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A character when initially created may select several advantages and disadvantages. This
is meant to flesh out the character and should give them several strengths and weaknesses, or
exotic abilities. Generally, all advantages and disadvantages are permanent. It is possible to lose
an advantage or disadvantage, but it is highly unlikely and ultimately falls on the say of the
Dungeon Master. Unless otherwise specified no advantage or disadvantage may be taken more
than once. A new character may take up to 100 points in disadvantages to spend on advantages. A
feat can be bought as an advantage so long as the prerequisites for the feat are met. A feat is a 33
point advantage. A character may not buy more than 2 feats as advantages unless theyre human.
A human gets 33 points automatically to spend on advantages instead of a bonus feat at first
Eyes of St. Haleigh: (advantage; 33 points)A character with this trait is a descendant of
the ancient seer known as St. Haleigh. He was famous in his time for assisting a war lord in a
counter attack against the War God Id. Though he didnt stop Ids destruction St. Haleighs
efforts slowed Ids progress for so long as he was alive. St. Haleigh was killed for an act of
treason that henchmen of the war lord supposed he had committed after assisting them for
several months. Without his guidance many more people were slain by Ids assault including five
out of his six children, but the one child that survived lived to pass his blood on to future
generations. A descendant of the saint has a visionary power similar, albeit weaker, to his. Upon
gazing into their own eyes they see in place of their pupils an array of swirling colors. These
colors contain meaning for those who know how to decipher them. In the left eye of the
descendant the colors unfold meaning for their worst foe. In their right eye the colors unfold
meaning for their most trusted ally. This is a supernatural power. Foe/Ally: Every 24 hours, at a
predesignated time, a character with this trait must select who their one foe is and who their one
ally is. The selections must be characters who they have personally seen. The foe must be a
character hostile towards the descendant while the ally must be helpful. A new character need not
be selected at the end of every 24 hour interval but to reselect the same character they must still
be a valid selection. Colors: The meaning of each color is detailed below.Black- The selected foe
or ally is dead. No other color will be present unless the character is undead.Yellow- If foe then
the character has ended their hostility. If ally then the character has ended their helpfulness.
Red- The character is in combat.
Blue- The character has a higher Challenge Rating than the descendant.
Orange- The character is on a different plane.
Green- The character has had an increase in Challenge Rating within the last week. This color
will disappear before the week is over if their Challenge Rating drops back down.
Purple- The character has had an alignment change within the last week. This color will
disappear before the week is over if their alignment changes back.
Light Sleeper: (advantage; 18 points, -5 for elves and monks)Characters with this trait
awaken easily. They suffer no penalty on listen checks while asleep and will awaken from
voluntary sleep whenever they succeed at an opposed listen check. This may cause them to
awaken unwillingly whenever disturbed. If they are touched while asleep they must make a will
save. The DC for this will save is equal to the sleight of hand check of the character touching
them (or similar skill check, whenever applicable).

Blessed of Rao: (advantage; 17 points, +5 for elves, except Aciakazeran elves)Those

blessed by Rao are said to go through great spiritual journeys in their dreams. Whenever they are
sleeping they do in fact get closer to other realms. A divine spellcaster who prepares spells
through purely mental actions (such as praying) may perform their preparation while asleep. For
example a cleric who sleeps for 8 hours might elect to have the last hour of their sleep spent
praying, and therefore they will have completed preparing their spells upon awaking. Typically
chaotic evil and neutral evil characters dont have this trait unless they converted to that
alignment sometime after birth. Even without being a divine spellcaster most characters with this
trait have very vivid dreams involving elements of different planes.
Illiteracy: (disadvantage; 6 points, unavailable to barbarians)A character with this trait
cannot read or write. They may spend 2 skill points after creation (that is, once they gain more
skill points) to eliminate this disadvantage. This is a very common disadvantage.
Argot, Cant, or Slang: (advantage; 6 points)An argot is a variation of a normal
language. It is essentially slang. A character with this trait must choose what language(s) their
argot is based on. They must also designate a specific group which speaks the argot, such as
Masons in the town of Tress or Thieves. It can be as broad or specific of a group as wanted,
but it must be approved by the Dungeon Master. An argot is essentially a language that one can
learn how to speak, though it may have no written form. Anyone who speaks the same
language(s) that the argot is based on may still understand it whenever they encounter it. In such
a case it functions exactly like the delivering secret message use of bluff, but with a set DC set
at 15. With specific permission from the Dungeon Master the DC to understand the argot may
vary. This advantage may be taken more than once.
Sorcerous Blood: (advantage; 3 points, any race with spell-like abilities or supernatural
powers is automatically considered to have this trait)Without this trait a character may not take
levels in sorcerer. A character with this trait may replace their favored class with sorcerer.
Dragon Blood: (advantage; 30 points, requires Sorcerous Blood)A character with this
trait doesnt come from just any magic stock but has actual dragon blood flowing through their
veins. Instead of being allowed to replace their favored class with sorcerer, as Sorcerous Blood
allows, a character with this trait may add sorcerer as an additional favored class. They are also
allowed to select two 0-level spells which become spell-like abilities for the character, each of
which they may use once per day. If the character takes levels in sorcerer then at any level which
they are allowed to replace any of the existing spells they know they may also replace these two
0-level spell-like abilities with two different 0-level spell-like abilities.
Musical Mind: (advantage; 30 points, -5 points for halflings)A character with this trait
may choose two skills. Anytime they hear music playing they gain a +2 morale bonus on those
two skills. This stacks with the effects of bardic music.
Hands of Magic: (advantage; 23 points, -3 points for gnomes)A character with this trait
may subtract their dexterity bonus from their arcane spell failure percentage.
Adrenaline Rush: (advantage; 27 points, -5 points for half-orcs and orcs)For one minute
per day (which may be split up amongst non-consecutive rounds) a character with this trait may
push their body above and beyond normal limits because of their powerful adrenaline rush. This
has two benefits on the character using it. First, whenever they delay their turn instead of having
their initiative reduced it rises back up to its previous count in the following round. Also, they
wont take damage from taking actions while disabled.
Cursed Wound: (disadvantage; 1 point per point of lost hit points (max 13), +12 points
for missing limb, +33 points for 2 missing limbs)A character with this trait has a wound that they

cannot cure. It is typically because of a supernatural being or force, but it may come in other
forms, such as a genetic disorder they were born with. It can be anywhere on the body of the
character. It cannot be healed by anything short of a wish or a miracle. The maximum hit points
of the character are permanently reduced by a number between one and thirteen. This permanent
wound may have resulted in the loss of one or more limbs. This can be an arm, a leg, both arms,
both legs, or an arm and a leg. If a character is missing an arm then they cannot two-weapon
fight, hold a shield, or do any other actions that require that second arm. They also receive a -4
on all strength based checks, unless they specifically benefit from only one arm. If a character is
missing a leg then their base movement rate is reduced to 10ft. and they cannot move faster than
2X movement rate. If they have a reasonable replacement leg or crutch then their base movement
rate is only halved and with a DC 15 balance check they can move at 3X movement rate. With a
DC 35 balance check they can move at 4X movement rate. They also receive a -4 on all strength
and dexterity based checks, unless the action would only benefit from one leg. Missing both
arms prevents a character from any arm usage, including weapons, shields, somatic components,
etc. It also grants a -20 to all strength based checks, replacing the previous -4. Missing both legs
reduces a characters movement rate to nothing, limiting them to 5ft. steps. They also receive a
-10 to all strength and dexterity based checks, replacing the previous -4. These penalties might
not apply in all situations and other penalties may apply in certain situation depending on the say
of the Dungeon Master. Missing arms and legs also reduces the number of item slots a character
has unless they have reasonable replacements.
Light Sensitivity: (disadvantage; 10 points, may not be combined with blindness)For one
reason or another the eyes of a character with this trait are sensitive to light. They are dazed on
the first round that they encounter anything brighter than shadowy illumination and dazzled for
every round that their eyes remain in contact with the light. Eye protection, such as the snow
goggles from arms and equipment guide, may eliminate the penalty for being dazzled.
Blindness: (disadvantage; 28 points)A character with this trait is blind. Much like with
the cursed wound trait, a supernatural force or other considerable force, caused this. Therefore
nothing short of a wish or miracle can restore the characters vision. If the character has the
cursed wound trait then they may choose to elect that as the cause of their blindness.
Deafness: (disadvantage; 23 points, + 10 points for spellcasters who suffer from miscast
chance)As blindness, but deafened instead.
Mute: (disadvantage; 7 points, + 13 points for spellcasters)As blindness, except instead
of losing sight a character with this trait cannot speak.
Exile/Pariah: (advantage; 7 points, -4 points for half-orcs, half-elves, and all other
similar half races)A character with this trait has never been accepted into any kind of society.
They gain a +2 on all saves against fear effects. They also gain a -2 on diplomacy checks.
Without Essence: (advantage; 7 points)None of the magical essence of the world flows
within the body of a character with this trait. They dont benefit from having arcane spells or
effects placed upon them, nor can they cast arcane spells or effects. They gain a +2 bonus on
saves against all arcane spells and effects. This also means they cant benefit from arcane items.
Void Mind: (advantage; 7 points)As without essence but acting towards psionic powers
rather than arcane spells.
Lost Soul: (advantage; 7 points)As without essence but acting towards divine spells
rather than arcane spells.
Automaton: (advantage; 12 points, requires without essence, void mind, and lost soul)A
character with this trait gains spell resistance equal to 11+their character level. Their bonus on

saves against spells and psionics from Lost Soul, Void Mind, and Without Essence increases to
Fireheart: (advantage; 18 points, -5 points for dwarves)For one minute per day (which
may be split up amongst non-consecutive rounds) a character with this trait may have their
passion push them beyond where others are willing to go. During this time they may ignore
morale penalties.
Porphyrogene: (advantage; points vary widely)A character with this trait was born to a
royal bloodline. There will be a wide range of benefits depending on which house they were born
into and what standing they have with that house. A character with this trait will often have the
same last name as his noble house. They will also often have the same distinguishing racial traits,
if any apply. They may legally wield guns. They might command respect from a wide variety of
people. They might be receiving funds for their exploits from their house. They may have
servants. They might have writs that allow them to circumvent some laws. There are many
benefits that come from being of noble blood, but what benefits any one player character has
from this trait should be outlined ahead of time with the help and approval of the Dungeon
Malborn: (disadvantage; 15 points)It physically hurts people to be around a character
with this trait. A malborn has a magical aura around them that excites the pain nerves in people
nearby. Anyone who attempts to detect this aura will recognize it as weak necromancy. This aura
constantly affects a 20 foot radius centered on the character. Anyone within this radius
(excluding the character) acts as if sickened unless they are hostile towards the character. If they
are hostile they are allowed a fortitude save, DC 10+Malborns Charisma modifier+1/2Malborns
HD. Most characters do not like being sickened and so the Malborn will typically suffer a 2 on
Charisma based checks with anyone theyve sickened. Spell resistance applies to this effect with
the check being a d20+HD. Strangers are also more likely to be unfriendly. Most Malborn are
exiles and have no friends. Typically theyre killed or abandoned shortly after birth. Even in
some of the more brutal societies they are rejected. Most Malborns that do live have hard lives.
Gun Interaction: (advantage; 10 points, -4 for humans)A character with Gun Interaction
has interacted with guns on some basic level. They have either seen them used, heard several
stories about them, or used them. So long as they are at least proficient with crossbows they will
not take a 4 penalty on attack rolls with firearms even if they dont have the Exotic Weapons
Proficiency (Firearms) Feat.
Extraplanar: (disadvantage; 1 point)Even though a character with this trait isnt
necessarily of an extraplanar race they were born and raised on a different plane then what the
rest of their race is. This means they are considered a native to a different plane than usual and
gain the extraplanar subtype on planes they otherwise would not have it. With the DMs approval
this could be something as dramatic as another realm, such as Greyhawk or Faern. However, it
must make logical sense. For example, a human generally wouldnt be from the plane of fire
unless they were raised somewhere where they wouldnt burn up.
Twin Soul: (advantage; 20 points)A character with this trait has two souls associated with
their one body. The character functions as normal with its first soul in command; the second soul
has no immediate effect on the character. The second soul may communicate telepathically with
the first soul as an NPC would communicate. It functions for game purposes exactly as the Spirit
Guide ability (see Complete Divine page 16) except without granting any of the Spirit Shaman
abilities. It has its own alignment, deity, and personality traits. If the character dies and is
resurrected then the second soul may take over the body. The character must make a will save,

DC 10+1/2 Character level+Charisma modifier, or the second soul will take command of the
body. This save can be failed voluntarily. The alignment, deity, and personality traits of the
character are changed to that of the second soul when it takes command of the body. Any level
loss the character would have suffered from the resurrection is not suffered. Instead, it should be
recorded that the first soul is dormant and how many levels it has lost. The first soul now
functions as the second soul originally did. If the first soul gains control of the character once
more then the levels that the first resurrection would have caused the loss of are then lost. If the
second soul gains control of the body again levels are lost as the time before. The only level loss
free resurrection is when the second soul gains control of the body as that is that souls first time
controlling the body. The second resurrection has the level loss that the first one would have had,
the third resurrection has the level loss of the second one, and so on.
Scarred: (disadvantage; 0 points or 1 point per point of appearance lost past 4)A
character with this trait has been tortured, burned by acid, had a near death experience, or had
some other fittingly scarring event occur. They have scars. A character may choose to lose
anywhere between 1 and 4 points of appearance and in exchange gain an equal circumstance
bonus on intimidate checks. The bonus on intimidate has a maximum limit of +4 from losing 4
points of appearance, but the penalty to appearance can be raised higher than that. A character
can choose to lose up to 4 points more of appearance, to a maximum of 8 points lost. Remember,
an appearance score may not be reduced below 1. For each point past 4 lost by this trait a
character gains 1 point to spend on advantages, as listed above, but the points gained from this
disadvantage may be doubled if a character chooses to have his scars be the effect of the cursed
wound disadvantage. The scars become more than just cosmetic and may not be removed until
the cursed wound is removed then.
Luckyor Skilled?: (advantage; 10 points)A character with this trait never fumbles skill
checks. They either fail or succeed as the normal rules would have it.
Traits from Unearthed Arcana
The traits from pages 86-91 of Unearthed Arcana are considered 0 point advantages, and
a maximum of two traits may be taken as such. The flaws from page 91 of Unearthed Arcana are
30 point disadvantages, except for Murky Eyed which is only 10 points.

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