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The story begins when Zainudin went to the village Batipuh in Padang. Since the age of 9
months, Zainuddin had abandoned his mother Habibah Daeng, followed by his father named
Swordsman Sutan. In Padang his stay at his father's sister, Jamilah Made.
One time, it was raining with bushy. Zainudin shelter in a house. Zainudin also expressed his
feelings to Hayati.
ZAINUDDIN: Biological let us take shelter,
HAYAI: Yes sir, the rain grew heavy.
ZAINUDDIN: hayatI ..... After our closeness to some of these days, I put my heart to
You. Beauty and the kindness you have heard through the entire village.
HAYATI: (Staring) Do not be too proud host advantages I have.
ZAINUDDIN: Conservation, sebenarmya last thing I want to tell.
HAYATI: What is a master Zainudin?
ZAINUDDIN: I fell in love with you, the softness and shade soul.
Will you be my girlfriend?
HAYATI: I also love the lord. I myself like to love yourself. I am willing.
Suddenly three villagers came
YUNI: Look at them, the two people who are in love. It ... Mr Zainudin
and Biological right ??
TRIAN: Right. They are perfect together! However, (thinking) not we should not be
berkekasih the different tribes with us?
YUNI: But they seem to love each other. What we decide inappropriate their closeness? Not
the heart feels.
TAUFIK: I want to be like them.
TRIAN: Haaa ???? Like them? Taufik Who are you dating?
TAUFIK: Do not underestimate! You do not know. Maybe I'm better at
in this case.
YUNI: You're a no-nonsense (sarcastic laugh). Who'd want with you?
The Laras, Mr. kadi's son?
TAUFIK: (laughs embarrassed).
Arrived - there came a messenger village girl grandfather.
SITI: Tuanc Zainudin, grandfather wants to see you.
SITTI: Yes, He sends Utk to wait for him here.
ZAINUDDIN Well I'll wait for him here.
HAYATI: What would be said Datuk? My feeling uneasy. My gut says
that we would be separated.
SITTI: hayati, let you come home with me.
HAYATI: Not Siti, I want to hear what's going on kataka Datuk.
ZAINUDDIN: Tenaglah Hayati. Everything will be alright.
Go home Hayati. (Look towards Hayati) Be careful on your way. Siti
please deliver him up to the house.
SITTI: Good lord.

They looked at each other and parted. Siti and Biological left.
DATUK: Zainudin, had many conversations nian people are not comfortable to hear
against yourselves and ourselves kemanakn me. Now I have met you for
providing advice, before continuing action, better Tuan
This Batipuh leave. Before destroy our name in the tribe in
this country.
ZAINUDDIN: Why Engku spoken, to bring custom names and
DATUK: Should these things that I have to say. Conservation must marry oarang
berkaum ethnic kin. Go home and hurry. He would
Azis kujodohkan with distinguished youth from across the country.
ZAINUDDIN: My father wasnt the wilderness?
DATUK: Yes true, but ... Your mother Mengkasar. In this habitual country kemanakan
Our nation can only be married to berkaum and habitual! After
we are talking about, he better get married with Aziz, the indigenous
field. (View Zainudin).
ZAINUDDIN: But we love each other.
DATUK: Go Zainudin of the country, for the benefit of Conservation. If you
it is true love for Conservation, go. Let Biological happy.
Think of that young man
Datuk too Go. Shortly Muluk and includes a variety of Welcome.
MULUK: (Worried) What Happens WITH Guru? Tell Master, Who has
Teacher hurt?
ZAINUDDIN: My love can not be united with love Hayati. He has in Match the WITH
berkaum indigenous men, and respected. Ah fate. (Holding the head).
MULUK: Oh lord Aziz, I know who he is. He did NOT Better than teachers. He
Just have a Wealth From father. He often Swingers.
ZAINUDDIN: ITU Muluk Really ??
MULUK: Yes Master. BUT calm, Conservation will be back to you ..... IF Aziz has
ZAINUDDIN: Muluk, do You're joking. Again I do not Helpless. Htiku being Destroyed.
MULUK: Never mind Master, Deliver him.(Finding the idea) Did teachers Got Talent
authored Good Enough.Better usGo Into Talent Surabaya to review channeling Master
Simultaneously LeavingAll the memories in town singer.
ZAINUDDIN: I'm not sure WHAT would happen to me in the future without
hayati near me.
MULUK: Master, believe me. The ADA Taka vain if us has do the maximum extent possible.
ZAINUDDIN: (bepikir moment) Well, kita Tomorrow will be go. You're going with me
MULUK: Of teachers
They Go Into Surabaya.
In Surabaya, Zainudin was also known as a great author with the pseudonym
"Z", he founded the association tonil "Andalas," and his life has been turned into a
respectable person because of his work. Zainuddin also continue its efforts to establish
the publication of books.

At that time, Zinudin staged drama. Aziz and Hayatipun invited. And meetings ensued.
ZAINUDDIN: Oh .. Tuan Aziz! And ... Hayati. (Crouching while memeberi respectfully)
AZIZ: Mr Zainudin ??
ZAINUDDIN: Yeah right. It turned out that we met here.
AZIZ: It turns out people are directing this drama is Tuan Aziz,
which means our friend right? (Look towards Conservation)
ZAINUDDIN: Absolutely, sir. Had long lived in the city of Surabaya?
AZIZ: We just three months, because the work. I was assigned to move to
ZAINUDDIN: Magical, long time in Surabaya, just once met. (Smile). Tomorrow,
must master my house.
AZIZ: (Aziz received a call), Good lord, there Tomorrow also I want to say.
ZAINUDDIN: It seems, Mr. received the bad news. Better masters tell
now. Perhaps I can help.
AZIZ: (Thinks for a moment, looking hayati) Better Adina enjoy
Tonil performances, the work of Mr Zainudin. No need to tell your kanda Zainudin.
HAYATI: Well Kanda. (hayati exit)
AZIZ: Brother, I intend to entrust to Mr. Aziz Conservation. (Looks
hayatil direction)
ZAINUDDIN: Why do you talk that way? What news Tuan received?
AZIZ : Well, sir, perhaps at this time that God's reply to everything. I have
destitute now. I was fired from my job. I would kahwatir
Biological fate.
ZAINUDDIN : Then, for a time, there lived first in my house
until his master to get a job.
AZIZ : No, sir, the favor you are already too big to Me. , No
My reply.
ZAINUDDIN: It's not a service, it is only the obligation of a friend to his friend.
AZIZ: (Smiling) Too good this Brother. Tomorrow I will go out of town for
find a job. I still would leave Biological here.
ZAINUDDIN: (Thinks for a moment) Well, I do not mind your wife stay here.

But think about the decision you. (Holding the shoulder Aziz)
AZIZ: The decision I have made Mr Zainudin.
ZAINUDDIN: Well, if so, if it already hosts get the job, the host may Conservation
I am also willing to pick-up or deliver. (hug)
AZIZ: I entrust the Conservation entirely to you sir.
ZAINUDDIN: I will try as much as possible. Better for this evening Mr.
Aziz and Hayati come I go home and rest in My House. a new tomorrow
The hosts went out of town. Tuan looked very tired.
AZIZ: Well sir, I was sorry to see Hayati. She must be devastated to hear
this news. (Calling Conservation) .... Biodiversity Conservation ... Let's go home
togetheR Zainudin host.
HAYATI: In the house of the master Zainudin? Why? What happened kanda?
AZIZ: No nothing Hayati. Mr Zainudin offer help, not good
if we reject it.
HAYTI: Well kanda.
They go together
After the departure of Aziz, the next day there came news that Aziz had died, and came a
letter containing a message from aziz that for the proposed biodiversity as Zainudin wife.
ZAINUDDIN: Sit down, have you read the letter from your husband?
HAYTI: It's been, what should I do. He has left me.
What about my fate? Will you repeat our story first?
ZAINUDDIN: Sorry biological ...
HAYTI: Why do you answer that cruel to me, Zainudin? Sekalikah pupus
of heart our circumstances? Do not you drop me punishment so
ZAINUDDIN: That woman, she only remember the cruelty of him. and forget
cruelty himself to others. Did not you have promised,
I immediately expelled. You promised to be with me, but in effect what ??
Come on Biological more baim you home now.
HAYATI: Not Zainudin, I will not go. I do not need you to feed, I just
need to be near you, Zainudin.

ZAINUDDIN: Not bio! You must return to the field. State minang Kabau. tomorrow
VAN DER Wijk Monday vessels will depart from Surabaya to periok
Then will continue to the field. (Handing him some money) use
This money biodiversity. (Go back)
Hearing the words Zainudin, Hayati felt the deep keecewaan. And Muluk entered
MULUK: Have you ready to leave Zainudin?
HAYATI: Already, whether warning signs that will be taken from this house, bang
MULUK: Bring this alone (leave Zainudin photo) at will kuraangnya
serve as a warning.
HAYATI: (receive photos and put into the bag)
MULUK: why not stored in crates?
HAYATI: that is easy to transport if you want to view.
MULUK: hayati, actually not until my rescue you but if my powers.
HAYATI: Until the true heart Zainudin told me to go home, but let it be, let me lah
Hayati went to the harbor and set off with SHIP VAN DER Wijck.
Zainudin: Bang Muluk where Hayati? Is he gone?
Muluk: Conservation has gone hosts 3 hours ago.
Zainudin: I have to chase him. Bang grandiose I will go to Jakarta
train tonight. Conservation will I take back my will bring
return here.
Muluk: This is the decision as well as good teachers. I joined the teacher.
When Zainudin walk a few steps. Suddenly the newspaper vendor came with shocking
news. A newspaper published that contains the news that the ship sank VAN DER
Wijck. Hearing the news Zainudin body shaking and reading the newspaper continued.
Zainudinpun went straight to the hospital looking for the living.
Zainudin: (looking in the direction of the paper) Akh not the time to read the paper this

Muluk: (Surprised) Tuan, briefly. Read this.

Zainudin: You have Muluk waste of time. (Receiving and reading) Biological .......
Muluk: Build Guru, the better we are looking for Biological Hospital.
Arriving at the hospital.
Doctor: You're hosting Zainudin?
Zainudin: Yes, lord knows where?
Doctor: When the female is brought here, his head tied with a bloody mouth
This shawl. From within this shawl written the name of a photo Zainudin
Zainudin (see bio) Biological ....
Conservation: (wakes) you .. Zain ...
Zainudin: biological Yeah, I'm here. Strengthen you endured the pain is biological.
Doctor: She's too bad, too much blood out of the wound. His lung was
filled with water.
Zainudin: Perform any means to cure Doc. Do it..
Doctor: The stuff at home is inadequate saki.
Conservation: Zainudin (Holding hands Zainudin). Zainudin beloved, light of death
have imagined in my face. Just be sure, if I die ..... my heart was glad,
.... because you have been there beside me now.
Zainudin: Conservation, strengthen. I'll be here waiting till you recover.
Lighten up. My life just make you a Hayati.
Conservation: (Smiling) And my love has been drowned in a sea of affection.
Zainudin: (holding the hand of biodiversity). Biological...........
Hayatipun has gone.
After the death of biodiversity, Zainudin continues sickly longing for biological resist until he
finally went after biological.

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