Kundalini Mantras CD Lyrics by Maya Fiennes

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Kundalini Mantras CD

by Maya Fiennes
The Lyrics

Tune In
Ong namo guru dev namo (repeat)
Translation: I bow to (or call on) the infinite power of the universe. I call on the teacher within. This
mantra is the one that precedes ALL Kundalini Yoga practice. It tunes in to the Golden Chain of all
the gurus and it is also for protection.

Ong So Hang
Ong so hang (repeat)
Translation: Ong means creative consciousness and So hang means I am that, a heart-opening and
empowering mantra.

Sat Nam
Sat nam (repeat)
Translation: Sat means the Truth; Nam means to call upon, name or identify with. Sat Nam means
Truth is my name and I call upon the eternal Truth that resides in all of us.

Har Hari
Har, har, har, har, har, har, har, hari (repeat)
Translation: Har is the name of God. It is the sound of the heart, it has the power to clear all blockages
that prevent one from manifesting prosperity and success in the world.

Sa Ta Na Ma
Sa, ta, na, ma (repeat)
Translation: Sa is infinity. Ta is life. Na is death. Ma is rebirth. Balances the hemispheres of the brain
and releases negative thought patterns from the subconscious mind.

Guru, Guru, Wahe Guru

Guru, guru, wahe guru, Ram Das guru (repeat)
Translation: Guru - teacher or guide that brings on from the darkness to the light, Wahe - exclamation
of ecstacy like ''WOW GOD!''Ram Das - The fourth Sikh Guru who inspired Yogi Bhajan to come to the
West and teach Kundalini Yoga. This was a personal mantra Yogi Bhajan received after doing seva or
service at the Golden Temple. By chanting this mantra, you call upon the guidance and protection of
Guru Ram Das.

Ek Ong Kar
Ek ong kar,
Sat nam,
Wahe guru
Translation: There is One Creator who has created this Creation. Truth is His name. Ecstatic beyond
words is his wisdom and guidance. The cornerstone of morning sadhana is an Ashtang Mantra, the Adi
Shakti Mantra, also called Long Ek Ong Kars or Morning Call.This mantra initiates the kundalini,
initiating the relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul.

Tune Out
Sat nam (repeat)

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