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Mesopotamian Artifact Project

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Name Of Artifact:

Cast of the black obelisk


828 BC- 824 BC






140cm, 41cm, 62cm.

Collected By




Check In Due Date: Monday 10/17

What is it the item? What was it used for?
It was used by Assyrian ruler Shalmaneser the 3rd. To show that he owned a territory so large that it
reached from the Mediterranean, to the borders of Iran. There are twenty copies of this, split into 5
groups throughout his territory. There are tons of pictures of camels and llamas. The Obelisk also has
writing on the top portion. The writing is a log of all the expeditions under his control.

Check in Due Date: Tuesday 10/18

What can this item tell us about life in Mesopotamia?
This item tells us that life under the Assyrian king was under his law only, and that the Assyrians were
very powerful.This also shows that the king is pretty territorial.

Check in Due Date: Tuesday 10/19

Does it provide evidence for any of the features of civilization? Which one? How?
The black Obelisk falls into the column of Writing, and some others. It is in writing because it has
information about the land that the king took over, and other things like his laws, and what they should
do for him, and the animals that were allowed.

Check in Due Date: Wednesday 10/20

Prepare a short presentation (1-3 Minutes) explaining how your artifact is
evidence for one of the eight Features of Civilization
Check in Due Date: Wednesday 10/20 (Presentations 10/21 and 10/22)

Item Data

Includes all required


Includes some required


Missing many required


Item Analysis

Includes detailed
information on items use
and purpose

Includes some information

on items use and purpose

Missing most information

on items use and purpose


Thoughtful analysis about

what you can learn from
this item about
Mesopotamia with lots of

Simple analysis about what

you can learn from this item
about Mesopotamia with
few details

Little to no analysis about

what you can learn from
this item about
Mesopotamia with little

Features of

Makes a strong and

convincing argument for
one or more of the
features of the civilization
with detailed reasons

Makes a basic or
unconvincing argument for
one of the features or does
not use detail with the

Makes no attempt at
choosing a feature or
argument is not supported
with any reasons


Followed directions
Clear, concise

Followed most directions

Needs editing

Did not follow directions

Needs editing

Made deadlines

Made most deadlines

Did not make deadlines

Rubric rating submitted on: 10/24/2016, 6:47:57 PM by


Item Data
Your score: 12

Includes all required details

Includes some required


Missing many required


Item Analysis
Your score: 11

Includes detailed
information on items use
and purpose

Includes some information

on items use and purpose

Missing most information on

items use and purpose

Historic Importance
Your score: 11

Thoughtful analysis about

what you can learn from this
item about Mesopotamia
with lots of detail

Simple analysis about what

you can learn from this item
about Mesopotamia with few

Little to no analysis about

what you can learn from this
item about Mesopotamia
with little detail

Features of Civilization
Your score: 10

Makes a strong and

convincing argument for one
or more of the features of
the civilization with detailed

Makes a basic or
unconvincing argument for
one of the features or does
not use detail with the

Makes no attempt at
choosing a feature or
argument is not supported
with any reasons

Your score: 11

Followed directions
Clear, concise
Made deadlines

Followed most directions

Needs editing
Made most deadlines

Did not follow directions

Needs editing
Did not make deadlines

Editing needs attention. Also, more detail and explanation with your answers to develop your argument.

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