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Please answer the following questions in order to help us draft your SOP:

1. How did you develop an interest in your chosen filed? This interest could be through a paper presentation /
project / in depth knowledge in a subject / past experience / a novel or book you have read/ a movie that
you watched. General awareness and observation of a particular stream / upcoming trends and
developments in a field/ If you are changing your stream, it could be awareness and observation of another
field / helping friends in projects from another field, industrial visits/ lab training. Remember you must not
write childhood stories and immature things. Write mature stuff. Answer this question in about 5 sentences.
2. What was your undergraduate education in? Mention the program. You can also write about your favorite
courses (subjects) during your undergraduate program. If you do so, explain why they were your favorite
courses. If you ever were a rank holder or a top scorer in a particular year, mention about it here. Answer
these in 3 to 4 sentences.
3. Write in 4 to 5 sentences the name/s of any 1 or 2 good project/s you did in your bachelors degree (if you
have done diploma, then 1 project from diploma and 1 form bachelors or both from bachelors is fine. If you
have done bachelors and masters, then 1 from bachelors and 1 from masters is ideal). Explain what you
learned from each of these projects. Do not write a lot of details about the projects; instead write the names
of the projects--- in 2 lines; in simple non technical terms explain what the projects were about and in
another 2 lines mention what you learned from each of these projects conceptual learning, subject
oriented learnings and general learning where you developed your soft skills and other managerial skills.
Make sure the projects you write about are somewhat related to what you are going to study in the US. You
can also write about your final year project, but it should be related to what you will study in the US.
4. In 3 to 4 sentences write about your work experience/or an internship/technical training if you have done
any. Write the name of the company you worked for, the kind of work you did and the different values,
qualities and skills you learned from it. Demonstrate incidents where you were successful in showing
leadership qualities. You can also describe an incident where you used your educational knowledge and a
particular expertise to solve a problem, an incident where you led your team and helped it succeed in spite
of a crisis or otherwise.

5. Write in 2 to 3 sentences about your co curricular activities--- if you have done any paper presentations and
/or thesis .If you organized any or 1 good events at college or any good workshops that you attended /
conducted related to your intended program in the US. You must bring out your learning from the paper
presentations, the events and the workshops.
6. Mention in 4 to 5 sentences what you want to do after your masters program. Give specific details. Write
about your dream job and describe a particular profile that you wish to work at. Also write what kind of
work/ research would you like to do in future at your dream job or the areas in which you would like to
work. If you want to work on a particular project in life, mention what kind of project, its uses, and its
benefits to the end users? If you want to develop or improve upon existing technologies or products for a
particular field, write what the products will be used for and how will those technologies provide better
services, increase output and improve performance, according to you. Or if you want to start your own
venture/consultancy mention what your company would do business in. What services or products will your
company offer and how will it be used by people and how will it benefit mankind OR if you want to continue
the current work you are doing, explain how the masters program will help you improve upon your work. If
you are applying for masters with thesis or a PhD, you have to write about areas in which you want to do
research in future after your masters. These have to be different and innovative. Also, explain how your

research will enhance end outcomes and better the current scenario or solve current problems. Ensure that
you are able to explain how your masters program will enable you to realize your goals.
7. Write the name of the university you want to apply to and the program for which you are applying. You also
have to write about any 1 or 2 professors who are teaching or doing research or executing projects in fields
and courses of your intended graduate program at the university you are applying to. You must write the
names of these professors and mention what these professors are teaching or doing research / projects on
which interests you and that you wish to study and learn under them. Explain how the professors research /
course work coincide with your career goals. You will make this paragraph separately for every university
you are applying to. You can make this university specific paragraph by doing research on the universitys
8. If you have won any national or state level awards, do write about it here in 2 to 3 lines OR if you have done
any work with the US Government, please do not forget to write about it here in 2 to 3 lines provided the
work is somewhat related to the area you are applying for in the US
9. Remember that your sop must be able to explain how a particular masters / Phd. Program in the US can
bridge the current gap between your knowledge base (i.e. your expertise and learnings so far) and
aspirations (goals / dream career).
10. Your SOP cannot be identical to your resume so do not mention about all the projects done so far here.
Choose the best 2 and do not give too many technical details. Rather concentrate on your learnings. Keep it
simple so that it can be understood even by a layman. Also, remember the SOP is more about your future
goals and aspirations. Explain about your interests in a particular field , the level of working that you have
been doing in that file and more that you wish to do in that field. It is a future oriented document which lays
emphasis on your goals by justifying your learnings from your past academic and professional life in a
particular area.

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