2017 Washington State Legislative Agenda

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Defend local control to maintain the Countys ability to design and implement
programs that support, serve and respond to community and individual
Support continued and in certain circumstances enhanced funding of
programs and services which rely on state revenue sources.
Support collaborative efforts and the use of best practices.
Support legislation that balances economic interests and growth with a healthy
Oppose efforts to preempt, restrict, reduce or eliminate existing revenue
Oppose unfunded mandates.

Support legislative efforts that create stable funding, improved decisionmaking and planning to keep Washington County a safe place to live, work
and thrive.
Public Safety Funding Support State funding levels that maintain and
enhance justice reinvestment funds. HB 3194 passed during the 2015 session
providing a template for savings in public safety. Reinvestment of these
savings will strengthen public safety programs across Oregon and
Washington County.
Community Corrections Support funding levels for community
corrections that avoid triggering the opt-out for counties supervising
local control offenders.
Investment in Juvenile Crime Prevention Support efforts to stabilize
and increase funding for Juvenile Crime Prevention diversion and
prevention programs.
Stable Funding for Law Libraries Support legislation, budgeting and
policy direction that stabilizes County operation of Law Libraries.

Support legislation that provides funding for key, priority affordable housing
services and creates new opportunities for affordable housing programs.
Funding Support for Local Innovation and Fast Track (LIFT) Renew
and restore programs fund to its original $100 million. LIFT was created in part
to incent developers to bring new and innovative ways to create affordable
housing. With more funding available, Washington County and all local
governments will have the ability to leverage more affordable housing.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and Trust Funds Support
funding levels and tax policy capable of meeting state needs.
Retain the Rent Assistance Programs (RAP) Support existing program
that provides funding subsidy for mental health clients.
Create Efficiencies in State-Funded Programs Support a change in State
policy to allow the Housing Stabilization Program (HSP) to accept matching
funds that come from partners other than Community Action. For Washington
County the existing policy creates an unnecessary administrative burden.
Support Goal 10 Funding Support funding request made by Oregon
Housing and Community Services (OHCS) and Department of Land
Conservation Development (DLCD) to jointly fund an FTE specializing in
housing needs under Goal 10 to local jurisdictions.
Add Housing Staff to Veterans Housing & Services Advocate for
use of additional state lottery revenue created as a result of M96 passing to
fund county veteran services officers (VSOs) from Oregon Department of
Veterans Affairs.
Raise Personal Property Tax Exemption Support legislation that provides
authority to raise current Personal Property Tax exemption for manufactured
housing. In 2010 Washington County supported an effort to create an
exemption at $16,500. With valuation increases since 2010 and a need to
maintain critical housing affordability, increasing the exemption can help
maintain preservation of existing affordable housing.

Support efforts that will maximize efficiency, promote safety, improve
transparency and stabilize investment in Oregons multimodal, transportation
State Transportation Funding Support a comprehensive, robust state
transportation package that will fund three priority congestion projects in
Metro region (I-5/Rose Quarter I-205/Abernathy Bridge Hwy 217), provide
reinvestment in maintenance and system-wide seismic needs, and continue
funding multimodal transportation systems. Transportation package at a
minimum should include the following:
Maintain the existing 50-30-20 split for distribution of revenue generated by
Oregons gas tax and fee structure.

Increase state funding for Connect Oregon to enhance transit and bike/
ped improvements.

Support effort to provide super citing through Land Use Final Order for the
SW Corridor project. This streamlines the approval process.

Support funding and investment strategy to secure the SW Corridor.


Support legislative efforts that establish funding stability for HHS services
administered by the County. Maintain local government authority for
community service delivery and seek additional state funding to support
behavioral and public health programs.
Support Efforts to Expand and extend Oregons 1115 Demonstration
Waiver Oregon is in the process of renewing its five-year Medicaid waiver
with the federal government. The waiver supports state and local efforts to
maximize healthcare coverage for residents near or below the poverty line.
If approved, the waiver would provide additional funding for Medicaid
services allowing organizations to address social determinants of health,
such as housing.
Support the 2016 Public Health Modernization Findings and Funding
Public health modernization will ensure basic public protections critical to the
health of all in Oregon and future generations. Findings will be important for
Washington County and its partners to maintain existing service delivery and a
stable funding base.



Mental Health Seek additional state funding to support behavioral health

and public health programs. Oppose efforts that reduce the Countys ability to
provide critical mental health services in the community.
Restrict Youth Access to Tobacco and Marijuana This legislation is part
of an entire package of policy changes and increased funding.
Create a robust tobacco retail licensure system that includes education and
training, outreach to retailers and compliance.

Tax e-cigarettes to ensure they are not inexpensive and therefore enticing to
youth. E-cigarettes are the only nicotine delivery system not currently taxed.

Increase the cigarette access age from 18 to 21.

Fund DEQ Air Quality Program Support efforts to increase state

investment in DEQs Air Quality program including their Cleaner Air Oregon
Reduce Fine Particle (PM 2.5) Pollution Support series of legislative
options to reduce PM 2.5.
DEQ funding request for wood stove conversion Support DEQ funding
request for wood stove conversion.

Fund programs designed to retrofit, replace older diesel engines

Support use of $85 million settlement funds for use in programs to retrofit or
replace diesel engines.

Extend Producer Responsibility Support legislation to engage

manufacturers of household hazardous waste to take responsibility for
managing the waste associated with their products. This includes proper
recovery of unused, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceuticals.
Support Healthy Starts Program Support funding for programs intended
to improve overall health through prevention and early intervention strategies
that begin with ensuring healthy pregnancy and support families through young
School-Based Health Centers (SBHCs) Support legislation to fund current
SBHCs and support development of new SBHCs.
Expand School-based Trauma-informed Health Services Support
increased funding to schools for implementing traumainformed school health
services that reduce chronic absenteeism.



Early Learning Hubs Support funding levels that support communitybased

programs and services through Early Learning Hubs to ensure families are
healthy, stable and attached and children are ready for kindergarten.
Disability, Aging and Human Services Support funding that ensures
adequate services and system expansions that focus on promoting community
health and wellness, keeping children healthy and helping older adults or those
with mental illness live successfully in the community.
Funding for I/DD Programs Support funding for Intellectual/Developmental
Disabilities (I/DD), which has seen rapid expansion of service needs due to
implementation of Community First Choice Option (the K Plan Medicaid
waiver). The K Plan added a significant number of new individuals and therefor
require additional funds to meet the needs.
Jail Diversion Funds Support effort to restore budget levels that identify
specific services and system expansions that focus on promoting community
health and wellness, keeping children healthy and helping adults with mental
illness live successfully in the community. Allocations for Jail Diversion and crisis
services are included. HHS supports continuation of these funds and advocates
for moving away from an RFP method of allocating new funds.

Support efforts that secure local government flexibility in funding services and
advocate for policy that recognizes the critical partnership between the State
and local governments.
Local Control of Transient Lodging Tax Support legislation to provide
clarity allowing counties to have control over their allocation of revenue
generated from a statewide Transient Lodging Tax (TLT).

Support Clean Water Services efforts to maintain and improve the infrastructure,
innovation and efficiency of water resources that ensure quality of life
throughout the Tualatin River Watershed.
Franchise and ROW Fees Monitor legislation related to local government
imposed franchise/ROW fees on local government owned utilities.
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Budget Support budget
recommendations that improve Oregons water quality program by improving
stability and consistency with permits system.
Support DEQs efforts that ensure the timely issuance and renewal of
scientifically based permits and policies.

Support fee increases or cost-sharing proposals that provide balance and

fairness to produce meaningful improvements to Oregons environment
and economic health.

Integrated Water Resource Management Support proposals that advance

Integrated Water Resource Management principles to meet the long-term
water needs of local governments, agriculture, fish, and wildlife; and ensure the
efficient delivery of water infrastructure projects.
Address long-term water supply needs for planning and funding of future
water-use requirements.

Reuse & Bio-solids Support cost effective and sustainable management of

bio-solids and water reuse programs.
Support legislation to encourage the broader reuse of reclaimed water to
balance Oregons water need, leverage the states Integrated Water
Resources Strategy and meet water quality standards.

Energy Efficiency and Generation Support local governments ability to

pursue energy efficiency and generation efforts by continuing to incentivize
Monitor Clean Fuels Program to ensure that public investments in energy
generation and renewable natural gas are encouraged and supported.

Stormwater Monitor legislation related to the regulation, monitoring or

management of municipal, urban, or industrial stormwater.

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