5 Branch Re-Routing and Connection References

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Branch Re-routing and Connection References

At the end of this session the user will be able to:

Modify the offline leg direction of a TEE.

Change branch direction and routing.

Understand how to set/modify connection references for a multi-way component.

This session describes how to modify the off-leg direction of a TEE component and how to change branch
direction/routing at a TEE.


Swap Branch

The Swap Branch function allows the user to change the Offline leg Direction of a TEE.
Before carrying out the Swap Branch command it is
necessary to know the orientation of p-points at the
selected component.
To check the orientation of a component, open up the
Command Window by selecting the Commands button
located in the Display group of the TOOLS tab.
Make sure the required component is CE, enter Q P3 and
press the return key. This will populate the command
window with the location and orientation of p-point P3 of the
selected cable tray component.
After establishing the orientation of the p-points the user
can re-orientate the component. A tee can be rotated
through 180 degrees, so that the direction of its offline leg
(P3) is reversed, by navigating to the tee and selecting
Swap Branch from the Tools group on the Cable Tray tab.
The component immediately updates in the graphical view.
The new orientation can be confirmed by re-checking the
p-point orientation using the same method.


In order to retain the correct orientation for the open

side of the tray, this operation results in the p-arrive
(P1) and p-leave (P2) directions being reversed. To
maintain connectivity, p-arrive is reset to P2 and pleave is reset to P1 automatically.

Change Exit

The Change Exit function allows the user to change the Branch Direction at a Tee or Bend
By default, p-arrive for a tee is set to P1 and p-leave is set to P2. The off-leg (for connection to another branch)
is set to P3.
The p-leave of a tee can be changed from P2 to P3. This is achieved by navigating to the tee then selecting
Change Exit from the Tools group on the Cable Tray tab. This function allows the user to toggle the p-leave
point between P2 and P3.

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816
The same function can also be applied to a Bend to change the direction of the p-leave point. It swaps the parrive and p-leave, so that P1 is p-leave, and P2 is p-arrive.
Before Change Exit Selection


After Change Exit Selection

Changing Branch Routing at a Tee

By default, the p-arrive of a tee is set to P1 and the p-leave is set to

P2, so that the branch route continues straight through the tee. It is
possible to change the p-leave such that the branch route enters or
leaves the tee via P3. This is achieved by selecting Route
Component located within the Tools group on the Cable Tray tab.
This then displays the Modify Route form.

Three radio button options are available to the user. As previously described the default setting is the Route
Through option. Selecting the Branch Off option will change the p-leave point to the orthogonal branch of
the tee (i.e. P3). Selecting the Split Route option will change the p-arrive point to the orthogonal branch of
the tee. The p-leave point will be at P2.

Route Through

Branch Off

Split Route

Once the desired configuration has been selected the user must click the Apply button to instigate the
change. The tee orientation will immediately update to suit the new configuration.
The form also contains a CE button which allows the user to modify the configuration of several tee
components without closing the form.

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816


Changing a Component Connection Reference Explicitly

On connection of a multi-way component within a branch to another item (such as a nozzle, or the head or tail
of another branch), the Connection Reference (CREF) attribute of the component identifies the connected

To unset the component reference, or connect it to a different

item, the user must select Connection Ref. from the Connect
group on the Cable Tray tab. Doing so will open the
Connection Reference form.

The appearance of the Connection Reference form will vary

depending on the number of offline legs held by the cable tray
component being modified.

For a component with only one offline leg (e.g. a tee), the Connection Reference form will only display the
connection reference for the offline leg (usually P3).
Components with more than one off-line leg have a CRFA attribute which is used to store the connection
reference at each p-point. For components with more than one offline leg (e.g. a cross), the Connection
References form displays an options list and a reference text box. The connection reference for each ppoint can be checked by selecting the desired point from the options list.
The connection reference can be removed by selecting the Unset button adjacent to the reference text box.
The connection reference can be changed to another item by entering the item name in the reference text
box then selecting the Apply button. Selecting the Reset button will restore the last connection references
written to the database.

Applied connection references will be written to the database when the form is dismissed.

Changing the connection reference does not change the position or orientation of any components, so
it is also necessary to ensure that the resulting geometry makes sense.

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

Exercise 3a Positioning Branch Components - CTRAY-AREA03-POWER/B3


Navigate to TEE 1 of BRANCH /CTRAY-AREA03-POWER/B1 in the Model Explorer and set the P3
direction to West by using the Swap Branch functionality.


Create a new branch CTRAY-AREA03-POWER/B3 with its Head connect to the Tee modified previously
in the exercise and tail connected to the Head of Branch CTRAY-AREA01-POWER/B1


Create, position and orientate components to the branch as shown below using functionality explained in
the previous chapters.

View Looking South

View Looking Down

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

Exercise 3b Positioning Branch Components - CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL/B1


Add the zone ZONE-CWAY-AREA01-CONTROL in the Model Explorer and add the zone to the 3D view.


Navigate to TEE 1 of BRANCH /CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL/B1 and position the tee through branch
CTRAY-AREA01-CONTROL/B1 and set the P3 direction to West.


Create, position and orientate components to the branch as shown below using functionality explained in
the previous chapters.

View Looking Down

Isometric View

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

Exercise 3c Positioning Branch Components - CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL/B2


Navigate to Cabletray main CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL in the Model Explorer and create a new
Cabletray branch CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL/B2. The branch head will be connected to the first tee on
branch CTRAY-AREA03-CONTROL/B1 and the tail connected to the head of branch CTRAY-AREA01CONTROL/B1.


Create, position and orientate components to the branch as shown below using functionality explained in
the previous chapters.

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

Exercise 3d Positioning Branch Components - CTRAY-AREA03-POWER/B2


Navigate to Cable tray branch CTRAY-AREA03-POWER/B2 in the Model Explorer and create a 90
degree Outside Riser 300mm Bend Radius and position it through the tail of the branch.

Copyright 2013
AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
All rights reserved.



AVEVA Everything3D (2.1)

Cable Tray Modelling TM-1816

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AVEVA Solutions Limited and its subsidiaries.
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