human. The long terms effects of exposure to the toxins released during
extraction include lung disease, liver, kidney damage, birth defects, brain damage and
The extraction of petroleum on land causes deforestation as trees are felled to make roads,
allow for oil rigs and make room for camps. Oil extraction invariably adds toxic chemicals

into the rainforest, this is even more common in remote areas where there is frequently is
little oversight by the State. Increased oil extraction brings more cO2 into our atmosphere
increasing climate change which in turn makes the rainforests more vulnerable to drought and

Construction of the dam

A dam is a barrier that impounds water or underground streams. Reservoirs created by dams
not only suppress floods but also provide water for activities such as irrigation, human
consumption, industrial use, aquaculture, and navigability. Hydropower is often used in
conjunction with dams to generate electricity. A dam can also be used to collect water or for
storage of water which can be evenly distributed between locations.
Dams have two main functions and benefits to human. The first is to store water to
compensate for fluctuations in river flow or in demand for water and energy. The second to
raise the level of the water upstream to enable water to be diverted into a canal to increase
force of movement hydraulic head the difference in height between the surface of a reservoir
and the river downstream. The creation of storage and head allow dams to generate
electricity; to supply water for agriculture, industries and households; to control flooding; and
to assist river navigation by providing regular flows and drowning rapids. Other reasons for
building large dams include reservoir fisheries and leisure activities such as boating.
The environmental effect of large dams are various, and includes direct impacts to the
biological, chemical and physical properties of rivers. On upstream, The dam wall itself
blocks fish migrations, which in some cases and with some species completely separate
spawning habitats from rearing habitats. The dam also traps sediments, which are critical for
maintaining physical processes and habitats downstream of the dam.
The impact of below dam will reduced sediment load downstream but damned river is
wanting sediment. Because the rate of deposition of sediment is greatly reduced since there is
less to deposit but the rate of erosion remains nearly constant, the water flow erodes the river
shores and riverbed, threatening shoreline ecosystems, deepening the riverbed, and narrowing
the river over time. This leads to a compromised water table, reduced water levels, thus
reduced ecosystem variability, reduced support for wildlife, and reduced amount of sediment
reaching coastal.

Effects beyond of the dam is effects on humans. Even dam is helpful to humans by provide
electricity and storage water, it also can be harmful. The negative effect is the dam can
become breeding grounds for disease such mosquitoes that cause malaria or AEDES and
snails that cause Schistosomiasis because of slow flowing water.
The creation of dam and reservoirs also acquire relocation of human population that close to
the constructed area. The reservoir will submerged large area of land and forcing million
people to relocate. Not only people will relocate but animals also will lose their habitat and
trees will submerged into water.

Landfills is one of the important things to make our lives better. If we do not have the place to
throw all of the rubbish there will be rubbish every inch and corner on this world. Landfills is
the method of burying the waste that produced by human into soils. But there is a downside
of landfill which may be harm to the environment and human too. Every household have their
own waste to throw everyday. According to Environment Protection Agency (EPA) average
for a person to throw or dump waste is likely 2.04 kg per day.From the thrown waste, many
of them will end up in becoming a toxin substance which can harm human in future. In time,
the toxic from the waste will be absorb by the soils and will flow through fresh water
underground. It will effects the humans without we even know about it.
Other than that, the effect of landfill to the environment is it produces a greenhouse gas to the
atmosphere. This happens when, organic things such as food scraps and green waste were put
into the landfill and covered by other things. This process will make the food to break down
in pieces in which eventually produces a gas called methane. This is 21 times more dangerous
than the carbon dioxide releases by the deforestation. Besides that, methane is one of the
flammable gas, it will cause a huge explosion or fire when it becomes compressed. Sooner or
later it will affect the environment. Moreover, the landfill also produces dust and nonchemical contaminants which makes their way to the atmosphere which later causes acid rain
and air pollution. It will increase the risk of to the health of human being who stay near the
landfill. The surroundings people have the foul smell when the waste in the landfill being
burn which later cause huge environment problem.

High Number of Industries Growth

Industry is one of the most important thigs for human being. It is the source of mass
production either food or anything to all people around the word. Other than that, industries
growth also increases the economy of a country. For example, Malaysian economy have been
great in recent years due to the industry growth. It contributed to a lot recent years. The
industries sector contributes 36.8% this is more than agriculture income for the country. But
theres a side effect of increasing of the industries growth. Even though ones country can
benefits the growth of industries, the environment is also need to be taken care of. It created a
lot of pollution to the surroundings. For example, the release of particle which produced by
the factory. The air pollution produced by these factories can be harmful for the man kind.
The acidic rain will make the marble stone erosion, makes the fresh water acidic and many
more. The amount of acidic rain will affect the ecosystem of the marine life. The more acid in
the lake they are most likely to die and later will extinct. If this happens, one of the food
chain in the wild will be broken, and it will affect the human in future.
Other than air pollution, there will be a soil pollution as most of the factory waste will be
bury into the soil.

Land Disturbance
A more basic cause of environmental degradation is land damage. Numerous weedy plant
species, for example, garlic mustard, are both foreign and obtrusive. A rupture in the
environmental surroundings provides for them a chance to start growing and spreading.
These plants can assume control over nature, eliminating the local greenery. The result is
territory with a solitary predominant plant which doesnt give satisfactory food assets to all
the environmental life. Whole environments can be destroyed because of these invasive
species. According to St. Louis County (2016), land disturbances are categorized as either
major or ordinary depending on the size of the land disturbance. For major land disturbance,
which is a land that disturbance involving one acre (43,560 square feet) or more of land. This
includes contiguous parcels/lots for a proposed development that ultimately will disturb one
acre or more. For example, advance grading of 0.90 acres for the construction of a cul-de-sac
and infrastructure improvements for a new 6 lot subdivision, together with the eventual
foundation excavation and construction of 6 houses/driveways is a Major Land Disturbance

since ultimately more than one acre will be disturbed for the entire development. For
Ordinary Land Disturbance which is a land disturbance involving 2,000 square feet or more
and less than one acre (43,560 square feet) of land. Small land disturbances involving less
than 2,000 square feet and cuts/fills less than 30 cubic yards are generally exempt from being
regulated and needing a permit provided the disturbance doesnt create problems/damage to
adjoining property such as changing elevation at property line, affecting existing swale
drainage, and so on. For example, a foundation excavation for a 5,000 square foot building
addition where the excavated dirt is distributed over 10,000 square feet of site area during
finish grading is a land disturbance affecting 15,000 square feet of land.

Rapid population growth on Earth where the world human population (the total number of
living humans on Earth) was 7.244 billion as of July 2014 according to the medium fertility
estimate by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population
Division and it is projected to reach 7.325 billion in July 2015. Population in the world is
currently growing at a rate of around 1.14% per year. The average population change is
currently estimated at around 80 million per year. Mortality rate has gone down due to better
medical facilities which had resulted in increased lifespan. More population simple means
more demand for food, clothes and shelter. With this increasing population, there is definitely
a greater need for resources and puts strain on natural resources which results in degradation
of our environment. One of the examples will be the need for water. In the last 45 years, the
demand for earths natural resources has doubled, due to rising living standards in rich and
emerging countries and increasing world population. Today humanity uses 50% of the
planets fresh water. In 40 years we will use 80% because of the rapid growth of population.
Other than that, people need more space to grow food and provide homes to millions of
people. This results in deforestation which is another factor of environmental degradation.

Urban Sprawl
Urban sprawl refers to the migration of a population from populated towns and cities to low
density residential development over more and more rural land. Besides that it is also the
uncontrolled expansion of urban area. Besides human, the expansion has been give bad
impact to the wildlife habitat where they loss their habitat because of new road construction
and road expansion. Today almost all countries are using land irresponsibility to fulfill the
demand of greedy human wishes. All the flora and fauna has been destructed and lost
completely instead of being replaced. Besides that, it also has giving the harmful impact to
human survival and causes serious environmental issue. According to Everything Connect
(2014), urban sprawl can cause higher water and air pollution, increased traffic jam, loss the
agricultural capacity, higher rate of obesity, increased runoff into river and lakes, high
pressure and environmental degradation.

Nevertheless, transportation also become a cause of environment degradation. Eventhough
the growth of speedy transportation is mans greatest achievement, but in context of
environment it creates air pollution, noise pollution, transportation infrastructure
requirements and many more. In 2013, transportation contributed more than half of the
carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides, and almost a quarter of the hydrocarbons emitted into
our air (WHO, 2014).

This is mean that it carries significant for human health and

environment and at the same time it will record high temperature cause of the thinning of the
ozone layer.
Besides, transportation also can cause the noise pollution in our environment. According to
the World Health Organisation (WHO), noise is second only to air pollution in the impact it
has on health. It is a major cause, not only of hearing loss, but also of heart disease, learning
problems in children and sleep disturbance. WHO also report that each year Europeans lose at
least one million healthy life-years due to disability or disease caused by traffic noise. And
that estimate is said to be conservative. yet, as a human that live in this planet, everybody
should play an important role in order to curb the problem from it become more serious.

Unplanned Land-use Policy

Other than that, irregular and unplanned land use policy is one of the common problem of all
urban settlement today. This problem can cause the economy-ecology balance is not taken
into consideration and economic concern always win. This problem can cause degradation of
water quality. Poor land use decisions can result in big changes to natural land watersheds
and water quality. Low-intensity uses include open spaces including woodlands, shrubs,
grassland, farmland, and managed green spaces, whereas high-intensity uses include the likes
of residential, commercial and industrial land use. When development occurs, the new land
use changes how water is transported and stored. The combination of constraints related to
impervious and compacted land creates a barrier to water infiltration coming from rainfall
and snowmelt. This causes, for example, reduced water quality, increased volume and
velocity of runoff, increased frequency and severity of floods, and the loss of storage capacity
and runoff water in natural vegetation.

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