Christ The King

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Christ the King

Christ, He is seated at the right hand of God the Father. He is the only begotten Son of Almighty
Father. He was sent here on earth and He sacrificed Himself for us to be saved from our sins,
evilness, and imperfections.
As His child, I bow my head before Him to show my honour, humility, faith, and fear for Him
(because I know that He is powerful, even though I still dont see Him). Even though He is not
visible here on earth, He still let us feel His presence through the warmth and faithfulness of His
love and mercy. Every Sunday, I (with my family sometimes) am always attending mass to thank
Him for all the great things He gave and done; to ask for help if I have a problem; to ask for
guidance and more blessings; and to reconcile my sins and ask for forgiveness. As a human, I can
say that Christ is the perfect and most powerful King. I bow down before Him because He has
the humility that no other man can have. I said that He has the humility that no other man can
have because when He was still living, He had a simple life even though He is honoured as Son
of the Father. He had no sin, but He still embraced the sinners; He is the most powerful but, He
chose to be the powerless; And He is a God, but He became a friend to everyone.
As His child, I am one of His followers. I am trying to lessen and repent on my sin for me to
imitate His goodness. I will serve Him through other people, by doing such good and thinking
that I am doing such thing for Him. Every time that I am going to do goodness, I will just think
that I am paying forward His goodness.
As Ive reflected and meditated, I was enlightened by my own thoughts, that no one can ever be
like Him (me too), but we can imitate and follow Him by bowing our heads before Him, serving

Al Francis B. Aquino

Him, and by thanking Him for all the things that He made. By doing things that are good, we can
be with Him and we can join Him in His kingdom in a life that is everlasting.

Al Francis B. Aquino

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