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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: Spelling Accommodation on IEP Plan
Teaching Standard:

Uses strategies to deliver instruction that meets the multiple learning needs of students.

Standard Criteria:

Demonstrates flexibility and responsiveness in adjusting instruction to meet student

I choose this artifact to show:
___X__ Growth in the standard
_____ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:
This is a students IEP plan that we I have continued to implement in his instruction. In
this IEP, one section discusses his spelling goal. He started the year with a 12 word
spelling goal. His Special Education Teacher and I have discussed this goal and how it
is progressing, and we have made a small adjustment in the hopes that he can improve.
Reflection on the artifact:
Since the start of the year, this students spelling list has been 12 words long, instead of
20. He has had trouble with his spelling for a very long time, and I was worried about
the scores that he was receiving. He has not scored above a 4/12 on his final spelling
tests. I visited with his Special Education Teacher after a meeting and we discussed
next steps, and what I could do to help him in his spelling. We talked about giving him
more time to complete the test, and giving him opportunities to study and practice with
his words more throughout the week. We also worked together to decide that the
computer test might be difficult for him,and we decided that he would be allowed a
sheet of paper to physically write the word on the paper, then type it into the computer.
In this way, he would slow down and take his time, and he would manipulate the word
multiple times before submitting it. So far, this had worked better for him and he shared
with me that he feels better taking it this way. He has scored 5/12 a few times, and one
6/12, which to me in a small win and I am proud of the work that he is doing.

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