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Name: Dymon Dynasty Lewis

Concept: Investigative Visionary

Eyes: Bright Blue

Age: 20 Hair: White

BirthDate: 2-29-1996
Race: African American Nationality: American Gender: Female
Auspice: Cahalith Tribe: Storm Lords Virtue: Justice Vice: Pride
Health: 8 Willpower: 6 Primal Urge: 1 Harmony: 6
Renown: Glory-2 Honor-1
Gifts: Pack Awareness, Camaraderie, Resist Pain





(*=Modified by Merits)
Computers - Social Media
Investigation Research
Expression Telling the story
Persuasion Getting the story

Eidetic Memory-2
Defensive Combat-1
Embodiment of the First Form-5 (+1 to Presence)
Moon Kiss-1 (9 again on Expression, no 10 again on Intimidation)
Song in Your Heart-3
War Cry-2

Dy was raised by her grandmamma in Chicagos West side. She was born to
a teen mother in the late 90s. Dys bio-mom was a young troubled woman,
and she had never met her father, as a child. Dys Mother left Dy in her
Grandmammas care while she continued to party and use drugs. Only
showing up when she needed money or help out of trouble. Once Dy
became a teenager her mother tried to get Dy to join in the party life.
However, Dys moms early disregard and neglect had driven Dy to abhor
everything about that life. Dy refused to have contact with her mother, and
devoted herself to studying, and working to improve her and her
Grandmammas life, through education. She excelled in English and writing,
and spent free time in volunteering in around her neighborhood in education
services, and soup kitchens. She also started doing a video blog focusing on
inequalities she saw around her, her passion was ignited the Occupy and
99% movements. She graduated High school with honors, and a number of
post secondary college credits. Then she started working on her post
secondary education at an area community college.
During my 2nd term I went through my first change. I started having dreams
focusing on wolves, running, and a strange older guy with reddish hair. Then
there way that night; She had showed up again. She wanted money for
drugs or a party or some bull shit. It was more than I could take after weeks
of what felt like no sleep just wolves and running, and fighting; so many
different stories. Grandmamma was at church, I wouldnt even let Her in I
pushed Her away, and told the land lady to call the cops. At least She
followed me when I left so She wasnt there when Grandmamma came
home. Her boyfriend cut me off, he had a knife, I ran, I screamed for help
and just kept ducking and running and screaming/howling, in fear and rage.
Next thing I knew, I was at the arboretum; there was an older male wolf
there, but not the one from my dreams. He became a man, tried to talk to
me. He said he was my father. He knew about Grandmamma, Who my
mother is, the horrible name She had given me, all of the things She liked
and did. He said he never thought She would be the one to give him a cub,
and Skolis image to boot! Now he was doubly glad he kept Her from aborting
me. He said there were lots brothers and sister, but they didnt matter. What
a waste of space! Talk about a deadbeat! Grandmamma had told me he was
so much older than Her, but I never imagined, ewww. As soon as She was 6
mo pregnant, he was gone. After that never a word or any help until that
night. He acted like he should matter then, like we were family. As if I would
ever have anything to do with him. Grandmamma was my only family, I had

to get back to her, she would fix it! I ran again, I ran home! Grandmamma
was there, I asked her how he could be a wolf, and a man, and my father. I
told her about my dreams. I told her everything. I shouldnt have done that,
she was terrified, my hair suddenly was white, my eyes became blue, then
all this about werewolves. She had a heart attack, she said she loved me,
and to go to school, then she died. It was my fault, and now I was alone.
She even had the gall to show up and try to take things; at least
Grandmamma had written her out of everything. Not that there was much,
but a small insurance policy to pay for everything and let me move
somewhere away from the neighborhood, where She couldnt find me.
That was a little over a year ago. I did go back to school. And I continue me
journalist work. Since then I met the Reddish wolf, hes my brother. Hes like
35, (only 3 years younger than Her, eww) and his name is Malik Wayne
Fields, I guess his mom had better sense than She did. Not sure what to
make of it, considering who that makes his father. . . and now a Pack, maybe
I wont be alone anymore. God I hope I dont have to see Him, that would be
as bad as seeing Her

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