Adverbs: How, When and Where

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Adverbs : How, When and Where

Adverbs tell how, when, or where an action happens.

Mr. Star neatly painted his house.
The adverb neatly describes how Mr. Star painted.
Beth usually goes to the store on Saturday.
The adverb usually describes when Beth goes to the store.
Kathy went inside the blue house.
The adverb inside describes where Kathy went.
Read each sentence. Decide whether the underlined adverb is
describing when,
where, or how an action happens. Write how, when, or where on
each line.
1. Jeremy quickly ate his lunch. How
2. Kaylee often reads books about vampires. When
3. Olivia immediately came to the rescue. When
4. When will you come here to visit us? Where
5. Marcus slowly walked to the barber shop. How
6. Sometimes Martin goes to the museum. When
7. Please speak clearly. How

An adverb is a word that describes a verb.

An adverb tells how, when, or where the verb happens.
Some examples of adverbs that tell how an action takes place:
quickly, slowly, lazily, higher, lower, nicely, patiently
Some examples of adverbs that describe when something happens:
soon, yesterday, now, today, always, never often
Some examples of adverbs that describe where something happens:
here, there, inside, outside, around, through, beneath
Circle the adverb in each sentence. Then, tell whether the adverb is
describing how, when, or where an action is taking place.
1. Because it was raining, the boys played inside. 1. where
2. Yesterday, I went to school. 2. when
2. I waited patiently for the door to open. 2. how
3. The puppy was running around. 3. where
4. When we opened the door, George ran through. 4. where
5. At eight o'clock, we walked upstairs. 5. where
6. Carmen can jump higher than Kyle. 6. how
7. Jeff nicely asked for his money back. 7. how
9. The sun shined everywhere! 9. where

An adverb is a word that describes an action verb.
playfully carefully sincerely slowly happily
quickly patiently loudly quietly safely

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the adverb that best fits each
Use the words in the word box above.
1.) Sarah skipped _ happily ___ down the street to see her friend.
2.) The team ran __ quickly_ towards the finish line to win the race.
3.) The librarian told the kids to read their books __ quietly _.
4.) The cat chased the ball around __ playfully _.
5.) Dan waited ___ patiently _ for his turn to hit the puck
6.) The turtle walked _ slowly _ and couldnt keep up with the rabbit.
7.) Sharon chose the answers for her test _ carefully so she would pass.
8.) Mike saw there were no cars coming so he could cross the street __ safely _.
9.) The kids shouted _ loudly _ as they played in gym class.
10.) We say the pledge of allegiance _ sincerely _ because we love our country.

Adverbs can tell how, when, or where an action takes place.

Many adverbs that tell how an action takes place end wit the letters -ly.
Bold the adverb in each sentence. One sentence will have two adverbs. Can
find it?

1. I want that game badly.

2. They cried loudly.
3. Sloths move slowly.
4. They eventually found the restaurant.
5. The children squealed cheerfully at the park.
6. Their mother thoughtfully and carefully devised a plan.
7. The car sped quickly through the neighborhood.
8. You have performed poorly on the project.
9. We rarely see a comet.

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