Gist of Energy Audit in The Dairy Industry

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Energy Audit in the Dairy Industry - Sitaram Gokul Dairy Nepal

1. Study conducted on SGML was from 24th August 2003 to 31st December 2003
Major Focus of ESPS was Cleaner Production(CP) Objective of CP Minimize waste
generated in the life cycle of all the products or services Tools of ESPS to implement
CP Participatory approach for capacity building, organized approach and
involvement of employees at all levels of organizations
2. Waste management aspect 1. Introduce Trigger Nozzle to the end of floor washing
hoses 2. Introduce timer in water pumping house 3. Introduce high pressure jet
cleaner for cleaning purpose 4. Make the facility to recycle and reuse the homogenizer
(piston) cooling water 5. Modification of CIP facility 6. Platform and conveyer
installation for immediate storage and closed feeding during reconstitution of SMP 7.
Reuse of buttermilk by installation of cream pasteurizer
3. 5. Energy Aspect 1. Insulation of Boiler Head and proper boiler tuning 2.
Conversion of pneumatic filling machine to mechanical filling machine 3. Installation
of capacitor banks to improve power factor from 0.81 to 0.98 4. Use of flat belts
instead of v-belts in ammonia compressor drives 5. Installation of TOD( Time Of
Day) energy meter
4. 7. After we had finished with ESPS, due to technical and financial scarcity, despite
of we wanting to do many more energy saving related programs we could not move
ahead but somehow we came to know about EEC and the MOU between SGML and
EEC was signed on 16th September, 2012.
5. 8. Audit conducted on SGML was from 20-25th September, 2012 Major Focus of
EEC was Energy Audit The audits were carried out under the guidance of
GIZ/NEEP Experts and trained Auditors Objective of IGEA Brief history of
production and energy use measurement and monitoring of plant facilities for
energy consumption Assess energy efficiency improvement opportunities in the
areas of Power Factor Management Load Management Sizing of Electrical
Motors Lighting Systems Boiler Operation Insulation Waste Heat recovery
Diesel generator sets House keeping
6. 9. The findings were categorized under immediate, short term and long term and the
basis for this was investment and ROI(Return On Investment)
7. 10. Revising the approved electrical demand with NEA from 500KVA to 400KVA
Operating the ETP(Effluent Treatment Plant) during low tariff peak period
Operating ground water pump at night off peak hours Insulation of chilled milk
pipeline Recovering condensate during diesel boiler operation Effective use of Ice
Bank Tank Insulation of Ghee Boiling Pan Condensate Recovery from Cream
Pasteurizer and Ghee Boiling Pan Installation of VFD for chilled water pump
Installation of De-super heater at ammonia compressor discharge
8. 11. Short Term Performance of boilers and measures for fuel economy
(Replacement of Oil Fired Boilers with Rice husk boiled boiler) Heat Recovery
from DG set flue gas Milk Chilling and Pasteurization efficiency improvements
Long Term Installation of a 1KL/Day solar hot water system to generate hot water
9. 12. Implemented Revised the approved demand with NEA from 500 KVA to 400
KVA a) Saving on demand charge Operated ETP during low tariff period a) Peak
demand reduction and energy cost reduction Recovered condensate during the

diesel boiler operation a) Thermal energy saving Under Process Effective use of
IBT Installation of VFD for chilled water pump Installation of de-super heater
Insulation of Ghee Boiling Pan Condensate Recovery from Cream Pasteurizer and
Ghee Boiling Pan Pasteurization efficiency improvements Heat Recovery from
DG set flue gas Installation of De-super heater at ammonia compressor discharge
10. 13. Replacement of Oil Fired Boilers with Rice husk boiled boiler/Multi Fueled
Boiler Installation of a 1KL/Day solar hot water system to generate hot water
Problems Encountered to implement left out things The reason why we could not
implement left out things was because of initial heavy investment for the purchase
and commissioning. Therefore, we are looking forward for technical and financial
support from EEC and GIZ.
11. 14. In this competitive world , it is very necessary to cut your costs in order to survive
and utility section contributes to a significant amount of the total cost. Therefore,
energy audit is an excellent factor for financial gain as well as the good feeling that
comes from doing something that benefits the planet. Successful Energy Management
sustains savings and integrates projects with Understanding energy use Operation
and management Behavioral changes Tracking and bench marking energy use
Communicating to the employees
12. 15. Make energy a priority Assign responsibility Set a goal Look beyond first
Cost Get with the program This audit relates to other industries also in terms of
environment friendly and energy saving the final outcome which is reduction in
production cost of any industry and conservation of energy for our future generations.
For example: ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant) Boiler Refrigeration system Air
Compressor Electricity Solar power
13. 16. Findings Almost all the industries are using water in some or the other form & the
used water is thrown in nearby streams and localities without any treatment and the
results is pollution. Results SGML is very proud to say that our processed water is
being treated through our state of the art ETP plant and this is how we are conserving
the nature and we are reusing the treated water.
14. 17. Global warming has become a major concern in the National and international
community therefore in the farm level and industry level it needs to be controlled
15. 18. Findings: The cost of production becomes very high on using diesel /furnish oil.
Results: To reduce cost of production multi fuel boiler has become the need of the
16. 19. Findings: As most of the food industries use Refrigeration system. In our case
installation of de super heater at ammonia compressor discharge was lacking, IBT
system was not converted to PHE system. Results: We are under process for
implementing these thing & if other industries also can follow the same , it will be
very beneficial.
17. 20. Findings: we was running compressor on high pressure & facing pipe line
leakage problem. Results: We reduced working pressure & which in turned to solve
leakage problem & reduce running hours.
18. 21. Findings: The demand with NEA was higher than needed also power factor was
low Results: Reduces the KVA demand and installed the capacitor as per
requirement to increase power factor
19. 22. Finding: Though the solar is clean and renewable source of energy applicable
for many application such as heating, lighting, water pumping etc, we are not using it.
Results: We are planning to install solar lighting system and solar hot water system

20. 23. We have become so mean that we try to prove ourselves in the society by
exploiting the nature and we also try to pamper our children by giving them better
education, shelter and food it is there right but what if all forms of non renewable
energy is exhausted. We do not mind if our children misuse electricity, water and
fuel but friends we need to save non renewable energy and promote the use of
renewable energy(solar energy, harvest raindrop, Therefore the need of the hour is
as in Kyoto protocol summit the whole world came together to reduce the emission of
green house gas and carbon footprint in similar way the whole world has to come
together to save non renewable energy(fossil fuel, natural gas oil and coal) and to
promote the use of renewable energy (sun,wind,rain and tides) Few initiatives by
Sitaram Gokul milks in conserving nature 1) has implemented the use of effluent
treatment plant 2)has promoted the use of cotton bag instead of plastic bag with
consumers in market. under process initiations to save energy 1) to generate
electricity by solar for light purpose as well as production purpose
21. 24. our elder generation spent dark nights but we see bright lights let us conserve
energy to keep away future generations in dark frights natural resources are not
our property we have borrowed it from our future generations energy is life use it
22. 25. Effluent Treatment Plant
23. 26. In the end we are thankful to EEC (an autonomous center functioning under
FNCCI) and we are looking forward for TECHNICAL AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT
from EEC AND GIZ for implementing the desired energy audit results conducted in
Sitaram Gokul Milks.

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