Communication Skills - SWOT Analysis

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SMA SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis (alternatively SWOT matrix) is a structured planning method used to

evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a project or in a
business venture.
Team has decided to do a SWOT analysis to identify the Team Strength, Weakness,
Opportunities and Threats which helps the Process to take in to next level by working on the
analysis report.
Here is the Teams SWOT report,

The outcome of SWOT session shows there is scope for converting the Opportunities to
Strengths by working effectively on those areas.
For this, seniors have been made as SPOC for a specific area (Domain Knowledge,
Communication Skills and CI & Innovation) and decided to come up with an action plan on
how to move forward on development on these areas with in the Team.
Domain Knowledge Ranganath & Vijay to be coordinators for this area and below are
the few initial Guidelines that have been discussed to increase the Domain Knowledge in the
Continuing weekly BUS meetings
Inviting a Team Member from another department to give a high level overview on
their department
Meeting Chris through Video Conference to clear the doubts of the process
Team members to give Demo sessions on the topics to entire Team members
Involving more discussion on new business such as ETF & MLP's
Communication Skills Uday Kontham will be the coordinator for this area and
below are the few initial Guidelines that have been discussed to develop the
Communication Skills in the Team.
Making mandatory of speaking in English on the floor
Making Team Member to present on any topic related to the process in weekly
Team meeting
Attending Training Programs both online & classroom which are offered by the
Asking Team members to design the procedures under the guidance of seniors
CI & Innovation Pavan to be coordinator for this area and below are the few initial
Guidelines that have been discussed to develop the CI & Innovation in the Team.
Conducting interactive sessions on the activities concepts
Involving huge Brain storming in the sessions
Going through user guides
Working closely with Houston PA & VMAP to close the ideas generated in
the sessions

Communication Skills
Objective To ensure team skills on communication improves and be able to develop
themselves in presenting in properly.
I would like to see every individual should go and give presentations without any stage
fear. Communication Skills is all about growing confidence by themselves.
This session will be done on every third and fourth week of Friday every month.
Action Plan
Tools to reach Objective:

Team meetings
Individual Assignments

Topics to be covered in Communication Skills1. April/May:

a) Self Introduction round
b) Attending Toastmaster sessions
c) Classroom Training Sessions
2. June/July:
a) Topic will be picked by yourself round
b) Would want to see most of the team members on TM sessions as a Speakers
c) Classroom Training Sessions
3. August/September:
a) Group Discussion
b) Continuous process for TM sessions and be speakers
c) Classroom Training Sessions
4. October/November/December:
a) Team Should complete Level one in TM sessions

Sessions on Communication Skills

Session 1 04/24/15
Think on Your Feet is the one day session conducted by Invesco. This session was attended
by Ranganath. He had shared his knowledge what he learnt from the session.
Core topic of this session was related to Communication. How many ways of Communication
does a person can do in a daily life?
There are so many ways but the simple way is to deliver a message in three steps with
clarity, abbreviate & meaningful.
He had done a fabulous job and explained each topic with live examples for 35 mins.
Once Ranganath had completed with his presentation. Uday Kontham has taken over and
asked the attendees of Toastmaster session with few questions.
Everyone was active and gave accurate answer for each question.
Overall the first session of the Communication Skills was Amazing.

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