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made up of the area south of Maryland. The south was almost completely agricultural, The dimate there was suitable for the plantation ‘of cotton and tobacco. The work required a large manpower. Thus, the economy and social order of the south were largely founded ‘on slavery and the plantation system, The north was always more advanced economically with a focus on indusiry. As a result of industrial development, urban population had also grown. The industrialised northern states did not require slave labour in their industries. Therefore, they did not approve of slavery. Thus, the country was practically divided into two halves —one strongly favouring slavery and another CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR In the south, the condition of the slaves was pitiable. They had no family life and were regarded as movable property of the planters. They lived in sub-human conditions and were even auctioned like cattle. Socially they suffered a lot of injustice and inhuman treatment also. The abolitionists or the enti-slavery people had been’ fighting against the federal laws since 1830. The abolitionists encouraged the slaves to run away from their masters by using the underground rail road. Books were History ‘Tages ire American slave ship being published which severely denounced slavery. One such was “Uncle Tom's Cab published in 1852. This novel by Mrs Hi Stowe portrayed a realistic description of cruelty on the part of the masters’ and & pitiabie conditions of the slaves, It stirred & soul of the people throughout the nati won millions of supporters for the anti-sk movernent. The victory of Abraham Lincoln as President of the USA was a great for the northemers, Besides major econo reforms, the Republican Party's manifesto included opposition to slavery. SECESSION OF SOUTHERN STA’ “The southerners were alarmed when Preside elect Lincoln arrived in Washington late: February 1861. They believed that Presid made up of the area south of Maryland. The south was almost completely agricultural. The climate there was suitable for the plantation of cotton and tobacco. The work required a large manpower. Thus, the economy and social order of the south were largely founded on slavery and the plantation, system. The north was always more advanced economically with a focus on industry. As a result of industrial development, urban population had also grown. The industrialised northem states did not require slave labour in their industries. Therefore, they did not approve of slavery. Thus, the country was practically divided into two halves —one strongly favouring slavery and another “Auction of slaves CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR In the south, the condition of the slaves was pitiable. They had no family life and were regarded as movable property of the planters. They lived in sub-human conditions and were even auctioned like cattle. Socially they suffered a lot of injustice and inhuman treatment also. The abolitionists or the anti-slavery people had been fighting against the federal laws since 1830. The abolitionists encouraged the slaves to run away from their masters by using the underground rail road. Books were History Saves in American slave ship being published which severely denounce slavery. One such was ‘Uncle Tom’s Cab published in 1852. This novel by Mrs H. Stowe portrayed a realistic description of tf cruelty on the part of the masters’ and th pitiable conditions of the slaves. It stirred tf soul of the people throughout the nation 2 won millions of supporters for the anti-slaves movement. The victory of Abraham Lincoln as # President of the USA was a great victs for the northerners. Besides major econom reforms, the Republican Party's el manifesto included opposition to slavery. SECESSION OF SOUTHERN STATES The southerners were alarmed when Pre: elect Lincoln arrived in Washington late, ‘Slaves running away from their masters would definitely emancipate slaves. BEGINNING OF THE crvit WAR When on April 12, 1861, the Gdnfederate commander P.G.T. Beauregard ordered firing on Fort Sumter (a stronghold of the Union States), hostility became official. Thus, started the American Civil War. MAIN EVENTS OF THE WAR Immediately after the firing on Fort Sumter, Lincoln called for troops to be used against the seven seceding states, which were soon Jined by Arkansas, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee, completing the 11 state confederacy. Thus, 11 states fought for the "=f them decided to secede from the confederacy against 23 Union states Seth Carolina was the first Southern _ Initially, the northern states (or the Union ® secede from the Union by the armies) suffered some defeats. On January Bef Secession’. Itwas followed bysix 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the final_ — Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Emancipation Proclamation freeing all the (euisiana and Texas. These states slaves in territories held by the confederates. formed a southern nation — the After some more successes, the tide of war States of America. Jefferson Davis turned against the south as the confederates Several efforts were were defeated in the Battle of Gettysburg in Semite both the sections. But, they Pennsyivania (uly 1-3, 1863). On July 4, Setlle as the southern states were 1863, the last confederate stronghold on the ‘They framed their own constitution, Mississippi river, Vicksburg, surrendered to @ Meg and organised an army. Gen. Ulysess Grant. RP History | ‘Abraham Lincoln was re-elected President on November 8, 1864. This was a great victory for the abolitionists. On January 31, 1865, the US Congress approved the ‘thirteenth amendment to the United States Constitution, ‘to abolish slavery. The amendment was then submitted to the states for ratification. As the Peace Conference, held on February 3, 1865, ended in a failure, the war was resumed. General Lee's army at Petersburg and Johnston's forces in North Carolina were the only ones fighting for the south against the Union forces which were about 3,00,000. General Lee realised that it was foolish to fight against such @ large force as it would result in sacrificing many more lives. The Union forces taused more damage to the southemers. General Grant's forces advanced and broke Lee’s lines at Petersburg on April 2, 1865. The Union forces under him entered the confederate capital of Richmond on April 13, 1865. General Lee surrendered his confederate army to Gen. Grant at the village of Appomattox General Lee ‘The meeting of General Grant and Lee in which Lee is surrendering History Court House at Virginia. Other confederate armies also surrendered. On May 26, 1865, the last southern General, Kirby Smith also surrendered. Thus, after four years of bloodshed, the civil war finally came to an end. RESULTS OF THE CIVIL WAR The four years of civil war had far-reaching consequences on the society, polity and economy of the nation. They are discussed here below: (i) Loss of Men and Money The civil war was one of the worst ever disasters in terms of the loss of human lives. ‘About one million people are said to have been killed or wounded. The direct cost of the war for the nation was about 5 billion dollars—three billion for the north and two billion for the south. The indirect costs, such as national debt and pensions, also imposed a heavy burden on the nation. Other expenses included damage to the property and the value of the slaves who had been freed. (ii) Loss to the South ‘Other expenses’ were much higher forthe south becayse most of the fighting place there. A number of southern cities and towns Were destroyed. Farmlands and palatial houses were ruined. Railroads were shattered. Industry and trade came to a halt. Rebuilding was a gigantic task for the south. The war had some positive consequences Since the Union states required transport communication link with the south, work these began at a very fast pace( The Continental Railway, the longest rail ® Scenes of large scale destruction during the civil war became operative from 1869. Road and waterways were also constructed very fast. The United States decided on the new tariff policy and the industry started making rapid progress. After being relieved of the civil war, the United States set up a common banking system in 1863, which led to the financial progress and development of the country. N % The outbreak and suppression of the civil war established once and for all that separation of any state from the Union will be treated as a rebellion and such an act would not be tolerated any more. Moreover, success in suppressing the civil war strengthened the Union. After-this, the United States’ of America started playing an active role in world affairs. The civil war was thus a blessing in disguise for the US as it laid the foundation of its future greatness. The biggest achievement of the civil war was the abolition of slavery. The US Congress approved the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution which abolished the inhuman system of slavery from the US. All citizens were granted full and equal political rights Henceforth, the people of African origin (African Americans) were to be treated as equal with the white citizens of the country. Celebrating the abolition of slavery History THE ROLE OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN Birth and Boyhood: Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809, in Hardin, Kentucky, in a migrant family. His father Thomas Lincoln _ shifted the family to Indiana, where Abraham spent his " youth. He was fond of reading and took delight in reading books narrating stories of adventure, such as Pilgrim's Progress, Aesop's Fables and Life ‘of Washington, besides the Bible and the plays of Shakespeare. These books shaped his views, moulded his character and left a lasting impression on him. Political Career: The political career of ‘Abraham Lincoln began in 1832 when he stood for the candidacy of the state legislature. Although he lost this election, he was later successful in 1834. He received his licence to practise law in 1836. ~ Lincoln was very much against slavery. He wanted people to understand its evils. He was also against the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it permitted slavery within their boundaries. His opposition to this Act brought him into limelight. Election as President: Lincoln became the sixteenth President of the United States in 1860. It was a crucial time when the nation was,rapidly falling before his eyes. By the time he took over the reigns of administration, a total of 11 states, which were mainly cotton- growing areas, had seceded from the Union and had formed the confederacy. Inaugural Address: Lincoln understood the complexity of the situation very well. That is why he worded his inaugural address of April 12, 1861, very carefully. He was in a dilemma because on one hand, he wanted to Histor preserve the Union and on the other, denied interfering with slavery in the states where the Constitution protected it. Hence, Lincoln had to move cautiously so that the states that still: remained in the Union did not get offended. Beginning of the Civil War: Lincoln could not sit quiet for long. When the time came Lincoln acted promptly. He gave orders to defend Fort Sumter, which triggered the civil war. After this he did not look back. He handled the crisis very well throughout the four years. He gave the army enormous powers and also ordered spending of the federal funds without the approval of the Congress. This shows his determination and sense of purpose. He was bent upon preventing the break-up of the nation at every cost. The Conduct of War: His conduct of the civil war against the southern states shows his foresight. On ‘one hand, he selected the most capable officers like Ulysses S. Grant so that the Union could win against the secessionists. On the other hand, he aroused public opinion to support the army. Realizing that the ‘border states’ between the northern and southern states might secede too, he kept on persuading these states to remain in the Union. He repeatedly declared that the purpose of the civil war was to preserve the Union. Emancipation Proclamation: By late 1862, Lincoln was compelled to change his policy towards slavery, as several for powers also supported the southern states Therefore, after the Union victory in Battle of Antietam in September 1 Lincoln issued on January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation. He declared t! te Je Ss. 2, iis at all the slaves in the rebellious states would be free. However, the slaves in the border states would remain unaffected. He even promised financial help from the federal government for this purpose. He was disappointed at the failure of the states to implement the Proclamation. However, the proclamation gave a new meaning to the civil war. It sent a strong message to other nations. Ultimately, slavery was abolished in all parts of the United States by the thirteenth constitutional amendment of December 1865. The Gettysburg Address: The Union armies won two important victories at Gettysburg in Pennsylvania and Vicksburg against the confederate troops in July 1863. On November 1863, President Lincoln delivered a two minute speech at Gettysburg at a ceremony to dedicate a part of the battlefield as a cemetery for those who had lost their lives in the battle. It was one of the most soul-stirring speeches ever delivered to the Americans. It spoke of a ‘new birth of Gertysburg Address freedom’ and his ‘government of the people, by the people, for the people,” shall not perish from the earth. Second Term as President: Lincoln was elected President the second time in 1864 when the end of the civil war was in sight This time he did not have to be cautious in wording his Speech. In the end of his inaugural [AMERICAN GWIC WAR AND AFTER. HB von Fee sts Confederate States [Ei Ses samt oe ynon aterthe wenn cme Gulf of Mesien America—afier the civil war History address, he said, “With malice towards none, with charity-for all, with firmness in the right, as’ God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow and orphan; to do all which may achieve and cherish a Just and a lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.” Assassination of Lincoln: On the night of April 14, 1865, -Lincoln was watching the play ‘Our American Cousin’ at Ford's theatre with his wife Mary. During the third act of the play, an actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the head crying ‘Sic Semper tyrants’ (thus always to tyrants, the motto of Virginia). He never regained consciousness and died the John Wilkes Booth New Terms to Remember 1 Confederate States: The southern states had organised themselves in a federation. They were called the Confederate States. 2. Civil War: A struggle between two sections or groups of the same society or nation ‘over some burning issue is known as a civil war: Import 1860 Abraham Lincoln elected President of the USA. 1861 The civil war began. 41864 Abraham Lincoln elected President of the USA for the second time 1865 Slavery abolished in the US; Abraham Lincoln assassinated. next day on April 15, 1865. Thus, we see that Abraham Lincoln played ‘a decisive role in the American Civil War. He rose from the log cabin to the White House having been twice elected as the President of the United States. He preserved the Union during the civil war. He was the first President elected by the Republican Party. He ‘believed that democracy was a lasting form of government and emphasised this in his speeches. He had a lot of confidence and acted according to his own judgement. He was a master politician who could face every challenge. He never tried to dictate, but tried to win over people by persuasion. He acted according to the moods of the people and requirement of the time and situation. The nation owes him a lot. If George Washington was the founder of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was its saviour. History Bae member ————— 1, The US Civil War: The conflict between the proslavery southem states and anti-slavery northern states is known as the American Civil War. It was a turning point in the American history. = 2. Background of the American Civil War: North-South divide: Freedom vs. Slavery: The south was completely agricutural for which it required slaves whereas north depended mainly on trade for whiich slaves were not required. The issue of slavery led to the division between the north and the south. 3. Causes of the Civil War: {) Abolitionism: Antislavery sentiment or movement became stronger day by day It gained momentum with the publication of newspapers. A) Anti-slavery Literature: H. B. Stowe's novel ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin’ depicted the pitiable condition of the slaves and many people became strong supporters of antislavery movement. Ii) Election of Abraham Lincoln: Election of Abraham Lincoln as President of the US in December 1860 was a great victory for the northemers, as his election manifesto included opposition to slavery. () Secession of Southem States: Before Lincoln took over as President, seven southern States had seceded from the Union and formed a southern nation called the Confederate States of America. They framed their own constitution, adopted a flag and organised an army. © Beginning of the Civil War: With the firing on Fort Sumter by the confederate commander on April 12, 1861, the civil war broke out. # Main Events of the War: The eleven state confederacy of southern states fought against 23 Union states. On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all the slaves in the confederate states. Lincoln was re-elected President in’ 1864 General Lee of the confederate army realised the futility of further fighting and surrendered before the Union General Ulysses S. Grant on April 9, 1865, Results of the War: Huge losses in men and money. Immense losses for the south, Development of transport and trade. Preservation and strengthening of the Union, Abolition of slavery, Role of Abraham Lincoln: Abraham Lincoln was bom on February 12, 1809, in Kentucky Hie was elected the US President in 1860 on a Republican ticket. He conducted the civil Se" with caution. He issued Emancipation Proclamation in January 1863, In July 1863, Be delivered the famous Gettysburg address. He was elected President for the second time © 1864. It was due to his efforts that the Union won the civil war and saved the US om disintegration. John Wilkes Booth shot him on April 14, 1865. Lincoln died the next ey. |. Short Answer Questi . What was the mai . What was the basic difference in the economies of the north and south? . How did the north-south differences contribute to the Civil War? . Explain sectionalism, ». Why did the southern states want slavery? 9 Exercises issue that led to the American civil war? Name a few ‘slave’ states, . Describe the kind of life which the slaves led. Which was the first state to secede from the Union? . How many confederate states and how many Union states fought against each other in the civil war? .. With which battle did the civil war begin? - What do you know about the book ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’? Whatis its significance in the civil war? - Name one important General each of the confederate and Union forces. . With the surrender of which confederate general did the civil war come to an end? . When and where was Abraham Lincoln born? - Name the few books that moulded and shaped Lincoln’s mind and views. What was the main aim of Lincoln after becoming the President in 1860? . What was Emancipation Proclamation? How did Lincoln die? I. Long Answer Questions: . Discuss the main causes of the American civil war. 2. Throw light on the main events of the civil war. 3. Discuss the results of the civil war. Which of them do you consider the most important and wi 4. Write a critical note on Emancipation Proclamation issued by Lincoln. 5. Write a note on Gettysburg Address of Lincoln. 6. What was the role of Lincoln in the civil war? Give some examples of his able leader during the civil war, A 7. Trace Lincoln's political career from his initial candidature to the state legislature to Presidentship of the US. Ill. Match the following: 1. H.B. Stowe (@) Uncle Tom's Cabin 2. General Lee (b) general of the Union forces 3. Fort Sumter (0) Gettysburg Address 4. Abraham Lincoln (d) attack started the civil war 5. Ulysses S. Grant (e) confederate general IV. Mark the following statements as True or False: 1. The civil war was fought between the states of north and west America. 2. The civil war started in 1861. 3. The slaves were very useful for domestic work. ~ 4. The planters treated theif slaves with kindness, 5. Abraham Lincoln had twice been the President of the United States. 6. The civil war came to an end in 1865. V. Fill in the blanks: 1. The states were in favour of slavery. 2. ____was the first southern state to secede from the Union. 3. Abraham Lincoln was first elected President in the year 4, Slavery was abolished in the USA in the year VI. Project/Activity: 1. Copy Lincoln's two Presidential Inaugural Addresses. Compare their contents and find out the reasons for the differences. 2. Enact the scene of Lee's surrender before Grant in your class. 3. Arrange a discussion in the class on the condition of the slaves. 4. Identify the following and write two sentences about each of them: Om (i) Vil. Map work: 1. On an outline map of the USA, demarcate the 11 southern states and the 23 Union states. Indicate specifically the original 13 states which formed the USA. 2. On an outline map of the USA, mark the important battles of the civil war.

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