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COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, ss. SUPERIOR COURT DEPARTMENT IN RE SEARCH WARRANT ‘Now comes the Commonwealth by the Office of the District Attomey and requests this Honorable Court allow the filing of a Redacted Affidavit in substitute for the Affidavit of Robert C LaBarge Jr in support of an Application for a Search Warrant dated December 8, 2016, and for an Order of Impoundment of the original Affidavit. As reasons therefore, the Commonwealth offers that a redacted copy substitutes for witnesses named in the original affidavit by assigning each witness a witness number, not names. The redaction is necessary to protect the privacy of the witnesses in this investigation. Respectfully submitted anwealth, First Assistant District Attorney Esséx District Attomey’s Office Ten Federal Street Salem, MA. 01970 ‘The Motion is allowed as to form and the original Affidavit of Robert C LaBarge dated December 8, 2016 is IMPOUNDED so long as the Redacted Affidavit of Robert C LaBarge is filed in its place, SE ee Associate Tustice Superior Court Department dated bee 23 Bee AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT G.L. C276, SS. 1 to 7; St. 1964, 0.557 As amended a2 December 2016 AEFIANTS TRAINING AND EXPERIEN 1. L Robert C. LaBarge Jr, being duly sworn, depose and say: I am currently a sergeant in the Massachusetts State Police. I attained my current rank in November of 2014. I graduated from the Massachusetts State Police Academy in November 1996. I have been awarded a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Western ‘New England College, Springfield, MA. Iam currently assigned to the Essex State Police Detective Unit, Essex County District Attorney’s Office, located at 10 Federal Street, Salem, MA. Ihave been assigned to the Essex State Police Detective Unit since December of 2001. My previous assignments have included the Uniform Branch of the State Police, having been assigned to the Concord, Lee, and Springfield Barracks and the B-Troop Community Action Team, ‘These assignments have included many investigations of various forms of criminal activity. I have received basic police training at the Massachusetts State Police Academy, New Hampshire Police Academy, and United States Army Military Police School. I also have received extensive specialized ‘raining in many areas of criminal investigation, including: child fatality investigations, homicide investigation, cold case investigations, basic crime scene investigation, search ‘warrants, sexual assaults, crimes against children, crimes against persons with disabilities, crimes against the elderly, interview and interrogation, intemet and computer crime, basic and advanced criminal investigative analysis, burglary/robbery investigation, DNA Buccal swabbing, and various other courses and seminars, [have applied for and received over one hundred search warrants in my career. Ihave taken part in hundreds homicide investigations and hundreds of death investigations in my career. 2. I, along with other law enforcement officers, have information based upon personal knowledge, observation and belief as follows: 3 Thomas Dejoy of the Georgetown Police received a phone call from an individual identified as Witness X. Witness X told Detective Dejoy that he grew up in Georgetown and when he was between the ages of five to six years old, he witnessed a murder of a child that was between the ages of eight to twelve years old by a person that lived in Georgetown named Peter Haskell. Witness X said that ‘Haskell lived on the same street as him. Detective Dejoy advised Witness X that he would have to report this in person, Page 1 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit FIRST INTERVIEW WITH Witness X AT THE GEORGI WN POLICE STATION 4 ‘On August 31, 2007, Witness X arrived at the Georgetown Police station from West Palm Beach Florida, unannounced, to report a murder of a child that he said that he witnessed back in 1969/1970 when he was between the ages of five to six. Witness X said that he was suffering from repressed memory and with the help of therapy he was beginning to remember an incident that happened when he was younger, Witness X said that when he was young he used to go over to his neighbor's house at 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA. The neighbor was identified as Peter Haskell, DOB 07-06-1931 Peter Haskell was not married and was 38 years old at the time. Witness X said that he remembered Peter Haskell taking him for a ride on one particular day, Witness X told investigators that the two of them drove over to Baldpate Pond. Witness X said that Peter Haskell put Witness X on his shoulders and took him into the woods on the opposite side of the pond towards the Boxford dump. Once in the woods Witness X said that he witnessed a young boy with sandy brown or blond hair, between the ages of eight to twelve, old tied up. Witness X said that he remembered Peter Haskell picking up a rock and looked at Witness X and said “this is what happens to bad little boys”. Witness X said that Peter Haskell took the rock and smashed the back left side of the young boys head, Killing him, Witness X said that he thought he was going to do the same to him but Witness X said that “my mother knew that I was with him and I would be a good little doy and would not tell anyone”. Witness X said he did not remember how he got out of the woods, but he remembers Haskell taking a rock and placing it on a pile of rocks in Baldpate Pond. Witness X said that Peter Haskell said that he had a friend that has been building this pile for many years (Witness X alleged that each rock in the pile represented a child that was murdered). MASSACHUSETTS STATE POLICE CONTACTED 5. _ Detective Deloy subsequently contacted the Massachusetts State Police, Essex State Police Detective Unit. Detective Lieutenant Elaine Gill worked on the ease with Detective DeJoy. Checks.with various agencies revealed no missing children during this time period that were found to be connected. Detective DeJoy contacted area departments and nothing seems to be related to what was reported by Witness X. Witness X FOLLOWS UP WITH INVESTIGATORS 6. During the following two years Witness X continued to call the station and the ‘Massachusetts State Police asking what was being done regarding the ease that he reported. In March of 2009 Trooper Robert LaBarge, of the Essex State Police Detective Unit, took a call from Witness X where Witness X stated “you tell Haskell, back left side of the head; he will know what I am talking about”. As a result of that conversation Trooper LaBarge called Detective Rodden of the Georgetown Police. Based on the threat that was made towards Haskell, Trooper LaBarge and Detective Rodden called Peter ‘Haskell in for an interview to tell him what was said. Page 2 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit PET! HASKELL INTERV! 7. On March 23, 2009, Trooper LaBarge called Peter Haskell and asked him to come to the Georgetown Police station. Peter Haskell arrived at the station with a friend identified as Witness A. Peter Haskell agreed to an audio/video recorded interview by investigators. Peter Haskell told investigators that he lived by himself at 4 Chestnut Street in Georgetown. Peter Haskell said that he never married and had a sister, named Witness #8, who resided in Hampton NH, Trooper LaBarge asked Peter Haskell if he knew a guy name Witness X. Without hesitation Haskell responded “Yeah, [know him.” ‘Trooper LaBarge asked Peter Haskell how he knew him and he stated “Just « kid in the neighborhood.” Trooper LaBarge then told Peter Haskell that Witness X made a threat that he would take care of him; “Tell Haskell back Left side of the head”. Trooper LaBarge asked Peter Haskell what he thought Witness X meant by that, Peter Haskell responded by saying that he didn’t know, and maybe he was mad at him for turning hin in for breaking into his house back a long time ago. During the interview Haskell described himself as a popular guy with the kids. Investigators asked Peter Haskell why a thirty-eight year old man would be hanging around with a five to six year-old boys, Peter Haskell responded by saying that a lot of kids hung around his house: Peter Haskell said further that they (the kids) all shot basketball hoops and they looked up to me. Peter Haskell said that kids gravitated towards him’ because I was the captain of the basketball team at Perley High School. Witness A confirmed this and said “Pete always had kids around his house.” Peter Haskell said that he was a coach for Soccer in Beverly, Peabody in the past and currently coached for Riverside Bradford in Haverhill. Peter Haskell said that he coached all his life. During the interview, Peter Haskell said that he was a track driver for Standard Uniform out of Dorchester and worked in the greater Boston area. Peter Haskell said that he suffered from a back injury which forced him to retire, Peter Haskell told investigators that he had prostate cancer and a heart attack and double hip replacement. Peter Haskell told investigators that he did not want to press charges for the threat that Witness X made, FOLLOW-UP BY THE GEORGETOWN POLIC! 8. Detectives Goddu and Rodden began to talk to Witness X and some of neighbors who lived in the neighborhood. Witness X told investigators that he was sexually abused by Haskell. Witness X said that he had lost his speech and stuttered for several years after witnessing the incident of the boy’s head being crushed. Witness X said that he broke into Peter Haskell’s house when he was about ten to twelve years-old. Witness X said that Peter Haskell was very protective of the cellar so Witness X said that was curious what was down there. Witness X said that when he opened the door he could not get past the second stair because the smell was so bad. Witness X said that later in life he ‘witnessed an electrical accident where someone got burnt and he said that that was the same smell that he smelled coming from Haskell’s basement that day. Witness X said it was “burnt flesh” and a very distinctive smell. Page 3 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit CONSENT SEARCH WI MSP CANINE AT 4 CHESTNUT STREE’ 9. “In June 2012, Trooper LaBarge and Detective Rodden proceed to Haskell’s house with a Massachusetts State Police cadaver canine. Peter Haskell consented to a search of his residence at 4 Chestnut Street. ‘The canine did not alert to anything in the cellar area, Detective Rodden asked Peter Haskell when he poured the cellar floor and Haskell said 1969-1970. He also said that he fixed the walls at the same time, (That is the same time the boy was reported murdered by Witness X). Also, Detective Rodden found a large stack of soccer identification cards with kids? photos. When Detective Rodden asked why he had these cards Haskell stated that he was their (children’s) coach. When Rodden told him that he wanted to return the cards to the children, Peter Haskell got defensive and said they were his cards, and that he wanted them and then grabbed the cards out of Detective Rodden’s hand, NEIGHBORS OF PETER HASKELL INTERVIEWED 10, Between 2013 and 2014 Detectives Goddu and Rodden began speaking with neighbors of Peter Haskell. Interviewed neighbors said that Peter Haskell was not popular, kids did not hang around his house shooting baskets, and kids did not gravitate to him like he said, In fact, neighbors reported that they hardly saw him, some said that Peter Haskell was a “recluse”, “weird” and stayed in his house. INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #1 11. _ Georgetown Police investigators spoke with Witness #f1. Witness #1 said that Peter Haskell was very quiet, very weird, hung around with Witness A way too much and she found that odd. Witness #1 said that Peter Haskell had a falling out with his sister. Witness #1 said that she never remembered anyone playing basketball in front of the house. Witness #1 said that she did remember seeing Witness X over the house quite a bit. INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #2 12, Georgetown Police investigators also spoke with Witness #1 son, identified as Witness #2, Witness #2 said Haskell was “gay”, or a “homo”, the only time he saw him ‘was when he was burning trash and doing some yard work and does not remember seeing kids around the house. INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #3 13. Georgetown Police investigators also spoke with Witness #3, Witness #3 said that he found Peter Haskell to be “weird,” and never saw him, just odd, and that he was known to be “gay” or a “homo.” INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #4 AND WITNESS #5 14, Georgetown Police investigators spoke to Witness #4 and Witness #5. Witness #5 is aretired Georgetown Police Officer. Witness #4 said that she babysat across the street from Peter Haskell’s residence. Witness #4 told investigators that said there was something very strange about Peter Haskell. Witness #4 told investigators that she would not let the kids near Peter Haskell when she was babysitting, Witness #4 said that Peter Page 4 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit Haskell was a very odd and strange man, Witness #4, at one point, asked the investigators if Peter Haskell liked little boys to which Witness #5 responded, “He’s not. at it again is he?” Witness #5 said that Peter Haskell was strange and very odd. INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #6 15. On April 2, 2014, Georgetown Police investigators spoke with Witness #6 who was a neighbor of Peter Haskell. Witness #6 stated that Peter Haskell was very weird, Witness #6 said that he never went out, was very strange and never had anything to do with him. Witness #6 said that Witness A and Peter Haskell were rumored to be a couple, and that they were gay. Witness #6 confirmed that he heard that Peter Haskell and his sister had some type of falling out, Witness #6 said that he had lived in the neighborhood since 1984 INTERVIEW OF WITNESS #7 16. Georgetown Police investigators spoke with Witness #7. Witness #7 said that he grew up on Elm Street in Georgetown. Witness #7 said that Peter was very weird. ‘Witness #7 said that Peter Haskell and a known identified individual were together all the time, in fact, so much that it raised a flag with him. Witness #7 said that there were rumors that Peter Haskell and this known identified individual were gay. Witness #7 said that this aforementioned known identified individual was known to have an affair with a known minister from an identified church, Witness #7 said that Peter Haskell was known to have an affair with the minister. Witness #7 said that there was a weird sexual inter- relationship going on in the neighborhood. Witness #7 told investigators that he remembered Peter Haskell and this aforementioned known identified individual traveled to Florida every year and then brought back fireworks and distributed them out to the neighborhood kids. Georgetown Police investigators ran a check with CLEAR information software, which showed that Peter Haskell held a license in the state of Florida. Witness #7 also remembered that this aforementioned known identified individual was digging a hole in the front yard of Haskell’s house on or around 1969 to 1970. 1999 ABDUCTION INVESTIGATION 17. _ In May of 2013 Detective Goddu was working on the case and remembered that back in 1999 that took a report of an attempted abduction on Lake Shore Drive in Georgetown. Two identified victims, age thirteen years old at the time, were walking home from school and a vehicle described as a Blue or Gray Corsica with NH plates and the third letter being an “E” pulled up. ‘The identified victims stated that the driver asked them if they needed a ride and then told them to “get in the car now.” Both identified vietims said that they ran to a neighbor's house and the ear drove away. 18. Detective Goddu interviewed one victim, and the victim said that she was taking art lessons from a person in town, Detective Goddu asked the identified victim to have the artist draw a sketch of person, A composite sketch was subsequently ereated. A comparison of the sketch from the 1999 report and Haskell’s RMV photo revealed a close similarity (attached below) Page 5 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit PHOTO OF HASKELL SHOWN TO Vi 19, Detective Goddu subsequently showed the identified victim, photos of Peter Haskell. The identified victim said it looked like him, ‘The identified victim also said that he had the same chin, jowls, and nose as the person in the car. The identified victim also said that she remembered that his skin was very white/pale looking, HASKELL INTERVD 20. Detective Goddu then played the video of Peter Haskell for her and she saw a Jarger photo of him in the video (at 06:22 in the video). Detective Goddu then played the video so the identified victim could hear his voice. The identified vietim said “that’s him”. Detective Goddu asked how sure she was. The identified victim said that she was “positive” and that she remembered that voice. Detective Goddu asked her “on scale of ‘one to ten, ten being absolutely positive, what number would she be at and she said an “ight point five.” The identified victim said that it had been fourteen years, but she said that voice triggered something in her and gave her the chills, 21. Detective Goddu asked her if the other person in the tape (Witness A) looked like the guy in the passenger seat. The identified victim said that the person in the passenger seat was overweight. Detective Goddu played the video for her and showed her a picture of Witness A. ‘The identified victim said that he had the same features as the person in the video. As the identified victim watched the video, there was a point where Witness A put his head down at Haskell and she said “right there, when he put his head down, that is how he looked in the car looking across at us. That looks like him if he had brown hair.” Detective Goddu asked her on a scale of one to ten, fen being positive, what number would he be at and she said a 6. Page 6 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit 22. Further discovery of the vehicle in attempted abduction, which the other identified victim desetibed the vehicle as a blue gray Corsica with NH plate with the third letter being an “E”. A computer check revealed that the sister-in-law of Witness A, owned a blue gray Chevrolet Corsica with the third letter being the letter “E” on the license plate. Detective Goddu conducted a computer check on her license and found that she was formally of West Newbury, MA. INTERVIEW OF WITNESS ii8 23. On April 30", 2014, Detective Goddu and Rodden spoke with Witness #8. Witness #8 was seventy eight years old, appeared to have a coherent mind and carried on ‘good conversation. Witness #8 stated that she lived in Chestnut Street, Georgetown until carly 1990°s when she moved out. Witness #8 confirmed she had a falling out with her brother Peter. Witness #8 said that he was too controlling but did not give any speci example except one time she had a party and her brother yelled at her, Witness #8 told investigators that Peter got the house after the parents died and she was mad and received a payout of money. Witness #8 told investigators that she had not seen him in twenty three years and don’t care if she ever does, Witness #8 said that she heard Peter had a heart attack and someone called her to see if she wanted to take care of him and she wanted nothing to do with him. Witness #8 told investigators that she didn’t care to see Peter and does not even know if she would recognize him. Witness #8 denied any knowledge of kids being at the residence and denied ever knowing Witness X or Angelo Witness X. Witness #8 told investigators that she didn’t remember Witness X breaking into the house. Witness #8 said that she didn’t remember any foul odors coming from the cellar. Witness #8 denied any murders of children by Peter and she confirmed that ‘Witness A was Peter’s best friend. Witness #8 confirmed that Peter lived in Florida in the winter time for several years. Witness #8 said that Peter drove a Laundry truck for a company out of Boston. DETECTIVE GODDU SPEAKS WITH WITNESS Y 24. On April 30" 2014 Detective Goddu spoke with Witness X’s doctor, identified as Witness Y from Lynchburg, VA. Witness ¥ said that he remembered Witness X and that Witness X originally came to him to try and deal with his problem with Peter Haskell Witness Y told Detective Goddu that it was very common for people that have had a traumatic experience like sexual abuse or a traumatic event that he said that he witnessed, to surface when they are in their forties. Witness Y said that he didn’t know what Witness X would gain by coming out with a story like this, Witness Y said that Witness X was very descriptive on this incident and would tell the same story every time. Witness Y said that the two things he did know were that he did not find Witness X psychotic or schizophrenic, Witness ¥ said that Witness X seems grounded, had a family, and was working, did not smoke or drink. Witness Y stressed that he did not know what Witness X would gain by making up this story PETER HASKELL DIES AT HIS RESIDENCE 25. _ OnNovember 16, 2016 the Georgetown Police received a call for a deceased male at 4 Chestnut Street. Witness A met responding officers at the residence and told Page 7 of 13, 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit them that he found Peter Haskell dead inside of the house on his bed. Witness A said that he had not spoken to Peter at least four to five days before finding him. Massachusetts State Police responded to the scene. A brief check of the house discovered an upstairs bedroom containing numerous videos with many having a children’s theme, A photograph of the videos is incorporated below: ‘This seemed odd to investigators, because other than the children that Peter Haskell coached, there was not reason for him to come into contact with children. Page 8 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit Also discovered in the hall was a little boy mannequin. A photograph of the mannequin is incorporated below: Page 9 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit Investigators observed the aforementioned children’s identification cards in the residence. ‘A photograph of the identification cards is incorporated below: Investigators also observed a computer with internet connectivity in the residence. Witness X’S STATEMENTS SUMMARIZED 26. Witness X said that he witnessed a young boy being murdered by Peter Haskell back in 1969-1970, Witness X said he had been down the cellar of Haskell’s house and has witnessed a hole that Haskell has dug to the right of the stairs. His description of the cellar matches the cellar. Witness X said he smelled what he believed to be burning flesh coming from the cellar. Peter Haskell admitted to investigators that he poured a cement floor in 1969-1970 over the dirt cellar. Witness X told investigators that he was been sexually abused by Peter Haskell. Investigators discovered up to two-hundred children’s videos, but Haskell had no children as relatives (his sister never married.) An identified ‘witness said that she thought Peter Haskell was the individual who tried to abduct her and the composite sketch created resembles Peter Haskell PROBABLE CAUSE TO SEARCH 27. Therefore, based on the information contained herein, and on my training and experience, I believe there is probable cause to believe that evidence of the crime(8) of Page 10 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit ‘Murder and/or Rape of a Child, will be found in, Peter Haskell’s residence and in the area undemeath the poured basement of 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, Massachusetts. ASSISTANCE FROM THE FBI REQUESTED, 28, On Monday, December 05, 2016, I spoke with Special Agent Scott MeGaunn of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Special Agent McGaunn said that the FBI would be able to offer the services of their Technical Hazards Response Unit. Special Agent ‘MeGaunn said THRU, could assist with the search warrant at 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA. THRU is responsible for providing on-site expertise in health and safoty matters, paramedic medical care, complex evidence access and operation logistics. ‘THRU manages all safety equipment utilized by the FBI’s field Evidence Response ‘Teams, ERT. THRU is also responsible for providing all respiratory and personal protective equipment to field personnel, In addition to personal protective equipment, THRU also provides safety gear, tools and detection and monitoring devices. Also, it coordinates service on certain types of specialized equipment assigned to field divisions ofthe FBI. More specifically, regarding the search warrant execution of 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA, THRU will provide for structural safety of the search site, specialized tools and expert personnel for cutting through the basement floor, lighting, dust mitigation and control and respiration and ventilation safety equipment as well as medical services and safety expertise REQUEST FOR PERMISSION TO USE GROUND PENETRATING RADAR AND TO CUT CONCRETE OF BASEMENT/ITEMS TO BE SEARCHED FOR 29. For the reasons outlined in paragraph twenty-eight, I am requesting a search warrant to use ground-penetrating radar. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses 10 image the subsurface. This nondestructive method uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band (UHF/VHF frequencies) of the radio spectrum, and detects the reflected signals from subsurface structures. GPR can have applications in a variety of media, including rock, soil, ice, freshwater, pavements and structures, In the right conditions, practitioners can use GPR to detect subsurface objects, changes in material properties, and voids and cracks.’ This ground-penetrating radar search would be done with the assistance of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and civilian experts. The purpose of using this ground-penetrating radar would be to determine if there were any voids, cavities, or disturbances in an area where potential bodies may be buried or secreted. Afler the ground-penetrating radar is utilized, Tam seeking permission to cut any concrete where the ground-penetrating radar detected voids or chasms. Iam also seeking permission to cut the concrete wherever the experts from the FBI deem appropriate. I am also seeking documents, notes or diaries, whether in * tyson. wikipedia org/wiki/Ground-penetrating_ radar Page 11 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit vaitten form or electronic form, e.g. audio/video recordings, describing planning or the documentation of any crime against children, to include sexual assault and murder. I know from my training and experience those perpetrators of violence who prey on their victims, often times keeps notes and documentation to serve as “trophies.”* Tam also seeking to search the residence for any computers to search any intemet searches and. browsing activity. I seek permission to seize all computers so that computer forensic experts employed by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts or the Federal Bureau of Investigation can conduct a forensic search of each one to determine which was used by Peter Haskell, LOCATION TO BE SEARCHED 30. _ Ihave probable cause to believe evidence of the crime of murder, in violation of M.GLL. 265§1 will be found at 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA. 4 Chestnut Street is a single family, white in color, one and a half story, clad sided dwelling. The entrance is Tocated in the front of the dwelling. There is a porch located on the right side of the house as you look at it from the street. Attached below is a picture of the house located at 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA: 2 Brantley, Alan and Ochberg, Fratk: (2003) Lethal Predators and Future Dangerousness, FB Law Enforcement Bulletin, 72 (8) Page 12 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit 31. —_ Lalso have knowledge based on my experience and training, that if untrained persons are allowed into a crime scene, they may unintentionally or intentionally disturb, damage or obliterate crucial evidence. Accordingly, while the crime scene search warrant is being executed, I seek authority to impound and secure the premises and to keep out all unauthorized persons not assigned to the investigation. ‘Then personally appeared before me, the above named, Robert C, LaBarge, Jr. and made oath that the foregoing by him subscribed is true and made oath that the foregoing affidavit is true, this eighth day of December 2016, see Fustice/lerke Bistriot Court Department Sonat Page 13 of 13 4 Chestnut Street, Georgetown, MA Search Warrant Affidavit

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