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SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS AND ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS, STEEL-REINFORCED FOR OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION Part 1. Aiuminium stranded conductors BRITISH . STANDARDS INSTITUTION Incorporated by Royal Charter British Standards House, 2 Park Street, London, WIY 44A “Telegrams: Standards London WI ‘Telephone: 01-629 9000 UDC 621,315.55 : 669.71 ‘ ECEIVED. o 04 MAR 1999 1 approved by the BS 215: Part 1: 1970 is Committee, was Exccalve Board oo oe Page cooperating organizations 4 Foreword. : s SPECIFICATION ; 1. GENERAL, . 1a Seape ‘ 1 Definition 6 tothe fact hat his oo 13 Standard for ard-rawnalmiium wire 7 wee seeesary 2. MATERIAL 7 2. DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTIONS eee en 34 Standard sizes of wire 1 eee 32 standart ofluminiumstandedconducors 7 ces harged wah 2 m= 1 yt 3.) Surening ; “coag over S80, 5.5 compete constr isos of each wil ok, which may be 4.1 Serection of test samples 3 oS ee pases | ° 2 iautons, of extng ¢ following, Bish «84 Cente of compliance 9 ical engineering. APPENDICES at purposes, Wie [A. Noten the calelation of Table 3 2 Note on modal of elastic and coefiient “yy eee ee “ ea tat “i . Cade ames for standard alomsiom stranded — conductors, “ : ‘D. Non-standard constructions: 1s | ‘TABLES 1. Lay ratios for aluminium stranded conductors 8 2. Aluminium wires used in the construction of imstranded conductors. 10 vork on this standard: (foe comment 6429131 standard alumi 43. Standard aluminium stranded conductors Ut 2 4, Stranding constants ener ee coe co PR RER ~eaptten c en e ena ZATIONS sadards Committe, Se Standard was fom the following fe" and: industri turers? Association See Asioeistion High Condvctivity ‘omobile Division) ners Ltd. Vile and industria in the above Ist aly represented on ion of this 1 Genecaung Board Niater BS 25: Part 1: 1970 BRITISH STANDARD SPECIFICATION FOR ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS AND ALUMINIUM CONDUCTORS, STEEL-REINFORCED FOR OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION Part 1. Aluminium stranded conductors FOREWORD British Standard was frst published as BS 215: Part s ‘conductors ndctors, now cove: 1956; previously inchnded "agate? fn the one publication, Tn this revision all dimensions are included in metric units and the requirements of ire stancare have teen amended to conform suestantialy wisn those of IEC Pue.cation 207, ‘ Aluminium stranded conductors (As a result shecr ace 22 xternal diamets- 9f hitherto, The basis “or calculating conductor breaking icads has eeu aver. Values of the mocull of elasticity quoted in an appendix are practical values obtained dy tesi, which are considered to be of more practical significance tas the caleulated values formerly quoted. In the course of metrication the sizes of standard conductors, of which the ‘umber has been restricted, have been maintained unchanged except for epligible diferences due (0 the expression of wice diameters in millimetres. ‘The ses of conductors are designated by nominal aluminium areas (mm) in place of the formerly used nominal copper areas (in'). For convenience the Frominal aluminium areas have been taken as being numerically 1000 times the previous nominal copper areas. "At the present time there isan increasing use of conductors of constructions other than those covered in this standard. To facilitate standardization of these ‘constructions lay ratio limite and the appropriate stranding factors are included in an appendix. ‘Detailed requirements for aluminium wires are not included in this standard, but are specified in BS 2627, *Wrought aluminium for electrical purposes. Wire ‘All stresses are quoted in terms of the hectobar (hbar*). © phar = 10. MNfn# = 10 N/m. BS 215: Part 1 : 1970 Other British Standards dealing with aluminium conductors for overhead lines are listed below: BS 215: ‘Aluminium conductors and alumini teinforced for overhead power transmission. Part 2, Aluminium conductors, stee-reinforced. conductors, steel- BS 3242, Aluminium alloy stranded conductors for overhrad power transmission. SPECIFICATION 1, OE Pat [of t's British sf roolies to aluminium stranded conductors ier coveriead power transmission. 112 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Part of this British Standard the following definitions apply: ‘Stranted conductor, A conductor consisting of seven or more aluminium wires of the same nominal diameter twisted together in concentric layers, When the conductor consists of more than one layer, successive layers are twisted in ‘opposite directions. ‘Diameter. ‘The mean of two measurements at right angles taken at the ‘same cross section. Direction of lay. The direction of lay is defined as right-hand or leftthand. ‘With right-hand lay, the wires conform to the direction of the central part of the leer Z when the conductor is held vertically. With left-hand lay, the wires ‘conform to the direction of the central part of the letter $ when the conductor is held vertically. Lay ratio. The ratio of the axial length of a complete turn of the helix formed by an individual wie in a stranded conductor to the external diameter of the helix ‘For other definitions reference should be made to BS 205°. + 85 205," Glonary of terms sed in electrical engineer ‘ head steel- ven ain » the ‘and. tof actor helix eter BS 215; Part 1 : 1970 1.3 STANDARDS FOR HARD-DRAWN ALUMINIUM WIRE, LAA Resistivity, The resistivity of aluminium wire depends upon its purity and its physical condition, For the purposes of this British Standard the maximary ate permitted is 28264 wl em at 20°C, and this value shall also be used a9 the standard resistivity for the purpose of ealculation. 1.22 Density. At temperature of 20°C the density of hard-drawn aluminium wire isto be taken as 2703 glen. 1.3.3 Coefficient of linear expansion. The coefficient of linear expansion of hhard-drawn aluminium ig to be taken as 23 x 10-4/°C. 1.3.4 Constantemass temperature cooficlent, Ata temperature of 20°C the tGonstant mass” temsperaiure ccetcient of eesistance of naedecavwn alumi syize, rreasured between two potential points rigily fixed to the wire, is taken as 960 OY°C. Gik in the 19 ov: By agreement evenly throug Jhout the feng: of the conduct. 3. DIMENSIONS AND CONSTRUCTION ‘1 STANDARD SIZES OF WIRES ‘The sluminium wices for the standard constructions covered by this specification shall have the diameters specified in Table 2. 42 STANDARD SIZES OF ALUMINIUM STRANDED CONDUCTORS 432.1 The sizes of standard aluminium stranded conductors are given in Table 3. 13.2.2 The masses (excluding the mass of grease for corrosion protection) and Tesiatances may be taken as being in accordance with Table 3. 33 JOINTS IN WIRES ‘3.3.1 Conductors containing seven wires. There shall be no joints in any wire ‘ra stranded conductor containing seven wires, except those made in the base fod of wire before final drawing. 3.32 Conductors containing more than seven wires. In stranded conductors Containing more than zeven wires, joints in individual wires are permitted in Sedition to those made in the base rod or wire before final drawing, but no two + 2627, Wrought aluminium for electrical purposes. Wie 1 us 215 : Pact 1217 such joins shall be less than 15 m apart in the complete stranded conductor, Such pins shal be made by resistance or cold-pressure butowelding, They are fot required to fulfil the mechanical requirements for unjinted wires. Joints Jade by resistance buttovelding shal, subsequent to welding, be annealed over ft distance of at least 200 mm on each side of the joint. 134 STRANDING ast The wice used in the construction of a stranded conductor shall, before stranding, satisfy all the relevant requirements of this standard. 342 The lay ratio of the different layers shall be within the limits given in ‘Table 1. ’ NOTE: iis important to note that ny rato is now defined a the ratio ofthe ala ent MYO ote tam ofthe helix formed by an individoal wire in a stranded conductor tothe 1 hiernal Gameter of he be G4 3:43 in all cons of lay, the outerest evealy and closely 3 344 In aluminis 3 COMPLETED CONDUCTOR “The completed conductor shall be free from dirt, grit, excessive amounts of drawing oil and other foreign deposits. i RES EES mich si i AN A See Jed conductor. iding. They are wires. Joints ‘annealed over oe shall, before of the anit est 3 of Wie, 6 sive amounts of BS 215 : Part 1: 1970 4, TESTS ‘41 SELECTION OF TEST SAMPLES ‘4d Samples forthe tests specified in 4.3, shall be taken by the manufacturer before stranding, from not les than 10 % ofthe individual lengths of aluminium ‘wire which willbe included in any one consignment of stranded conductor. ‘One supe, sufficient to provide one test specimen foreach ofthe appropriate tests, shall be taken from each of the selected lengths of wire. 4:12 Alternatively, when the purchaser states at the time of ordering shat he ‘sizes tests to be made in the presence of his representative, samples of wite ‘hall be taken from lengths of stranded conductor zelectea ‘rom approximately 10 % of the lengths included in any one consignment. ‘ne sample, sulfcient to provide one specimen for eaca of ihe spprops casts, shail be taken from eaea of aa agraeu 2.5 7 in each of the selected Ie ate Untess otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer at the time of ordering, all tests shail be made at the manuiscturer's works. 43 TESTS, -The test samples taken under 4.11 shall be subjected to the following tes in cvordance with BS 2627" and shall meet the requirements of that standard: “Tensile test. Wrapping test Resistivity test. ‘Test samples taken under 4.1.2 shall be subjected to the same test, but in the case ofthe tensile test the tensile strength of the specimen shall be not less than 95 % ofthe appropriate minimum value specified in BS 2627. {44 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE ‘When the purchaser does not call for tests on wires taken from the stranded conductor, the manufacturer shall if requested, furnish him with a certificate fiving the results of the tests made on samples taken in accordance with 4.11. + 2627, Weoueht aluminium for eletial purpose. Wire", 9 BS 215 : Part 1: 1970 TABLE 2. ALUMINIUM WIRES USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF! ‘STANDARD ALUMINIUM STRANDED CONDUCTORS [NOTE The velues given in Columns 2t0 5 10 ONSTRUCTION OF "NDUCTORS. scier ioe ‘ation onl. ys2is: Part: TABLE 3. STANDARD ALUMINIUM STRANDED CONDUCTORS 20 m 888 1s | 906s) RIO | 1 in of this able re Append A rade cotton ithe sum of tbe crosses NOTE 2 The eetona ates oat Shite iia es sr Ntention soca <9 the fet tha the secdonal areas of standand conics the nominal aluminium aes by witch thy ato ‘anulctored exstly 10 BS 215 : Part 1: 1970 APPENDIX A” = NOTES ON THE CALCULATION OF TABLE 3 ‘A.A Increase in length due to stranding. When straightened out, each wire in ‘ny particular layer of a stranded conductor, except the central wire, is lange? thorthe stranded conduetor by an amount depending on the fay ratio of that layer. 'Ad Resistance and mass of conductor. ‘The resistance of any length ofa stranded Mhehetor isthe resistance of the same length of say one wire multiplied By 3 constant, as set out in Table 4. tea done of zarh sven in any partinlar faver of stranded conductor, except will be greater than that of an equal length of sa stants in Table 4, the mean lay ratio, .€ 12e ‘mes and rvaniinnm values in Tabte t, 8s ‘been assumed for each layer 'A3 Calculated breaking load of conductor. The breaking load of an aluminium ‘Sandel conductor containing not more than 37 wires, in terms of the strengths Of the individual component wires, may be taken to be 95% of the sum of the Strengths of the individval aluminium wires caleuated from the specified minimum tensile strength. TABLE 4, STRANDING CONSTANTS: Sheath Renetangs RUIN Sy Se BS 215 ; Part 1 : 1970 APPENDIX B a NOTE ON MODULUS OF ELASTICITY AND COEFFICIENT OF : LINEAR EXPANSION ATION OF TABLE 3 |The practical moduli of elasticity given below are based on an analysis of the | inno determined rom age numberof shar term eS) ‘yen straightened out, each wire in ane tbe aken as applying to conductors sessed between 15% and acept the central wire, Tonger are teeaking load ofthe conductor. They may be regarded as being accurate {depending on the lay ratio ofthat to within + 300 hbar*, Peat | litte | Sree ssi) of any length ofa stranded otra | ceils | oe ihc. one wire multiplied by & cy | exeamioal ayer of stranded concucicr, except stan equal Tength of straight wie | moxie dhat lave: (ee ALT above). The erat \ ad conductor is, therefor, ootained = { 250 x 10-* cr ainishe aire by an ag2rupriste a | Boo NOTE, Thee value aro gen for oi sn840H OH . The breaking load of aa aluminiuea fhan 37 wires, in terms of the strengths se taken to be 95 % of the sum of the “vines calculated from the specified #1 Nour = 10 MNjn# = 10 N/mm’ BS 215 : Part 1: 1970 APPENDIX C CODE NAMES FOR STANDARD ALUMINIUM STRANDED CONDUCTORS “NOTE, These code names re not an essential part ofthe tandard, They are given or com> Yenience im ordering conductor. emia! sKtettn | stranding | Code ame ‘rea resem seaNeUe rae HN ee RC nt Se te CRRA ETI Cc ALUMINIUM STRANDED RS at he standard, They ate given for ome BS 215 : Part 1 21970 APPENDIX D NON-STANDARD CONSTRUCTIONS Dal Lay ratios and stranding constants 0016 76 weltolas 10] 14) —|—|_ 62s chestectyelecligtar! exon | omnes div ual component wires, may be taken to be50 % of ke. forthe indivigual aluminium vres cueuaied ifein sae specs

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