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Branch Office

Recruitment Manager

Senior Human Capital

Form Requests Additional Employees

The Application
Letter of
Employee request

Form Requests Additional Employees

Count the Number
of Employees

Form Requests Additional Employees


Is It Needed?


The Application Letter of Employee

Approval of Additional Employees
Application Letter

Accept Job Vacancies

Selection Results of Application Letter


Approval of Additional Employees

Approval of

Explanation of the Flow Chart :

PT. TIKI has a recruitment system to select and determine the human resources (HR)
or new employees in accordance with the needs of companies. Recruitment is the process
of search and withdrawal bunch of prospective employees who have the potential to fill
the job, most organizations perform the functions of recruitment managed by the human
resources department.
When one branch office requires employees, branch offices are asking to the
company. So, the recruitment system in PT. TIKI start from Branch Office which is
preparing one sheet of Form requests additional employees. Then, the form requests
additional employees was sent to the Recruitment Manager.
Recruitment Manager is responsible for determining the need or not additional
employees within a department or office. In recruitment manager, Form Requests
Additional Employees that given by Branch Office is archived. Then, recruitment
manager do the calculations manually to the number of employees. After that, recruitment
manager analyzed whether or not to do additional employees. If not, then the request
form additional employees will be rejected and returned to the branch office. If there are
additional employees are required, one sheet The Employee Application Letter of Request
is created and sent to the Senior Human Capital.
Senior Human Capital responsible authorize or approve the request of the
recruitment manager to consider other factors such as capital in the company and others.
Employee in senior human capital will approve the Application Letter of Employee that
given by Recruitment Manager, and then create two copies of Approval of Additional
Employees. Copies 1, Approval of Additional Employees sent to the Recruitment
Manager as an archive. Copies 2, Approval of Additional Employees delivered to the
Branch Office for further action.
Application letter sent by the applicant to the branch office is archived by the Branch
Office. The Branch Office accepting job vacancies and create Selection Results of
Application Letter. Then, Selection Results of Application Letter are archived and
recruitment system conducted by PT. TIKI has been completed.

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