Architectural Portfolio

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SHIVAM CHAUHAN Sir| Madam, Lam writing to apply for the position of intern position in your firm. 1 am an architecture bachelor’s student from Amity University. “Architecture is my passion and I low to study it always worked hard but lam so happy to say that working in the field of architecture is near annoying and is what low, One of the things that I like most about architecture, isthe fact that it always offers me new ehal- lenges. Architecture isa not completely defined subject; we know well that iti atthe limit between science and art, and for this reason ‘we can continuously perceive it with different points of view. ‘Architecture is a not completely defined subject; we know well that itis atthe limit between science and art, and for this reason we can continuously perceive it with different points of view. Another aspect of architecture is that itis made for people and by people. ‘And from this notion if society changes, architecture counter acts, have a good professional knowledge which I gained while working on live projects during my course of studies. Which could be a ‘sreat asset during the term of internship. | would be excited to continue gaining experiences and exploring new possibilities. Im hard- working, reliable and creative. would be pleased if | could present you my portfolio and add more information about me. Thank you for your time and consideration. [could start a fulltime internship in mid-January Thank you very much for your tention. I believe that working at your firm would be an important experience for my future and for the development of my personal growth in the field of architecture. Shivam Chauhan ‘a1 ses0000451 asivamchaunan@gmallcom SH | VAM 4 0 +U4S0000453, CHAURAN, a DELHI 2LYEARS OLD =m) DMM oe mm ”» mre asa rym) Se ras PUAN aa meme 01, Architecture is really about well-being. [think that people wa eo about shelter, but it’s also about pleasure. ~Zaha Hadid -SHIVAM CHAUHAN OOoOCrWCrEAN ADCAST UE TELE son SARE ~pareenli “aa sreuieuniaaane FRONT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION decte ELEVATION 3D SECTION ze CONCEPT DWELLING INTERACTION ‘The housing unt is formed of smell cosy speces combned in the unit near the living room or family lounge. ‘The living room becomes @ space for famly interactonit is connected to all other spaces In the dweling creating erculaton through the living room. The dynamic movement enco= Urages nteraction and helps communication among the family members. The warm space also becomes s semi private place for family activites as well as entertaining £ (P) friends nd family. The dining area blends the ting erea to the kitchen. The area is Used for dinng as well as working, studying and doing homeworkit also becomes a place to entertain end carter to friends end famly. The kitchen used dally, becomes B UJpice tor cooing srecng gather ard tang 2 BD Sleeping arees for the parent end the chidren ere set apert to give adequate privacy for be parents The porar rom escent to th et and tho Denon or conver Jee end coert loop erens prove prvecy wie the dang 4 velar We hagnain Tos ied ine arbi aires HSCs ma AY no pores tre ol creullan ord ure econ re ercton Dice eecren er tert areas ingen 8 recor tans worst scary Kosvin [The balcony is accessible through two rooms ether both bed: rooms or one bedroom end lving room. The balcony with ling room i used as extension of living ereat provides @ Ssomiprivate space for tme with family and frends at the same £ time becomes @ playground for the chicren. ‘OvOeT ONT SING SOCIAL INTERACTION [Cluster are arranged at an angle. to give privacy and to [create dynamic outdoor spacesCommunity space within the neighbourhood to strengthening social bond. Narrow pedes~ rian only pathways maximize communal interaction during /* ireulation. UAC = ‘3 BHK CLUSTER 13559. MTR. UNITS WITH SERUANT QUARTER] 4 BHK CLUSTER 1180 $Q. mT. uniTs 2 BHK CLUSTER 90 SQ. MTR. UnITS MARKETPLACE AND community CENTRE, ‘4 BHA CLUSTER 116089. mTR. uniTs © fs BHK CLUSTER PUBLIC AREA 913589. MTR. UNITS [CONSISTING OF PLAY AREA , WITH SERVANT QUARTER oe 3 BHK CLUSTER 138 $9. MTR. unITS “=e WITH SERUANT QUARTER SESE = Quer emcees ocn 3D VIEWS ce i 5 >prv 2Oorn o>come any i in eget; NEG Lal tt15 ale yrate a Tair ad a ist. Pi 7 i. Baa - nf Clee ie: fi at au id pra) Tee me pe a 2BNKCLUSTER-80S0. MTR. 4 BHKCLUSTER-LOWER LEVEL ¢ BHX CLUSTER-UPPER LEVEL NVHNWHD WIWAIHS: Qor.-Or-cwW mo—-m7O ae SECRET INE PORE CONCEPT “The fea behind the concept was to propose a simple modern erm in felation to the surrounding architect, The basi colour and shape, ee ‘ing toa neighbouring bulsng, a a character and indivial tment Cf the assumptions, orienting tin space has become cut block thus {eating 3 sharp edge of the bung, knocking out the background of ‘eighbouring bales. The proposed aie bulding for it intended use ‘should have early nid-ovt under sti functional pecicton ofthe 198 of abject. ang yet sa 0 eetablsh a modern fal riancy sa in ccorsance wth maser rend Purpose of bullding space was fo estabish a lendly working environment etter quality of work's an important actor that affects the enjoyment of fe. Happiness t work's for the Benet ofa. We should not use the term ree time" overtime work and unfree we cal the te schedule, bist you have to work with pleasure and tobe satisfied with whatwe do, “The projects compase ofa ve car bulging an the parking ies inthe basement the bullcing smalny a cube, whichis expecta and separated, Creating a rack in the rl face an paral thas an apparent that theintaducton followed with 9 simple moving {obay and busines centres are locate onthe upper Noor, which ofes ‘arioussences, among other Dinas meeting space. Fear ate orgonized ‘th workspace i suffciontlfexble so that thay canbe accommodated in Giferent ways, thas 2 core where we are located sta it and sanitation. Cube administrative buiding has a two-tier vared facade, Pa’ internals bul om gloss courses that seconds designed rom meta which presents 13 dipay sunny o protect the part of intemal by exposure af rec unignt and the same time helps reduce energy use andj lighting more corer: able area working Exteror facade alo play oe, obsered froma stance funtion with construction froma datance boi as met! cube, wha ls eached by possible geometric congurations simple 's use white coors usd in the facade nex to avoid the cacophony in color ES BERETA POT RIGHT ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION SECTION Xx’ SECTION YY’ Pere ntcacneatmen eared oe neonate Lata cern Somer cease ae oer See net eae cry cg coor alate euueckaiieantoneaual Caer eae Picroceepeenemneniant ivan tna paperanian ela Presta pone eos Teena ieee eens een bereeeae eres Penne ey ee ede [ene arbet aioe edeadleaiiner starr pone errr eee Loar out ee eee eee eee ieee Ei Seiinene eaten eee een pee rors j Protea E PNT E E ct eee any ere aes eee i Fr eee a cy FONT Nia Uae) lia (ol eae Gel) ‘inital eile aden ACADEMIC BLOCK A CAFETERIA ened cerry 2 TE TEMPORARY STRUCTURE \With the green premise growing in popularity across the globe, more and more people are turing to cargo con- taiiner structures for qreen alternatives. There ate count. less numbers of empty, unused shipping containers around the world just stting on shipping docks taking, up space. The result isan extremely high surplus of empty ship- ping containers that are just wating to become a home, office, apartment, school, dormitory, studio, emergency shelter, and everything else, so here we demonstrate some alternate use of these shi- ping containers. ‘These can be designed in the factory and shipped to the location of usage.these can be a great help in places Where on site construction s not possible or there I im rmideate requirement of such strucutres due to natural disaster NVHNWHD WIYAIHS: en popanon cornet spree Eee spk AERUECH ECR =| (ND oO - F 1 c 4 E s —— _ Ps i innit STITT 8 E 2 a “ vore z SETS TE eee | Saae LANDSCAPE TROPHY _After working fortwo year for NASA. finally got chance tobe the trophy «coordinator for landscape trophy. wos one ofthe great learning and challenging fexperience for me electing site of his larg sale was not an easy decision planned the trophy in stages and st goals 0 as to complete the trophy wall in fine ‘uring the progress of work we uied sofores ke photoshop sketchupcinema 40,30 max and \~0y. "worked with a team of peopleThe method of working was my Sle ‘methodology which atthe end gave a positive output and got us selected in top 20. Wtdaies pan Benin itdhctatnieanl ini lan INTRODUCTION SITEINFORMATION SITE CIRCULATION cumare rman Caius Fon THE U ‘TROPHY 2015-16 ANALYSING THE SITE 5 4Re|thinlang Waterfront — | axa AEERUECH PORTER Lasigs RSPaGeds TROPHY 2015-16 {Re}thinking Waterfront 8 EE ee THE VISION PROPOSED SITE PLAN {Stake tet chtergng @ Anoscere tle a TROPHY 2015-16 felinergw Waterfront Rasa Sta tilt wt Ri MISCELLANEOUS PROFESSIONAL WORK PHOTGRAPRY Ce a ESO Cu Ue Henne nate ea tantly ee es se) Technical drawing of individual Autocad drafting for L.I.K. 2015 erie ers villa eeu} Sorted Pett ae At inn E JORKING DRAWING Bohr! eatebesb iia Pact Eas cbt hat Teiboichary tddernt ai ae |1was asked to provide an interior design solution for the various rooms of the house i.e. the bedroom, living room and the kitchen area. me D&S - ISOMETRIC OF KATH-KHUNI WALL, ere c¢rzrvupaAaqoateEtv (eas | z eee GRAPHIC DESIGN CAFEINEFLEL menu | &.- DB Sao TBH Media Works ae ‘oe ooking torent peopl ‘TBH Media Works emalowe 1 yu thw re wating foro se nceesesececcscscesssssseesessscssscssscssesescosssesseseeseses Shivam Chauhan “ar s6s00008si SHIVAM CHAUHAN

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