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Modern day physics say the entire universe is made of four fundamental forces
of Nature Viz
Strong Nuclear Forces responsible for the formation of nucleus of atom holding
similarly charged protons together overcoming the natural repulsion.
Weak nuclear forces which keeps Sun burning and responsible for formation of
larger atoms .
Electromagnetic forces that keep electrons revolving and responsible for
Gravitational force that keeps larger objects together and responsible for planets
formation and orbiting.

1. What we perceive as Reality is a process that involves our Consciousness
2. Our External and Internal perceptions are inextricably intertwined. Both
are different sides of the same coin and can not be separated
3. The behaviour of subatomic particles, indeed all particles and objects, is
inextricably linked to the presence of an Observer. Without the presence of
a conscious observer, they at best exist in an undetermined state of
probability waves.
4. Without consciousness, matter dwells in an undetermined state of
probability. Any Universe that could have preceded consciousness only
existed in a probability state
5. The very structure of the Universe is explainable only through Biocentrism.
The universe is fine tuned for life which makes perfect sense as life
creates the universe, not the other way around. The universe is simply the
complete Spatio Temporal logic of the self.
6. Time does not have a real existence outside of animal sense perception. It
is the process by which we perceive changes in this Universe.
7. Space like time is not an object or a thing. Space is another form of our
animal understanding and does not have an independent reality. We carry
space and time around with us like turtles with shells. Thus there is no
absolute self existing matrix in which physical events occur independent
of life.
To sum up, in the absence of consciousness, the four fundamental forces that
makes up this universe should at best be probability waves only.

Consciousness differentiates these waves assigning four different names or

intelligently manipulating them within conscience to derive sensory perception.
The external universe is only waves . How about our body? They are also
probability waves only in the absence of consciousness. Right from conception
during pregnancy till delivery and even after the consciousness of mother gives
name and form to these waves until the child develops internal faculty to take
care of it.
All Sensory perceptions are electromagnetic waves only ranging from 20-20,000
Hz for hearing, 10 15 Hz like Seeing . Taste, Smell are due to electron transfer
( Again waves ) and touch is electromagnetic repulsion ( Wave) and are received
by us. These are filtered to a perceptible range of frequency and transported to
Bio organic molecules are responsible for receiving, Storing, transmitting these
The functioning through motor organs are electromagnetic waves ranging from
1-250 Hz which are emitted by us. The lower wavelengths typically below 30 Hz
are typical for a calm mind, the calmness increasing with lower frequency.
Consciousness :
This term is applied loosely for everything connected with internal working of
living body like humans. According to Advaita Philosophy of Sri Shankara, the
consciousness has got 5 layers.
The innermost core, Brahman or Soul.
The intellect which is sub consciousness that works involuntarily, keeps body
intact, decides as situation warrants, converts mental perceptions as experience,
and thinks. This is well supported by memory. This acts as a gateway between
soul and mind.
The ego which keeps identity with the body, Full of desires and ambitions, wants
to make its body rich, command respect, subdue and subjugate each and
everything it contacts with.
Waking State
The mind which perceives through senses, operates through motor organs,
Filters experiences as good or bad, desires, puts up efforts
etc. State



In dreaming, Mind divides intoMind
subject, Object and perception
Soul is in the background.

soul is in the background.

The commands originates from ego, supported by

memory results in action. The feed Back is stored in
memory for further evolution.

Deep sleep



In deep sleep, ego drives intellect to keep body & Memory intact.

soul is in the background.

If we analyze more, we find that Mind, Memory, Intellect and ego are not solid
objects but are waves. They are capable of doing two things. One is to hide its
originality and the second is to project differently. This is called as Inner Cause
and doer.
If everything is a wave and for any wave to get produced, there must be a
producer. In this case Soul is the producer.
The intrinsic property of soul is it is permanent, and keeps on emitting waves.
The first of the waves that came out from soul , Without knowing that it is a wave
only, thought itself to be the soul and started building up ego and sense of
multiplicity by creating memory, Intellect, Mind etc.
Since the soul continues to emit waves, the waves that keep produced
subsequently automatically merges into ego and keeps strengthening ego. This
further strengthens memory, intellect, mind etc . This ended with the creation of
living body and this universe.
The experiences, feeling of joy, desires and the like further cemented the belief
that the Universe, Our body, Senses, perceptions do exist and are real.
On Exit from this body, these consolidated waves of ego along with memory,
intellect, and mind starts taking up new body. This is called astral or subtle body.
This is undetectable as any interference from consciousness of observer will
collapse its wave function and will stop further propagation of these waves.
Our conscious effort to collapse its wave function to prevent future birth is called
yoga and achievement of the same is self realisation or liberation.

Stage 1: Development of Ego from Pure waves of

Only the Self is here. It emits waves of consciousness
that have the power to think and act. The power to
conceal and the power to project. The first thought that
emerged from it was I. Higher level of self. Realised that
it is a being. ( Not inert but active and capable of doing
anything out of mere will)



The first thought of I led to another thought. Is there any

other self like me? The idea of possibility of a second
being made it to possess. There is nothing to possess
from outside. Hence started possessing Self. It became
Myself. Fully aware that if it loses self, the identity of I will
vanish, out of fear started engulfing self.
Stage 2:
Waves of Ego

Development of Intellect and Memory from waves of


Development of Memory
(Chita), Buddhi

Started engaging the acquired power to create a world of

its own. Developed memory to record the observations of
its creation and Intellect to create.
Stage 3
Development of Mind and Lower I from waves of
All mental faculties required for the functioning of body
and converting body experiences to memory done by Mind
and an identity for the proposed body as Lower I.

Waves of

Development of Mind
and Lower self

Stage 4
Waves of Mind

Creation of Subtle Body and World from Mental

To operate without losing its originality, started building of
body as an instrument for perception and action and an
external world to be acted upon and to serve as object of

Creation of Body and


Stage 5
Creation of Physical Body and external world

Stage 6
Evolution and Transmigration
The higher self called ego, Intellect, Memory, Mind and
lower I with subtle body transmigrates. Self is found
everywhere and ego attaches with self and starts
Now comes the biggest question. Is there God? Is it only human belief?
How to know the truth?
From whatever we have read in Biocentrism makes one thing scientifically clear.
That is Our Body, Our organs, What we see as external world and all the
experiences of perception are only waves. The characteristics may differ. But
basically all are waves.
The four fundamental physical forces of this Universe are waves and all our
mental forces like perceptions, emotions, thoughts, and ambitions are all waves.
The only difference is Mental forces has developed the unique capability to
assimilate physical forces and convert them to a bundle of mental force.
In other words, Human mind so far has been working on Physical forces and
trying to find a Physical Reality of God. Will this search yield any result? No. God
can never be located among physical forces.
Reducing God to a physical being with a body separate from all other living
creatures including humans is not correct. This is where we err.
Is God only a mental phenomenon and a mental wave originating from ego?
Again, the answer is No.
As we have seen, there is only one barrier that separates God from Us. That is
our ego or sense of body even during deep sleep. This ego has arisen out of fear
of identity and erroneously seeing a second being in this universe to compete
In theory this can be accepted. But is it practical to practice?
Our intellect will never allow us to practice. The simple reason is the intellectual
forces generated by ego travels away from it and will not allow travelling

Denial of the existence of this world will be purely hypocritical. Instead, seeing
them as it is, that is they are only waves will be more prudent.
The only way is to understand and get convinced that the universe is only a
collection of waves which includes our own body, intellect, mind and memory.
When the firmness in this is obtained, the thin wall of Ego that separates us from
God will break and allow us unite with God.
The working of God will become clear. God operates through intellect by working
on ego. He makes the ego of others constantly engage in corrective actions.
Without even knowing the occurrence of changes within it, ego constantly gets
changed. This supplements the effort of sincere devotees and facilitates Self
realization. The overall impact is balanced.
This is what was observed as entangled particles phenomenon in quantum
The existence of God, always present as the soul and is intimately associated
with ego. The soul is called Sriman Narayanan & the collective ego of this
Universe is known as Siva or Rudra.

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