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An outbreak of influenza has been reported in community A.As a doctor,which of the following is your first action for an epidemiological

A.Report incidence into RHU

B.Development of prevention and control measures.
C.Identify if it is the disease which is reported to be.
D.Determine the 1st day when the outbreak occurred.
E.Classify if the outbreak is epidemic or sporadic.


After the epidemiological investigation produced final conclusions,which of the following is your initial step in ur operational procedure drg
disease outbreak?

A. Immunize nearby communities with measles.

B.The public health agency will take appropriate action.
C.coordinate personnel from municipal to national level.
D.Collect pertinent lab specimen to confirm disease causation.
E.Educate the community in future prevention of similar outbreaks.


According to most morbidity reporting regulations, who among the following person is required to notify health authorities of the occurance of
notifiable diseases:

A. Physician
B. Citizen
C. Outpatient
D. Hospital lawyer
E. Infection control administration
4. The main concern of a public health is the prevention of disease, prolonging of life and promoting physical health and efficiency through which of the
A. organized community effort
B. Use of epidemiological tools and vital health statistic
C. Determine the spread and occurrence of disease
D. political empowerment and socio-economic assistance
E. Prepare the process of pre-intervention incidence data

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5)How does public health survey differ from medical surveillance ?
a)Those who conduct public health surveillance are generally not physians
b)Public health survey is generally based on laboratory-confined diagnoses other than clinical diagnoses
c)Public health surveillance can publish the report, while medical surveillance only monitoring the evidence
d)Public health surveillance comes from public clinics while mdical surveillance comes from private health providers
e)Public health surveillance refers to monitoring of populations while medical surveillance refers to monitoring individuals
For question 6-15

6.1st priority level for preparing and distributing periodic surveillance report : investigator provider (passive)/government (active)public health

Patient family

7.The minimum activities for investigation number of AIDS &HIV infections necessary for a health department in a month are:
b.1 cases
c.2 cases
d.3 cases
e.4 cases
8.a plan to determine what info is missing or pending,where and when to collect this info.Who will need this info?
a.action plan

b.admission plan : plan based on patient understanding and acceptance of disease that addreses barriers to adharance, to deliver treatment n monitor

adherance for spec patients

c.adherance plan : agreement, plan, to treatment case finding
e.discharge summary.
9.identifying unreported cases of disease by actively searching for them through for example,lab and pharmaceutical audits is
a.action plan
b.admission plan
c.adherance plan case finding
e.discharge summary
10.patient information recorded at the time of admission to a hospital,usually including the admission diagnosis and initial plan for diagnostic workup;usually included in the progress note is
a.action plan
b.admission plan
c.adherance plan case finding
e.discharge summary : doc written by doctor upon discharge, ada contain brief summary of allimportant info kaya discharge diagnosis plan follow up
11)Appopriate strategy surveillance based on case above.
A.Active surveillance : door to door survey
B.passive surveillance : Cuma routine reporting, nunggu kasus
c.periodic data
d. sentinel surveillance : reporting system oleh yayasan
e. case findings based on prevalence

12)What are our objective in interrogating AIDS AND HIV infection surveillance test?
a.interpreting outlier cause
b.recording numeric variables
c.look for patterns and eliminatenoise
d.check data has established

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e.interesting insight in to phenomena described in data
13) what is the key principle that determines how we should 'shape' a data table about number of cases AIDS and HIV infection?
A. Ease of readability
B. Simple notation and the name of variable
C. Comprehensiveness in terms of data included
D. Using 3D image to increase interactive presentation
E. The attractiveness and ingenuity in the way the tableis constructed

14)What is the most appropriate data presentation to answer about patients AIDS and HIV infection who attendance to hospital for regular presentation??
A.piechart : nominal, ordinal chart : untuk nominal, ordinal
C.histogram : buat interval
D.scatter plot : continous (mean, deviasi)
E.horizontal bar chart
15)what is the most appropriate data presentation to answer about pattern of patients AIDSn HIV information based on age category (child-teenager-adultold)
a)pie chart
b)bar chart
d)scatter plot
e)steam and leaf
16) in hypothesis testing,the tentative assumption about population parameter
a)null hypothesis
b)casual interference
c) alternative interference
d)significant interference
e)either a/c

17. The p-value, have CORRECT deifinition which is

a) as a distance
b) as a probability
c) the same as the Z statistic
d) the same with minimal error
e) measures the number of standard deviation from the mean
18. In hypothesis testing if the null hypothesis is rejected:
a) The null hypothesis is TRUE
b) The alternative hypothesis is TRUE
c) The sample size has been too small
d) no conclusions can be drawn from the test
e) the data must have been accumulated incorrectly
19. the error of rejecting a TRUE null hypothesis is
a) Type I error
b) Type II error
c) the same as
d) the same as power
e) committed when not enough information is available
20. The level of significance in hypothesis testing is the probability of:
a) rejecting a false null hypothesis
b) rejecting a true null hypothesis
c) accepting a true null hypothesis
d) accepting a false null hypothesis
e) accepting a true alternative hypothesis

21. The level of significance = 1 CI, diatas 1,96


a power
any value
can be any positive value
1 confidential interval
Can be any value between -1.96 to 1.96

22. In hypothesis testing if null hypothesis has been rejected, when the alternative hypothesis has been True:

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Type I error rejected

Type I error committed
Correct decision has been made
Type II error committed
Either Type I or Type II error committed

23. Probability making type I error is denoted as?

c. and
d. 1-
e. 1-
24. The probability of making a Type II error is denoted by:
c. and
d. 1-
e. 1-

25. When the following hypotheses are being tested at a level of significance of alpha
Ho: miu more and equal to 100
Ha: miu less than 100
the null hypothesis will be rejected of the p-value is:
C. >
D. /2
E. >/2

26) When p-value is used in hypothesis testing, the null hypothesis is rejected if:

< p-value
P-value =

27. In order to test the following hypothesis at an level of significant

H0, 100
Ha, 100
Null hypothesis will b rejected if the test statistic Z is. (> 100)

- Za

28) Which of the following doesnt need to be known in order to compute the p-value?

Sample size
Variability of data
Level of significance
The value of t-statistics
Test is 1-tailed or 2-tailed

29) In the hypothesis testing procedure, is:


The critical value

The variability of data
The confidence level
1-level of significance
The level of significance

30) If a hypothesis test leads to the rejection of the null hypothesis:

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a) a type II error must have been committed
b) a type II error may have been committed
c) a type I error must have been committed
d) a type I error may have been committed
e) a type I and type II error must have been committed
31. your supervisor in internal medicine department claims that the average yearly rate of DM cases in female return on frequency he recommends is more
than 10%. You plan on taking a sample to test her claim. The correct set of hypothesis is
A.Ho <10% ; Ha 10%
B.Ho 10% ; Ha > 10%
c.Ho > 10% Ha 10%
d.Ho 10% Ha < 10%
e.Ho =10% Ha < 10%
32. A results of NEJM articles that the average of body temp during fever in DHF is less than 40 degree. a sample was taken out of 32 patients. correct set
of hypothesis
a. Ho 40, Ha <40
a. Ho 40, Ha <40
b. Ho 40, Ha >40
c.Ho 40, Ha = 40
d. Ho < 40, Ha >40
e.Ho =40, Ha 40
33. a student believes that the average grade of the final exam in crp v at least 85,she plan on taking sample to test her believe. The correct set of
hypothesis is:
A.Ho < 85 ; Ha 85
B.Ho 85; Ha >85
c.Ho 85 Ha < 85
d.Ho >85 Ha 85
e.Ho =85Ha 85

34. State the null and alternative hypothesis for this research:
a)Ho >9 ,Ha 9
b) Ho9 ,Ha <9
c) Ho=9,Ha 9
d) Ho<9,Ha 9
e) Ho9, Ha >9
35. Using the critical value approach test the hypothesis at the 5% level of significant is
n = 30 o = 9 X=7,8 SD=3
x- o/sd

hasilnya : - 2,190


=-2.190<1.69, reject Ho
=-2.190<-2.98, reject Ho
=-2.190<-1.69, reject Ho
=-2.190<-1.69, accept Ho
=-2.190<-2.98, accept Ho

36. using da p-value approach, test d hypothesis at d 5% level of significance is

a. reject Ho; the p-valueis between .o1 to .o5
b.accept Ho the p-value is between .01 to.05
c.reject Ho; if p-value is between .001 to .01
d.reject Ho; if p-valueis between .01 to .025
e. accept Ho if p-value is between .01 to .025
Please choose an appropriate design for the questions no. 37-51 below!
A.clinical trial
b.retrospetive cohort
c.prospective cohort
d .cross sectional
e. case control
f. case series lebih dari 1 subject
g. case report
37. Convienient study for many expose. e. case control
38. useful for rare outcome e. case control

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39. A good first step for a cohort study or clinical trial. d .cross sectional
40. follow up is in the past b.retrospetive cohort
41)yields prevalence of multiple predictors and outcome d .cross sectional

42) The simplest descriptive study that observe the subject and reports data on only one subject. g. case report

43) avoid bias in measuring predictors c.prospective cohort

44)not feasible for rare predictors or rare outcome d .cross sectional

45) exposure measured at the same time as disease d .cross sectional

46) blinding would decrease biases A.clinical trial

47) randomization would eliminate the influence of confounding variables A.clinical trial

48) more control over subject selection and measurement c.prospective cohort
49) ethical issue is important in this type of study design A.clinical trial
50) cases not selected but ascertained by a single examination of population d .cross sectional
51.descriptive studies of few cases f. case series shows the scientific process that?

a.validation existing knowledge
b.refines existing knowledge
c.generate new knowledge
d.directly influence medical practice
e.indirectly influence medical practice
53. What is the most appropriate study design for this study?
a. cohort study
b. cross sectional
c. case control
d. clinical trial
e. qualitative study
54. What is the advantage of the design used in this article?
a. can be used for hypothesis generation
b. may show causal relationship
c. absolute control on confounding factors
d. relatively time consuming
e. possibility of recall bias
55. What is the disadvantage of this particular design?
a. impractical because the disease is rare
b. cannot show causal relationship
c. difficulty to control confounding
d. relatively time consuming
e. possibility of recall bias

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56. what is the most appropriate study design for this study?
a. cross sectional
b. case control
c. qualitative study
d. retrospective cohort study
e. prospective cohort study
57. What is the advantage of the design used in this article?
A. Can be used for hypothesis generation
B. May show causal relationship
C. Absolute control on confounding factors
D. Practical, because disease in common
E. Description of a phenomenon

58. What is the disadvantage of the design used in this article?

A. Impractical because the disease is rare
B. Can't show causal relationship
C. Difficult to control confounding
D. Relatively time consuming
E. Possibility of recall bias

59. This report shows the scientific process that: quantitative : validates, qualitative : generate
a. validates existing knowledge
b. refines existing knowledge
c. generates new knowledge
d. directly influence medical practice
e. indirectly influence medical practice

60. What is the most appropriate study design for this study? Longitudinal = prospective cohort
a. cohort study
b. cross sectional
c. case control
d. case report
e. clinical trial

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61. What is the advantage of the design in the article?
A. May show causal relationship
B. Can be use for hypothesis generation
C. Absolute control on confounding factors
D. Practical, becaue this disease is common
E. Description of a phenomenon
62. What is the disadvantage of the design in this article?
a. relatively expensive and time consuming
b. impractical because the disease is rare
c. cannot show causal relationship
d. difficult to control confounding
e. possibility of recall bias
63. What is the outcome of this study
A. Odd ratio
B. Relative risk
C. Prevalence ratio
D. Attributable risk
E. Number needed to treat

64. This report shows the scientific process that

A. Validates existing knowledge
B. Refines existing knowledge
C. Generates new knowledge
D. Directly influence medical practice
E. Indirectly influence medical practice
65. What is the most appropriate study design for this study?
A. cohort study
B. cross sectional
C. case control
D. case report
E. clinical trial
66. What is the advantage of the design in the article?
A. May show casual relationship
B. Can be use for hypothesis generation
C. Absolute control on confounding factors
D. Practical, becaue this disease is common
E. Description of a phenomenon
67. What's the disadvantage of this design article?
a.relatively expensive & time consuming
b.Impractical cause rare disease
c.can't show causal relationship
d.difficult to control confounding
e.possibilty of recall bias

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