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When listeners can recall ideas and information presented to them, they are said to

2)______ is preconceived opinions, attitudes, and beliefs about a person, place, thing, or message
a. Information overload
b. Prejudice
c. Accommodation
d. Acculturation
3)Evaluating the quality of information, ideas, and arguments presented by a speaker is known as
a. critical listening.
b. critical thinking.
c. fact finding.
d. inference evaluation.
4) What type of listening style is characterized by a listener who wants the speaker to get to the
point and state what needs to be done?
a. relational-oriented style
b. task-oriented style
c. critical style
d. analytical style
5) When listeners assign meaning and make sense of what they heard, they have _____ the
a. selected
b. attended
c. understood
d. remembered
5) True or False
Nonverbal cues play a major role in communicating a message.
6) Theo has been to four classes in one day. In each class, he has listened to a lecture and taken
notes. By the time he gets to his night class, he feels like he just cant take in another word.
What is the textbooks term for what Theo is experiencing?
a. Lack of academic discipline
b. attention deficit disorder
c. information overload
d. information prejudice
7) Tara comes into the classroom early on the day of her speech. She closes the blinds, checks
the room temperature, and sets up the transparency machine. Which barrier to listening is
Tara trying to overcome?
a. information overload
b. personal concerns

c. outside distractions
d. receiver apprehension
8) Evaluating the quality of information, ideas, and arguments presented by a speaker is known
a. critical listening.
b. critical thinking.
c. fact finding.
d. inference evaluation.
9) Heightened emotions dont affect your understanding of a message.
True or False
10) You can keep your audience from tuning out by making sure your speech has a good balance
between new information and supporting material.
True or False
11) ______ is a speakers believability.
a. Charisma
b. Empowerment
c. Credibility
d. Conscience
12) Ethical public speaking is inherently audience-centered.
True or False
13) If your overall objective is to inform or persuade, it is probably ethical; if your goal is to
coerce or manipulate, it is unethical.
True or False
14) Patchwriting includes failing to give credit for compelling phrases taken from another source.
True or False
15) Relying too heavily on the vocabulary or sentence structure of a source is a less obvious form
of plagiarism known as
a. paraphrasing.
b. misquoting.
c. patchwriting.
d. covert copying.

16) If your overall objective is to inform or persuade, it is probably ethical; if your goal is to
coerce or manipulate, it is unethical.
True or False
17) _____ is sensitivity to the feelings, needs, interests, and backgrounds of other people.
18) Being ______ involves becoming as aware as possible of others feelings, needs, interests,
and backgrounds.
a. empowered
b. denotative
c. subjective
d. audience-centered
19) ______ speech or speech acts are legally protected.
a. Ethical
b. Critical
c. Free
d. Slanderous
20) If your speech goal is to ______, it is probably ethical.
a. inform or persuade
b. coerce or persuade
c. convince or manipulate
d. sell or advertise

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