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Cultural Diversity in Saudi

Arabia and Its Impact on Local

The cultural setting of Saudi Arabia knows both Arab and Islam,
and the society itself is in general deeply religious, conservative,
and traditional. Different attitudes and traditions are derived from
centuries of Arab civilization. However, its culture changed as the
country changed completely to become a rich commodity producer
rather than being an impoverished nomadic society in just a few
years in the 1970s under the role of the most recent ruler or king of
Saudi is King Salman AlSaud.
Saudi Arabias attitudes and traditions are often derived from
Arab civilization. It is the birthplace of both Arabs and Islam. Thus,
there has been an influence imposed upon culture by the religion of
Islam. Following the Islamic principle of "enjoining good and
forbidding wrong", several limitations exists on behaviours and the
style of dressing is strictly enforced both legally and socially.
The focus of different diversity efforts in Saudi Arabia,
unusually, includes our own nationals in the workplace that is not
the usual concerns about the relative lack of opportunities given to
minorities of the working population. This issue arises because
foreign expatriate workers have dominated the private sector in
Saudi Arabia. Weirdly enough, this issue occurred despite the high
unemployment rate amongst Saudis.

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