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The Co-op

Student Led Conferences

Goal Setting Questions:
What have you learned so far to succeed at HTHCV?

Working in groups: How has it helped? What goals do you have to make it work better?
Organization: What goals do you have to become and/or stay organized? Why is it so
What do you need to work on the most to be most successful in each class?


Community: What is offered to help you at HTHCV? How can you use the resources at
HTHCV to help you improve? What can you DO to create a more POSITIVE community at


Set THREE goals you think you can obtain by the end of the semester. Write them down.
We will check them again in the Spring

Reflection Ideas
1) If I was to do a project or piece of work over, how and what would I do over?
2) How do you seek out help at HTHCV?
3) How do you feel connected to the school?
4) What do you think about your current grades?
5) What are your strengths? (i.e., organized, work well with others, disciplined, hard working.)
6) What are your stretches? (i.e., distract the class, disorganized, unmotivated, procrastination,
don't ask for help.) What can you do to change them?
7) What is your work ethic? Do you start right away? Do run out of gas? Do you work hard all the
way through?
8) Do you participate? Would you improve if you did participate more?
9) How do you feel about working in groups? What can you do to make it a more positive
10)What are you most proud of? (i.e., something you did/made, a difficult situation you handled
well, etc.)
11)What can your teachers, parents/guardians, school, and family DO to help you?

SLC_Questions 10/09/13 06:36 AM

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