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Works deep sleep pillow spray is clinically proven to improve sleep quality and daytime

In July 2013, natural skincare brand, This Works, undertook a study on over 200 healthy male and
female subjects aged 12 plus with sleep problems. The study design was that of a home-use study to
assess the efficacy of deep sleep pillow spray sleep plus pillow spray vs. a placebo (synthetic lavender).

For each claim, responses were broken down into age groups 12 17, 18-30, 31-45, 46-55 and 56+.

The active group performed better than the placebo group in all areas tested, validity claims including:
Aides a better nights sleep
Help fall asleep faster
Feel less tired in the morning
Feel less anxious in the day

The results

Deep Sleep
Pillow Spray
I fell asleep faster after using deep sleep pillow spray
I felt I had a deeper sleep
I felt less anxious about trying to get to sleep after using the spray
I felt less anxious in the day after using the product
I felt less tired in the morning after using the product
I felt less tired in the day after using the product

86% of the subjects said they would recommend using deep sleep pillow spray

Age Group Preferences
By comparing the different age groups, 18-30 years olds benefitted most from using the deep sleep
pillow spray; they fell asleep faster (91%), felt less anxious during the day (91%), felt more refreshed
in the morning (86%) and felt they had a better nights sleep (95%).

Reduced Anxiety
A high success rate across all age groups felt less anxious during the day especially in the age groups
of 18-30 and 31-45 year olds both showing the greatest percentage of agreement at 91% positive.
Furthermore, 97% of 56+ age group felt less anxious about drifting off to sleep.

The deep sleep pillow spray also appears to reduce the anxiety associated with getting to sleep,
something that is very common amongst those who suffer from insomnia and this reduced feeling of
anxiety is sustained during the course of the day.

Whilst the older age group, those 55+ saw the greatest improvement in getting to sleep with 97%
feeling less anxious about drifting off to sleep. Plus this group were the highest to report being less
tired in the morning (89%).

Quality of Sleep
The 12-17 year age reported the greatest improvement (98%)in sleep disturbance. 91% participants
of 18-30 and 31-45 year olds felt the deep sleep pillow spray helped to fall asleep faster and 91% 3145 age groups felt it helped aid a deeper nights sleep.

Daytime Wakefulness
98% of candidates in the age group 46-55 and 56+ felt less tired during the day and 89% felt less
tired in the morning.

The improvement in daytime Wakefulness reported after using deep sleep pillow spray includes
being alert and able to study or work at your optimal level has implications in education, industry
and society in general.

The This Works deep sleep pillow spray can be used on all age groups as part of a night time routine
and this is of particular interest given the rising level of sleep problems reported in children and young
adults and reluctance to use medical interventions.

These results clearly show that deep sleep pillow spray is highly efficacious at improving sleep quality
including getting to sleep and staying asleep.

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