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To phase extends from brake release to 1500ft or to the point where
the last obstacle has been cleared.

V1 Decision Speed

Reference speed in an event of engine or other failure in deciding

whether to continue or reject the TO.
Max speed the pilot makes the first action to stop the A/C with in
accelerate-stop distance
Min speed following the failure the pilot can continue the FO and
achieve the required height above the TO surface within the TO
VR Rotation Speed

VEF Engine failure speed

Calibrated speed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail

o V1 Vef Vmcg
o Vmcg < V1 < Vr
VMBE Max Brake Energy speed
Highest TO decision speed from which the airplane brought to a
stop without exceeding the max energy absorption capacity of the
o Vmcg V1 Vr / Vmbe
VR Rotation Speed

Speed the pilot initiates action to raise the nose gear off the ground
o Vr 1.05Vmca
V2 TO Safety Speed
Referenced AS obtained after lift off at which required one engine
inop. climb performance can be achieved.
Target speed to be reached at the screen height assuming an
engine failure at or after V1.

TO Performance Requirements
1. Max Allowable TO Weight
- max weight A/C is allowed to TO is limited by PLTOW and MCSTOW
Max. Certified Structural TOW:
o Structural weight max weight the airframe, LDG gear and
wings can support.
Performance Limit Weight:
i. Field length limit TOW
ii. Climb Limit TOW
iii. Obstacle limit TOW
iv. Tire Speed Limit TOW
v. Brake Energy Limit TOW


Field Length Limit TOW:

Accelerate stop distance required must not exceed accelerate stop

distance available.
TO distance required must not exceed TO distance available

ASDR: Accelerate Stop Distance Required

Required distance to accelerate with all engine operating to V1 PLUS
the required distance to travel 2sec at constant speed V1 PLUS the
required distance to decelerate from V1 to full stop.
In determine ASDR use of reversers is not credited on DRY runways,
on WET rwy, reverse thrust is credited. The use of SPD BRK is
always credited.
ASD limit weight is the weight for which ASDR = ASDA.
ASDA: Accelerate Stop Distance Available
Length of TO run available PLUS the length of stopway.
[ stop way should be capable of bearing the mass of the airplane
under the prevailing operating conditions]
o ASDA = TORA + Stopway
Area beyond the TO rwy, no less wide than the rwy and centered
upon the extended centerline, able to support the A/C during an
RTO, without causing structural damage to the A/C.
TODR: TO Distance Required
Required distance to accelerate with operating engines to Vef PLUS
the required distance to accelerate with one engine inop. to V2 at a
screen height of 35 above the TO surface AND,
Required distance to accelerate with all N engines operating to a
screen height of 35, PLUS a distance margin of 15%.
When rwy is wet, the screen height maybe reduced to 15.

TOD limit weight is the weight for which TODR = TODA.

TODA: TO Distance Available
TODR PLUS length of Clearway available.
[ length of Clearway included must NOT be greater than one half of
length of the rwy]
o TODA = TORA + Clearway
Area beyond the rwy, not less than 500 wide, located about the
extended centerline of the rwy and under the control of the airport
Max allowable clearway length used in TO performance calculation
equals half the TO flare distance and may not exceed half the TORA.
o Max Allowable Clearway TO Flare TORA
Because of reduced screen height, regulations DONT allow the use
of clearway on a WET rwy.
RESA: Rwy End Safety Area
Symmetrical about the extended rwy centerline and adjacent to the
end of the strip primarily intended to reduce the risk of damage to
an A/C undershooting/overshooting the rwy.
Balanced TO:
For a given rwy, max TOW will be achieved when V1 is selected
such that the ASDR and TODR for that TOW are equal.
o Balanced Field Length = ASDR = TODR Balanced V1
Required Unbalanced [when not field length limited]
ASDA maybe increased with a stopway and TODA by clearway,
inorder to increase the TOW.
o Clearway > Stopway V1 decreased
o Clearway < Stopway V1 increased
Required Stopping Capability : V1 Reduced [ASDA more restrictive]
o Rwy surface not being dry

o Down slopping rwy

o Inop. equipment affecting A/C ability to stop (inop REV)
Required Acceleration Capability: V1 increased [TODA more
o Less avalilable thrust due to high airport elevation OR high
o Upsloping rwy
o Deposits on the rwy causing drag.
V1mcg Limit Weight:
Max weight for which the airplane can accelerate to Vmcg and just
be able to stop within the available accelerate stop distance.
If V1 is adjusted to compensate the reduced braking capability on a
contaminated rwy, this V1 must not be less than Vmcg,
else V1 = Vmcg V1mcg
V1mcg requires more rwy length than was required for the
adjusted V1.
Runway Surface Conditions
Contaminated Rwy:
Rwy where more than 25% of the required length, with the width
being used is covered by standing water or slush more than
0.125inch deep or that has on accumulation of snow or ice.
Contaminated Rwy.
Standing water : water depth greater than 3mm.
Slush : partly melting snow or ice with high water contain (temp
close to 0c)
Wet Snow : snow that will stick together when compressed, but will
not readily allow water to flow from it when squeezed.
Dry (loose) Snow : fresh snow that can be blown OR if compacted
by hand will fail apart upon release.


Climb Limit TOW :

Climb Requirments: (considered under no wind condition)

1. First Segment :
From Vlof to Gear retraction
TO flaps at constant V2
Thrust on remaining engine TOGA
Required climb gradient > 0.
2. Second Segment:
From gear retraction to 400 (max 1500)
TO flaps at a constant V2
Thrust on remaining engine TOGA
Required climb gradient 2.4%
3. Third Segment:
Flap retraction, accelerate to clean speed
Thrust TOGA
Required climb gradient 0 (or level acceleration)
4. Final Segment:
From end of 3rd segment to 1500
Flaps up
MCT on operating engine

At final climb speed

Required climb gradient 1.2%

Improved Climb:
Trading excess rwy for higher TO speeds to increase the
aerodynamic efficiency, resulting in better climb performance.
Used when NOT limited by flied length.
Due to the increased weight, V1 must be increased to ensure that, if
an engine fails to Vef the TO can be continued.
Speed can be increased until Field Length limit TOW and Tire Speed
limit TOW becomes more limiting than the Climb limit TOW.
On contaminated rwy, use of reduced thrust or Weight correction
with improved climb is NOT allowed.
With anti-skid inoperative in combination with improve climb is NOT
Increase Max allowable TOW

Instead of a higher weight, the increased performance can also be

used to apply less thrust [higher assumed temp. OR lower thrust
Higher Vlof increased tail clearance.
Distant obstacles become less limiting
The 3rd Segment is reached at a higher altitude [allowing a higher
max. level off height]
Faster and steeper climb out reduces noise.
Disadvantages and Restriction:
RTO stopping margin is reduced
Close-in obstacles become more limiting
Tire wear increases due to the longer ground roll
Higher Vlof decreases the margin to Vtire (resulting lower Tire
Speed limit TOW) and a higher V1 decreases margin to Vmbe
(resulting lower Brake Energy limit TOW)


Obstacle Limit TOW

Obstacle Clearance Requirement:

Regulations require that the NET TO Flight path clears all obstacles
in the departure sector by a min. vertical distance of 35
From a wet or contaminated rwy, based on a screen height of 15
A/C may clear a close-in obstacle with less than 35 but alist 15.


Tire Speed Limit TOW

Tire Speed limit requirements:
Tire speed limit weight : weight requiring a liftoff speed equal to the
tire speed limit.
Reducing Vlof, hence Vr can be performed by:
o Reducing TOW
o Increasing TO flap setting
Tires speed becomes limiting: on HOT and HIGH airports OR when
improved climb performance is used.


Brake Energy Limit TOW

Vmbe: Max Brake Energy Speed
Max speed for a given TOW, at which the brakes are able to absorb
the built-up energy and still be effective.
If V1 exceeds Vmbe, Reducing V1 can be performed by

o Reducing TOW
o Unbalancing V1

Cost Index:
Reflects relationship b/n time related costs versus fuel costs
o Cost Index = time related costs / fuel costs
LOW CI : low speed, low fuel burn, high trip time
o Used when time related costs are low OR fuel costs are high.
HIGH CI : high speed, high fuel burn, low trip time
o Used when time related costs are high OR fuel costs are low.
Optimum Altitude:
Offers the highest fuel mileage/specific range
o Fuel mileage distance flown using a given amount of fuel.
Max fuel mileage means min trip fuel.
Offers the lowest costs.
o Cost Index Optimum Altitude
Efficiency is maximized when staying within a bandwidth of 2000
normally OR 1000 RVSM around the optimum altitude.

Max Altitude:
Thrust Limited Altitude:
o Due to decreasing air density, available thrust decreases with
increasing altitude.
o High altitude A/C can maintain at max. cruise thrust rating OR
climb at the max. climb thrust rating.
o We have a residual rate-of-climb of 100fpm in cruise.
Maneuver Margin Limited Altitude:
o Number of Gs the A/C could experience before entering
o Margin to initial buffet decreases with increasing altitude.

FAS - Final Approach Speed
FAS = (Vref + HWC + gust) (Vref +20) (Flap placard speed
Performance Requirements :
Landing Field Limit Weight (LFLW)
Landing Climb Limit Weight (LCLW)

Landing Field Requirement:

Actual LDW under the actual landing circumstances:

o LDR must not exceed the LDA
o Required GA climb gradient must be achieved.
With rwy NOT dry, regulations require margins when determining
LDR, FAA recommends a margin of 15% to be applied
Estimated LDW must permit a landing within 60% of the LDA at the
destination and any alternate airport.
Assuming lading on the most favorable rwy under no wind
landing on a different rwy, anticipated headwind is
credited but tail
wind must me taken in to account.
Landing Field Limit Weight (LFLW) :
Max. weight for which the LDA = CLD (Certified LDG Distance)
For Dry rwy, LFLWdry = 60% of LDA
For Wet rwy, LFLWwet = 52% of LDA
Approach and Landing Climb Requirements:
In-case of a GA at any point during the LDG approach, requirements
o Approach Climb and
o Landing Climb
For a two engine airplane, approach climb requirement is more
limiting than landing climb requirement.
Approach Climb:
For a two engine airplane min required climb gradient is 2.1%.
Configured for approach (app flap setting and gear up), one engine
inoperative, remaining engine at GA thrust.
Landing Climb:
For two engine airplane min required climb gradient is 3.2%.

Configured for Landing (landing flap and gear down), both engines
operating, GA thrust available 8sec after thrust levers are moved
from min flight idle to GA position.

Landing Climb Limit Waight (LCLW):

Max weight which can just achieve the most limiting of the
approach and landing climbing requirments.
Quick Turnaround Limit Weight (QTLW):
Max landing wight for which there is NO min ground time required
with respect to possible fuse plug melting.
This weight does not guarantee sufficient brake energy absorption
incase of a subsequent aborted TOs.
Protects the wheel fuse plugs from melting during a subsequent TO.

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