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(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

Name: Lama Faisal Al-Rabiee

#ID: 0132154

Computer Assistant Language Learning

Instructor: Emily Clymer
Title Page: The Influence of Computer Language Learning
Date: December 22, 2016

(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

CALL is abbreviation for Computer Assisted Language Learning.

This term refers to technology in use in second language teaching and learning and
contains a huge chain of information and communications technology applications
and new methods to teaching and learning the second language.
Levy (1997.1) defines call as "the search for study of applications of the computer in
language teaching and learning".
All call approaches refer to the use of technology in language learning in which
the computer and internet used as an aid to the presentation and assessment of
materials to be learned. Thats mean if we use any approach of call we need
technology, we need a computer and internet connection to apply the notion of call in
language learning. The emergence of call started to increase in the last years ago and the
notion of call still in the spread level, not all has aware of using call, people still need to get
more knowledge about call. As university students we need to know more and more about

Did you imagine your life without technology or epically even without internet
connection through your learning process? If we are looking to the effect of
technology during learning process, whether if you are university students or school
student you found the amazing role of technological tools in learning levels.
Call inside classroom has a lot of benefits for teacher and learner, the learning
process could be more flexible and easy to access, teacher and learner should not be in
the same place and this guide us to distance learning that considered as call approach,
distance learning has successes to bridge the gap between world distances, any time

(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

and any where you can learn without to be limited, teacher can gives feedback to
students in direct way through for example emails.
We have so many useful tech tools could be used in language learning and it
included as an applications of call; YouTube, Skype, Edmodo, Duolingo, and so on.
In this essay I chosen two tech tools (Skype and YouTube) that play a significant role
in language learning levels and each of tech tools that I choose included so many
helpful features could be considered as an important.
According to TESLEG (teaching English as a second or foreign language) Skype
defines as " a software application that uses voice over internet protocol technology
which converts voice singles into data streams that are sent over the internet and
converted back to audio by the recipients computer" (Educause, 2007, p.2). Skype is
a free tool; you can download it on smart phones from Google play or App store,
laptops and tablets.
Skype was released in 29 August, 2003 and gained a huge use by people because
is a very good tool to communicate with others and easy to use. Despite of Skype is
using as a communication tool, it is using also for educational purposes especially in
language learning process. It has fascinating features for language learning. You can
improve your writing and speaking skills in any language that you want to learn,
Skype offers chat rooms, so anyone how wants to enhance speaking and writing skills
in a particular language he/she can talks with native speakers of that language, from
different places and different cultures, so it will be interesting and helpful.
There are many features that made a Skype a unique tool between other tools of
language learning, Skype offers three services: voice and video calls so it allows users

(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

to communicate easily either voice or video call or both, Skype also offers to users
send and receive text messages, in addition to that Skype offers service that allow
users to receive and send calls to regular telephone numbers but it is a paid service
Regard to using Skype inside classroom it will be a very good idea if it is applied,
teacher could make as a plan for students to use Skype by make a conference between
each two students, so student can conference with her/his parent and it will be a great
way to practice the goal language. Teacher also can gives students workshop or an
assignments to share it together so they can share their work on Skype. Despite Skype
is having a lot of benefits for students but also203 33
it have so many advantages for teacher, for instance, teacher can collaborate with
other teaches by making conferences on Skype , so teacher can get new ideas,
projects, new experience and so on from other teachers.
The second tech tool that I want to mention it, it is YouTube
YouTube: is a free video-hosting website that allows members to store and serve
video content. YouTube members and website visitors can share YouTube videos on
a variety of web platforms by using a link or by embedding HTML code
YouTube offers the opportunity to learn anytime, anywhere as you want, you are
not limited in a specific way, you have the choice to choose the way that you like to
learn a language from multiple videos by native speakers. For example if you prefer
songs to learn YouTube offers to you a lot of songs that contain useful vocabulary of
target language. In addition to that YouTube serves many helpful videos could used
inside classroom for foreign language learning, and these videos may be used for
motivating students to learn. For example Teacher can make a creative lesson plan that make

(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

students like the class without feeling bored, for instance if there is a class about w-questions
and how to use them, by using YouTube teacher can find a lot of videos contain a song,
poetry, and cartoon story about the topic (w-question) in very interesting way that students
might love.
Finally, it is noticed that all the call approaches are always advanced with different and
unique features and this is considered that call has changeable avenues during time but always
is trying to become more flexible for learners.
The interest in technology in language foreign languages has grown, so the future of call
will be full of modern approaches that serve both of learners and teachers, Skype, YouTube
and so many tools under the name the name call, they play a significant role in learning
process, but the most thing that you should to learn firstly about what is call? to be
professional learner, for instance, the experience of call course gives knowledge about what
toe idea of the call and how you can treat with call approach.

But the questions will still how call gets more approaches that more flexible and requires
less cost because a lot of approaches need high cost to use ?

(The Influence of Computer Assistant Language Learning)

Levy, M. (1997) CALL: Context and conceptualization. Oxford: Oxford University
February 2011, Volume 15, Number 1 pp. 1016, emerges technologies YouTube
for foreign languages.
Berk, R. A. (2009). Multimedia teaching with video clips: TV, movies, YouTube, and
mtvU in the college classroom. International Journal of Technology in Teaching and
Warschauer, m(1996). Computer-assisted language learning: An introduction. In S.
Fotos (Ed.), (pp. 3-20). Tokyo: Logos International.

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