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Whats working

Will is here
Some instruction in Spanish
Enthusiastic students
Co-teaching in some instances
Low EL students collaborate with a translator buddy (another student)
Visual demonstrations used in some classes
ELL teachers working at Readers Workshop stations
Whole group mini-lessons get engagement
Vocabulary support
ELL teachers are very willing to help
Students willing to help one another
Some planning
Asking for help with resources
Discussing students and plans
Translating questions
Using EAs in the classroom
Pullout classes
Opportunities for smaller group work
Clear learning targets
What are ways we can collaborate more?
What is happening in non-co-taught classes to support and include ELLs?
Is inclusion a priority for everyone?
How do I get other students to welcome and support ELs, especially
students who only speak English?
How do I know if I am doing a good job at supporting ELs?
How can we change the schedule to help facilitate ELL growth?
What do I do when we are doing a reading assignment or quiz?
How can we plan lessons with coteachers?
What is an EL instructional goal?
What are ELL strategies?
How can we maintain consistency throughout a grade level with regard to
How can we provide feedback to one another as a cooperating team?

How can I better assist level four students who know the vocabulary
verbally, but struggle to write about it?
How do I get ELL support without an ELL coteacher?
How can we make sure interventions dont overlap?
Where should we put new ELL students for homeroom?
How do we balance the task of differentiating between classroom teachers
and ELL teachers?
What are ELL teachers being pulled to sub?
How will communication work?
How are ELL teachers being integrated into the classroom?

Whats not working?

We are missing frameworks for instruction that teachers are united on
No prep time dedicated to co-planning
How we welcome newcomers
Overall prioritizing of ELL building wide
Communication between ELLs and mainstream teachers (preemptive and
in response to requests)
Connecting students between different languages
Differentiation in full class instruction
Schedules keep changing
Teams accidentally forget to include ELL teacher on communications
Bullying of ELL and newcomer students
Accessing grade level content independently
Supports for ELL students who are also SPED
Potential solutions
Set up norms
Identifying ways in which we can all be flexible
Finding a way to focus on ELL learning targets
Having an ELL resource teacher
Observations and feedback for coteachers
Support through professional development and modeling
Differentiating lesson plans
Accountability for lesson planning
Norms for communication

ELL teachers observe and help mainstream teachers identify entry points
for an ELL strategy
Create a group list serve
Lesson plans shared via google with ELL teachers
Move Rock and Read time
Set a planning time for each week
Create regular meeting times
Share goals
Coaching around ELL strategies and implementation
A unified instructional framework to address ELLs across the curriculum
Co-teaching training
Literacy resources

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