PSY102.R.T4 CLCDevelopmentalChart

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PSY 102: Directions for CLC Assignment

Lifespan Development Chart

1) In your CLC group, examine the developmental theories of Piaget, Erikson, and Kohlberg. For each developmental stage, explain how the
theorist would describe development within that particular stage, if applicable. Provide an example to support your explanation.
2) Use the GCU eLibrary to research a minimum of three peer-reviewed articles (one article for each theorist/theory) that can be used in support of
your content. The textbook will not be considered as one of the three required peer-reviewed resources.
3) When your team has completed the chart, answer the questions below the chart using references to support your responses.
4) While GCU style format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references
should be presented using GCU documentation guidelines, which can be found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. It
is expected that students use as much of their own words and paraphrasing as possible.
5) This assignment uses a grading rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with expectations for
successful completion.
6) Submit the assignment according to the directions provided by the instructor.

Names of Group Members:0000,

CLC: Lifespan Development Chart
(Birth-18 mths.)

Early Childhood
(2-5 years)

School Age
(6-11 years)

(12-18 years)

Eriksons Psychosocial Stages

Example: Children develop
feelings of trust at this stage as
parents attend to the childs needs
both physically and emotionally.
For example, when a baby cries,
the caregiver provides food, a
clean diaper, or comfort such as
rocking the baby. Failure to meet
a childs needs at this stage may
result in mistrust of others
(Feldman, 2010).

Piagets Theory of Cognitive

The sensorimotor stage of
development occurs as children
explore the world through their
senses. As motor skills develop,
they are provided more freedom
with which to explore the
environment (Feldman, 2010).

Kohlbergs Stages of Moral

N/A this theory will apply in the
next stage of development.

During the initial first few years of

life (early childhood phase) growth is
established through punishment and
rewards based on actions
During the school age developmental
phase a child will do things so that
one will like them to establish an
interpersonal relationships for
Next is adolescence were individuals
gain an appreciation for the law and
what it stands for.

(19-64 years)


Then there is adulthood where moral

standards are self-chosen and doing
whats right regardless of if it goes
against the law or not.
Lastly the maturity stage is
where an unparalleled inner guidance
of principles, sense of justice and
equality. Things in this last stage are
done simply because they are the
right thing to do.

Answer each question using references to support your response. Each response (50-100 words) needs to exemplify solid academic writing:
What is the difference between sex and gender? Sex is the reference to anatomical and biological differences between humans.
We may differ chromosomally, hormonally, internally and externally via sex organs for reproduction. Whereas if we describe a gender that is
based on social boundaries that determine what is masculine or feminine. Thus roles in society are based upon what we deem ones gender to be and
what that gender as whole is good for. These are methods of being able to designate treatment and labors based off of classifications which make a
working society more organized (Marini, M. M., 1990).

a. According to each theorist, explain how sex and gender identity develops at each stage.
Gender identity is usually found around the age of 2 years old. Gender stability is found around 4 years of age where a child will realize that
their gender will not change over time. Gender consistency is reached around the age of 7 where a child can understand that gender is independent of
external features. Kohlbergs theory suggest that gender development is reached by maturing thus sex is act of maturing and realization of ones

List References used: Marini, M. M. (1990). Sex and Gender: What Do We Know?. Sociological Forum, (1). 95.

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