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Back to school

A memory to cherish
It's school time again! I am starting school with today being my first day back at
SK. Pendidikan Khas (P) Kuala Terengganu. I was excited and a little sad that school
holidays just come to the end. On the other half, I felt nervous or a little scared today
because everything is new: new teachers, new friends and new environment. Luckily,
these new worries only stick around for a little while.
With anxiety on one hand and fear on the other, I joined a queue and was
brought to Dewan Gemilang by my teachers. I was in tears when my mother left. Many
of my classmates were also crying and Cikgu Sakinah as the teacher in charge for
orientation session had a hard time pacifying us. She played games and sang nursery
rhymes with us to make us feel comfortable. Soon, I got to know few friends.
After recess, my teachers lead by Cikgu Mariana brought us on a tour to get to
know all the places around the school. We got to know the exact location of our new
class, toilet, library, office, teachers room, headmasters room and so on. During the
trip, we were doing some fun activities such as counting the steps as we climb the stairs
and got to know other teachers name.

Before the first day end, the headmaster presented a small gift for all of us.
Teachers also decided to commemorate the day with a little photo session. For me, the
first day of school was the most memorable day in my life. I was glad to be part of the
school and was looking forward to go to school for the next day.

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