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Name:_________________________ Class:_______ ( )


S.W.C.S. Chan Pak Sha School

S2 English
Writing 2 Book Review Post-writing
The sentences are all taken from your classmates book reviews. Correct them
and do not make the same mistake next time!


You can write in either past tense or present tense when you talk
about the story.
But you need to use the same tense for the whole review.

, and .

They are the well-known characters in the book, Elsa, Anna,

-ed VS -ing

The woman is very

when she
reads the very
news on the



I like this book because it is

very is an

double verb

I very like eating chocolate.

I like eating chocolate very much.

I very love this book.

We can only have ONE main verb in a Subject + Verb sentence.
eg. I eat an apple. (eat = main verb)
eg. I am going to eat an apple. (am going to = helping verbs)
When we need to use TWO verbs, we usually make the other verb ing.
eg. He plays the piano very well without reading the sheet music.

main verb
verb ing

First, big brother builds a house use bricks.

The next day, a wolf go to the houses want to eat them.

Name:_________________________ Class:_______ ( )



In English, we do not say There have. The correct way to say that there
will be something at a place is There are or It has.

A long long time ago, there have kings and queens who lived
in castles.
Choose the
correct word!

1. They cant tell (their / theyre / there) parents.

(Their / Theyre / There) are 3 houses in the forest.
(Their / Theyre / There) building their houses.
2. You have ( a lot of / a lots of) grammar mistakes.
(Lots of / Lot of ) students in 2A did not bring a story book.
3. The oldest person in the world (die / died / dead) yesterday.
When the police found her, she was already (die / died / dead).
They are going to (die / died / dead) in the cold if no one rescues
them soon.
4. You have to stay after school (until / untile) you pass your dictation.
5. I will share this book with my (parsents / parents / presents).

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