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Geophysical Research Abstracts

Vol. 17, EGU2015-PREVIEW, 2015

EGU General Assembly 2015
Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.

Preliminary geomorphological mapping and characterization of the

Ngouni-Nyanga region in the south-west Gabon
Dieudonne Mouketou-Tarazewicz
University of Libreville, Dept of Geography, Libreville, Gabon (, +24106899810)

This paper aimed to develop a preliminary geomorphological mapping and

characterization of the Ngouni watershed, in the south-western part of
Gabon by the use of geomorphological mapping methodologies developed in
the sub-commission on geomorphology mapping of the IAG (Klimaszewski,
1963), supported by Geo-tools (remote sensing data and geographical
information system software). As the main material used to map the
Ngouni watershed were obtained by the Program SRTM/NASA (Digital
Elevation Model DEM with 90 m. resolution. The DEM were geoprocessed
using Erdas Imagine and ArcGIS 10.1 to generate maps of slope,
hipsometric and Shaded Relief (auxiliary products for characterization
and mapping). This was followed by the methodological assumptions of
AFRICOVER PROJECT. This disclosed the possibility of applicability of
Geo-tools allied methodologies devoted to geomorphological and
physico-geographical elements mapping.
Key words: Ngouni Watershed, south west Gabon, geomorphological mapping, Digital Terrain Modeling.

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