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AVEVA Everything3D2.

Creating Planar Members

PANEL Creation Methods (1)

PANELs may be created as rectangular, multiple
points, arc, ring or disc configurations, with various
creation methods for each type, available from the
Create group of the PLATES tab.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation Methods (2)

The Panels button has the following options:

Rectangle (2 points) creates a rectangular panel by

specifying opposite corners of the rectangle.
Multiple points creates a panel by specifying
multiple vertex points.
Note: this option has options to create fillets at vertices
and arc segments during the panel shape definition.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation Methods (3)

The Arc button has the following options:

Centre + Sweep requires a centre point, inner

diameter (or radius), panel width, start angle and
sweep angle
Three Point requires three outside circumference
points on the arc and a panel width
Two Point requires a start diameter point, an end
diameter point and a panel width

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation Methods (4)

The Ring button has the following options:

Centre + requires a centre point, outside diameter

(or radius) and a panel width
Three Point requires three outside circumference
points on the ring and a panel width
Two Point requires a start diameter point, an end
diameter point and a panel width

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation Methods (5)

The Disc button has the following options:

Centre + requires a centre point and a diameter (or

Three Point requires three circumference points on
the disc
Two Point requires a start diameter point and an end
diameter point

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation (1)

The panel thickness can be entered or selected
from the options list in the Defaults group of the

Alternatively, a Specification can be selected from

the options list above and then a thickness,
determined by the spec, selected from the
thickness options list.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation (2)

Clicking the appropriate button in the Create group or
selecting the required creation method from the button,
displays a command prompt in the 3D view adjacent to
the cursor.
Note: Rectangle (2 points) option clicked

The first corner may be picked graphically or by

entering values in the E, N and U textboxes. The
textboxes show the current cursor position as it is
moved across the 3D view.
Note: the U value will be the current LCS for
graphical picks
Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Panel Creation (3)

The prompt also displays:
The thickness, as selected
The justification, default is Bottom
Fillet radius, i.e. the radius at the vertex, default is 0

Pressing the down cursor key displays the options

below the prompt.

The thickness, justification and fillet radius may be

specified using these options.
Note: some options have further options

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

PANEL Creation (4)

The Multiple points creation method has an option
to create arc segments in the panel.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Negatives in PANELS (1)

Negatives in panels are now created as secondary
PLOO elements instead of NXTR elements.
The Negative button in the Create group has the
following creation methods:

These methods are the same as the equivalent

methods for PANEL creation.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Negatives in PANELS (2)

A ghost of the negative is displayed when
applicable, depending on the creation method.

The Surface and Depth values displayed in the

prompt are defaults taken from the owning PANEL,
i.e. Surface is PANEL justification and Depth is the
PANEL thickness.
Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Negatives in PANELS (3)

Down arrow options include changing the surface
and the depth to make the negative only partially
penetrate the PANEL.

The PLOOs for the negatives

in a PANEL are always the
second and subsequent
PLOO elements. The first
PLOO below the PANE is the
boundary definition of the
Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

Copyright 2015 AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.

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