ENG Y1 SK Textbook

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SEKOLAH KEBANGSAA\ TEXTBOOK " STANDARDS-BASED CURRICULUM FOR PRIMARY SCHOOLS ENGLISH YEAR @ SEKOLAH KEBANGSAAN BAHAWASANYA NEGARA KITA MALAYSIA MENDUKUNG CITA-CITA HENDAK: Mencapai perpaduan yang lebih erat di kalangan seluruh masyarakatnya: Memelihara satu cara hidup demokratik; Mencipta satu masyarakat yang adi di mana kemakmuran negara akan dapat dinikmati bersama secara adil dan saksama; Menjamin satu cara. yang liberal terhadap tradisi-tradisi kebudayaannya yang kaya dan berbagai-bagai corak; Membina satu masyarakat progresif yang akan menggunakan sains dan: teknologi moden; * Writers Sarah a/p M. Ganasegeram Norehan binti Mohd. Noch: Nabina a/p Pushpanathan . x Maka kami, rakyat Malaysia, berikrar akan menumpukan # — seluruh tenaga dan usaha kami untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut 2 a a Editors. berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip yang berikut: + KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN * KESETIAAN KEPADA RAJA DAN NEGARA + KELUHURAN PERLEMBAGAAN * KEDAULATAN UNDANG-UNDANG * KESOPANAN DAN KESUSILAAN Ana Suhana bint Zainuddin Othman bin Ahanad pe Ss —— Z i a Designer Fauziah binti Ismail # 2 e Hlustrator Rosli bin Hamid @ 2 Colourists Azhar bin Hassan Khuzae bin Mohamed Rolin Azrar bin Abd, Azib Muhammad Hanif bin Khalid Dewen Bahasa dan Pustako 20 aaa Kix 9720-1122" 00680-2107 ISBN 979-985-¢6-0560- First Printing 2011 @ Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka 20°41 All rights reservad. Ne part of this Suck may be 1epinduced oF ansmitied in any form of by ahy means, electronic cr mechanical including photocopying, recerding, of any information storage ane! retrieval system without permission in writing from the Director-General, Dewan Bahasa dan Puslaku, PO. Box 10803, 50926 Kuala Lurnp Malaysia. Negotiation is subjoc! be Une calcula royally or honora vl Publisher: Dewan Babaen dan Pusiakat Julian Duman Bahasa S040 Kuala f umepur Malaysia Tel 032148 1011 Fax : 03-2148 1989 Dosign ane! lypewel Printer, CETAKRAPI San, Bhd No, 228 23, Tan 5200 Kepong, Kula Lumpur. Acknowledgements: The Ministry of Education, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka and the panel af writers would like to express their appreciation for the contributions made by the following parties * Editorial panel of the Ministry of Education + Editorial panel af Dowan Bahasa dan Pustaka + Phonics consultant Puan Nik Eliani bt Nik Nawi + Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Tun Dr. Ismail 2 + Zoo Nogara, Hulu Kelang, Ampang Selangor Every effort has been made to trace the ‘ownership of copyright materials Any information that enables the publisher to correct any errors or omit any materials in future reprints is welcomed. Say It Nicely My Favourite Toys INTRODUCTION English Vear 1 (SK) ‘of the Textbook (TB) and twe Activity Books (AB Parl 1 - Unit 1 to 15; AB Part 2 - Unit 16 to 30). Wtis based on the Standard Document of the Primary Schoo! Curriculum for Yeers 1 and 2. The package aims to give puoile a confident sian» laamning English through fun-filed, meaninghi! avd 8. The TE It modules: Listening and Speaking, Reading, Wriling andl Language Ars. The language inputi* he TBs based on three thames - tre World of Self, Family and Friends, the World of Sicries and the "orld of Knowledge. Tre materials in the TB also incorporat emphases te pregare pupils for eal world chal enges The mater als ir the Textbook: provide ideas to introduce ard cewelop language sxills and phonemic awareness, suggest activities te help pupils pra stlucture af) 88ggest a var'ely cf enjoyable and meaningful acties lo help teachers use phonigs to leach English. Ths section is divided inlo two perts ) Hi, good morning! | Lam Dolly Dog. _) jal bookanorks. The pupils use the bookmarks 4o oct out the story on pages Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes Head and shoulders, Knees and toes, Knees and foes, Knees and toes, Head and shoulders, Knees and foes, Eyes, ears, mouth and nose. rls of the body. Sing-and poi to toe cifferent pars cf Ihe body sal Snap, Clap and Stamp One day, Litle Bear could not sleep. 1 was noisy in the jungle. He heard an elephant say, “I can stamp my feet. Stamp! Stamp! Stamp!” He heard a monkey say, “I can clap my hands. Clap! Clap! Clap!” Then he heard a tiger say, “T.can snap my fingers. Snap! Snap! Snap!” Little Bear ran away. Then he saw a log. He sat on it. He closed his eyes and fell y\« asleep. Little Bear snored. "8 ee) It was noisy in the jungle. i 20 AD £12, 14 , skip, I can skip, Skip, skip, I can skip, T can skip with you. & ee é Hop, hop, I can hop, Hop, hop, I can hop, Hop, hop, I can hop, I can hop with you. 0 ‘Sing with ectons: Ask the pupls lo folows Substitute ‘skip’ and "hop" will lhe dtons: elim, jump, run and walk TAAL 3 fA vet “= Wheel of Sounds Take turns to throw the dice. os, Nad. Form words. Itiso pin pin is in {oe tin. fin is on Hie mat. SS NaN Ee 21 9IotIbh 215, 7 Tf You Are Happy and You Know It If you are happy and you know it, Clap your hands, If you are happy and you know it, Clap your hands. Tf you are happy and you know if, And you really want to show it, Tf you are happy and you know it, Clap your hands. ae. the song vdth other achons, Substitute ‘clay it hors ‘ * * : By sca sna P Unie hors wif ‘snap your Angers, ‘slop your thighs — Ry na stay Clean, 382 * Sing together. This Is the Way Hello boys! This is the way, We wash our hands, Wash our hands, Wash cur hands. This is the way, We wash our hands, Before we eat an orange. Hella girls! This is the way, We scrub our hands, Scrub our hands, Scrub our hands. } This is the way, a We scrub our hands, After we go to the toilet. +, Sing wih actions, Repeat the sony, Subsiike wash’ wits ‘rinse ond ‘scrubt wh wipe’ =—seas Listan and do, Steps to Wash Your Hands [i oMalch he Soune, use Ihe picture to inlroduce the words inh dot ood the corrsspaniding graphemes. Ask the pupils “2 ‘shck the sound cans “esti the coment ikims. | & ‘word points fa the pupils wht match hem comecty | | Tn Clean cr Dry", prepare «set of pichure cards showrrg clean ilems and cnother se! af piclure cords shawing dirty lems. The pupils read the words on the pickute cares ond place them accordingly. Add rove piclure cards vnilhy weeds coedainingsthe phonemes /g¥ and or. . geir Pee qm Read and sing. i ane’ Meet My Family ‘9 Little Ton , a Little Tom is on the mop, % Fs On the mop, te Sing together. On the mop, Little Tom is on the mop, He is sleeping on the mop T Love My Family This is my family, This is my family, Hi-ho, my family, This is my family. Lifle Tom is on the pot, On the pot, On the pot, - Little Tom is on Ihe pot, He is sleeping on the pot. I love my family, I love my family, Hi-ho, my family, T love my family. My father loves me so, My father loves me so, Hi-ho, my farnily, ! My father loves me so dpe. My ete cask the pupils lo “low: Repeat the song andl substitute Tolhar with other farniy members. me * ” Word Race ar Role-play. pote its Smeal ot / “L want you to form the word | ‘mm’ ‘o'‘p’... mop. lam Pat. This is my family. ‘Hallo, good morning. I am Pat's mother Hi, Tam her father. (Hi, good moming. | a a es Lam Pat's brother. | Good morning. ‘ Tam her sister. | 7e@e09, uk a . er | 4 Pr ifs compete tu fore the wards gven it the ward fst, The pupils say the phonernies Tho pupils iiroduce themselves. Gther pupils take urns +2 become folher’, moe’, ‘bruther end / pee be pails compere ie D hecehes Beer eolicathevsatves cs vou Bp oid the vis award poinls1o ihe group thot frishos isk tha pupils bring Ihe family photos for a Show ond Tel” cathy Pat saw the map. Her mother saw the map. Her sister saw the map. Her brother saw the map. read together. A Magic Map Patsatonamak Her father, mother, brother and sisler sat on the mat too. er father saw a pot. gahere was a map in “< the pot. Her father took the map. There was a litle ant on the map. There was a pin on the map. What happened next? There was a fop on the map. * Fun Family Mobile 1 Getsome family photographs. > Paste the photographs on “ coloured paper. alc the photographs to a clothes hanger. Hello, good morning. ie T ani Adam. = . { This is my family. a — a | _ddy “ter eats an “range. Tene pee enecTE Down a Busy Lane " There is one cat walking down, Walking down, walking down, There is one cat walking down, Down a busy lane. Walking down, walking down, There are two cats walking down, | There are two cats walking down, | Down a busy lane. . the numbers ene (1 40 #e7 101, On each card inclade Ine auniber and the veord. cards while singing Ine song “72 Count and say. ‘Old Pak Karim’s Farm Old Pak Karim has a farm, eieia, |) And on his farm, he has some ducks, ej é/ 0, With a quack quack here, And a quack quack there, EB 4 Here a quack, there a quack, ‘a J Us w ge verywhere a quack quack, Old Pak Karim has a farm, e/e@io. (f5)

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